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Favorite type of RP?


Aug 4, 2023
So I'm new here, and I would love to get a general feel of what people like here!
That being said what type of genre do you enjoy? Slow-Burns? Fast paced?
Great question!

Personally, I love a slow-burn. Romance is probably my favorite genre. I also enjoy writing for multiple (sometimes many) different characters and stir the pot and get a lot of drama going lol.
I find, myself, that the pace can be subject to the particular plotline, plus also it depends on the complexity of depth that the two partners decide to. Personally, even with a bit of a simple romance story, I do love giving out even some small details even in shorter posts, be it of the surrounding environment or little details seen by a character themselves.
I agree with Winekiss. I love a slow burn romance. I like there to be twists and turns in the plot as well. Drama is great, but nothing too dark.
Great question!

Personally, I love a slow-burn. Romance is probably my favorite genre. I also enjoy writing for multiple (sometimes many) different characters and stir the pot and get a lot of drama going lol.
Sounds GREAT to me.
It really depends, I like to stay open and try different things. You never know what you like until you try it at least once.
Now, I do gravitate to drama, angst, trauma and the healing and overcoming of those the most. Pair that with character development and romance and in return I am willing to attempt writing whatever it is my partner wants in return!
Intense RPs. Drama, action, plot twists, magic, trauma, sex, or anything heart-pounding needs to be quite regular. I see downtime as only build up towards the next grand scene. I find slow burns and overall typical slice-of-life quite boring. Still, I see the appeal for others.
I like anything with a good story that moves efficiently from scene to scene. I just want to enjoy the scenes without over dwelling in them. I’m some kind of happy medium between slow burn and fast paced I think…
Action/adventure! and fantasy and sci-fi stuff are my bread and butter. Aliens, spacey settings, goblins and orcs, etc. I love narratives with a violent promise. Dark themes, too.

I like episodic RPs. By that I mean, ones that aren't expected to go on for months on the same story. Not exactly a one-shot, and not by any means a "long-term" endeavor. Same characters but written in short stories that can be summed up like an episode. I'm not very good at traditional "romance" themes. I'm also not good at writing as a whole cast of characters (but background NPCs are good to fill in the world and make it less empty). So a focus on a just our couple of characters is best for me.

I absolutely LOVE to develop characters and do scene setting.

...and obviously, as this is an adult-writing site, I love writing about sex. I write it in a range from loveless-primal-fucking to sweet-and-intimate-lovemaking. Though I probably have more experience writing it in the former than the latter.
I tend to go for slice of life romance and like it to move slowly in the early going, but a lot of people get bored with that.
I don't like one particular one. But there are a few ones:
  • Cold start, than slow burn. Think 007 movie. We start with a bang (could be action scene, could be sex scene, could be heated argument, could be alltogether), but then we resolve it and go into more slow-burn.
  • I used to DM in my late teens and early twenties. Don't have time to do it properly now, so I run a few DM'ed games with multiple charactes here.
  • Less RP and more writing. Most people are not into that, but I like to have an outline with partner, and sort of write it as a draft of the novel. It's not real writing, real writing is editing-editing-editing. But this one is fun :)
  • I like reading slice of life. I don't know how to properly write one.
I like my RPs dramatic, angsty, psychologically thorough and emotionally intense. It works best when the characters involved are deeply flawed and complicated, for me at least. Whether or not it develops into something smutty, the heart of the story is in its characters and tone.
Slow burn, story-heavy, character-driven, slice-of-life (-ish); romance/soft is a must. Not too fussed about genre, but tend more towards modern and fantasy.
So I'm new here, and I would love to get a general feel of what people like here!
That being said what type of genre do you enjoy? Slow-Burns? Fast paced?
Im new here too tbh. I like fast paced sorta things. I think slow burns are cool too but i find that sometimes drawing it out kinds kills the heat of the moment sexual tension unless its done properly. Idk what genre I enjoy most. I like smut and roleplays with age differences sometimes or other times i enjoy monster stuff. I think its all about who you’re interacting with and what you agree to do.
So I'm new here, and I would love to get a general feel of what people like here!
That being said what type of genre do you enjoy? Slow-Burns? Fast paced?
One with a story/plot to it. Not just erotic/smut. I prefer a build-up/tension between characters that don't just jump straight into the sack with the other person. Finding that seems damn near impossible though, anywhere you go.
For me it's all about the characters and details. Vivid descriptions so that you can taste the food and feel the moisture in the air condensing on your skin.

I like dark themes, broken/flawed characters who wrestle with their inner demons, struggling against what is right versus what they want. Overcoming their own nature, trying to be something more than simple gut reactions. Imbalanced power dynamics can be fun. I want some grittiness and both feet firmly in reality. I don't like simple solutions where someone just waves a wand (figuratively) and the problem goes away. Characters working together, struggling to solve problems is the heart of most stories.

All of this can happen in most any setting or genre, even slice or life or romance. I like a story setting to have plenty of options for things to happen. Most times characters either struggle against themselves, struggle against each other or struggle against outside elements. I like to have those options available to provide problems for the characters so they can work together to overcome external adversity. It's frustrating if the two main characters are always at odds with each other. It's better to have ups and downs.
For now, at least, I prefer short-term, kind of fast-paced stuff, preferably gritty and darker, with more taboo themes. But, as with everything in life, that's always subject to change!
Hmm. I think for myself I rather enjoy nsfw, lol. I mean I suppose that is a given. I suppose for me then it is romantic with smut involved but some development of character at that. I'm sort of driven by fandoms though so yeah anything playing around with established characters is a good time to be had.
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