Mx Female Cookie's Request Thread


Apr 27, 2018
Hello, I hope your well; this is my totally honest request thread.



Man character (mine):
29 years old

Woman character (yours):
19-28 years old
less than 5ft11in
Submissive (can be rebellious, angry, fiery)


  • Must follow all site rules.
  • Over 18 is a must.


80%p/20%s to 10%p/90%s. pretty much a large range but as of recently I'm looking for more smut.


Making out
Bondage domination submission
Feminine traditional woman

Posting rate, quality, and quantity:

Up to many responses a day due to long vacation.

Quality wise I don't mind; as long as I can understand you.

Quantity from 100 words to 1000; I enjoy anything in between, but recently I've been writing easier and shorter posts like 500 words.


I like to make one up with you as I don't have anything specific right now. But for simple example sakes:

  • King (MC) has an arranged marriage with a princess; after all a king got to have a queen!
  • Mafia boss (MC) kidnaps (YC) who is a detective trying to take down the mob boss.
  • A vampire (MC) needs blood to replenish his vitality. (YC) works at a factory and has to work next to a new co-worker. A hungry vampire...

These are a just a few very simple very basic examples of somthing I'd love to do! Pitch me your own ideas if you have something specific you crave.


I don't often do fandoms but here are a list of all the shows I know well;
  • Harry Potter
  • Lord of the Rings
  • Supernatural
  • Inuyasha
  • Hellsing
  • Star Wars
  • Bleach
  • Babylon 5
  • Rick and Morty
  • Futurama

Let me know if you have a specific fandom, even if I don't know it I can try and role with it; it all depends on what your looking for. Here is an example of what I've done so far:

***Inuyahsa - Sesshomaru x Rin (Lot of experience with this one, I play a good Sesshomaru!)
Harry Potter - Original character x Original character

One fandom I'd like to do is a Sesshomaru x Rin as I've not done one in a very long time; in the roleplay Rin is 18 and over, she's grown and Sesshomaru takes her with him and Jaken again as Naraku has once again returned. This is a basic idea and I'm willing to hear your take; I would like to start a Inuyasha roleplay.

Character sheets:

We can do a quick photograph (Realistic, Anime, Fantasy, all good).

We can also write some few bullet points about unique features of our characters.

Well that pretty much it; message me if you have any questions and/or want to play!
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