Mx Female werewolf polyamory


Jan 20, 2020
Hello to anyone reading this.
I have a plot that started with one partner who ghosted right after the first post. It is open to anyone who wants to pick it up.

This plot is about a polyamorous relationship between one woman and two males. All of them are werewolves that can have two forms: a human and a wolf. I will play the two male werewolves and I am looking for a partner to play the female role.

The smut part can take different combinations of humans and wolves.

As I said, I will play 2 dominant males, both of them desire one young female, the clan healer. The two males are best friends. They grew up very close and were for their whole life inseparable. This changed when they both prepare themselves for the unique clan competitions of choosing the next leader of the clan. Both of them are strong and want this position. A special contest event of the clan is taken place to select the leader of the clan from all candidates. The event includes a series of tests and competitions. As it turns out both of them get equal scores and the clan elders have to pick one of them.
At the same time frame, they also have to pick a woman to mate. And they both have an eye on the same woman, the clan healer.

Here is the first post of the RP:
One female werewolf between two male wolves (rrr256 x ???)

Please talk to me in private (PM) to discuss the plot. Feel free to ask questions if you have ones. I am open to changes.
Looking for someone to participate.
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