Mx Female Looking for a couple long-term partners


Handsome Daredevil
Apr 28, 2017
Good evening, thank you for stopping by

I took a long break from the site to take time to focus on my career, and since I’m in a break period, I wanted to seek new partners to rekindle this older hobby of mine.

I like to make my posts very descriptive so if my posts are too long just let me know and I’ll adjust for you. That doesn't always mean I’ll give you a novel though; I can’t make long posts if people only send me one paragraph or just a couple lines. I try to give more than what I’m given but I can’t make something out of nothing.
My posts will probably be about 2-3 paragraphs each depending
Please be literate and open to suggestions and I will do the same.
While I post what I’m looking for, I’m always open to suggestions to my ideas or brand new ones so by all means, shoot them through my pms and we can brainstorm together. It is a partnership after all.

Roleplay Categories
I rarely do tv shows, I can do certain animes like MHA, or if you would like to pitch one to me we can discuss it. Odds are I have an idea of it at least

Video Games include but not limited to:
Apex Legends
Suikoden (I can explain this one)
Infamous series, specifically second son
Dragon Age
Bloody Roar (I can also explain this one)
Dying Light
Last of Us
Ghost of Tsushima
(We don't have to follow specific plotlines or play characters directly from the video game, we can just follow the universes in a custom plot of our own)

Other ideas include but not limited to:
Angels/Demons/Gods etc.
Superheroes (I love superheroes so this is always a yes)
Medieval times (Fairly well at this since my name is based on a heroin but also because I love history)
Anything involving 1920s specifically but I can do 1800s-1980s
Any type of apocalypse (Zombies, Disease, Nuclear World, AI takeover, etc.)
Fantasy Worlds
Totalitarian Country/World
Intergalactic Wars (Like Star Wars or Star Trek or Lost in Space except I have only seen Lost in Space so original ideas would be great…)
Darker themes which I can explain thoroughly if asked

I'm not against it in the slightest- but most of my roleplays I would prefer 80% story, 20% smut, it keeps it interesting
If you have ideas that involve more smut than plot, I am more than happy to make adjustments, I want my partners to feel comfortable and confident in our stories.

If at any point you feel uncomfortable or you don’t like how the roleplay is going, please tell me. I’d rather we talk about it so I can either fix the issue or we can just drop it there. I’d rather that than having my partner fall off the face of the Earth and I’m left in the dark. I can’t fix anything if I don’t know the problem. I like to be respectful, please do the same.

I do plan on attending classes in the fall- I am currently working FT with 12 hour shifts. It's a busy schedule but be advised I do reply as soon as I am able to and I do my best to make my responses worth the wait. I try not to make my partners wait weeks for a reply, at most I try to reply within a couple of days.

I can roleplay through pms, email, or discord, which I will disclose after we've established all the details.

I hope to hear from you:)
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