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Bump! I'll get to convos tomorrow or Friday, I have like... zero energy at the moment. 😔
Bump time!
Got to a few messages today, more tomorrow. I am and can be slow as snails, this is a warning. I'll get to people in time. 🥺
I'll take one more smut focused roleplay after this post for the time being. Much as I love the lewd, writing it with toooo many people at once just drags and looses it's spark so to say.
Another snail bump! At the moment it seems like my energy limit is like.. two bigger convos per day orz...
Still ONE spot open for smut centric rp!
Ish bump.
This week I'll be on a couple of trips out of town and will be more tired than usual so I may not reply as fast or until the weekend! Still ONE spot open for smut centric rp!
Bump. Please pay attention to the first post before requesting from today.
Edited thread again.
Got several messages of interest since yesterday (All from this thread and not my fandom one 8'), but if I haven't responded to you prior to the edit, you either haven't read the thread at all beforehand, or you've multimessaged. Please do not attempt again.
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