Mx Female The Path to Eminence (Saltburn inspired)


Decidedly British Dom
Apr 13, 2015
  • ⠀⠀
    S T A T U S : OPEN ⠀⠀⠀⠀T I M E Z O N E : GMT ⠀⠀⠀⠀A G E : 31

    Welcome to my little corner of the site, this time I'm looking for something a little more specific, a little itch I'd love to scratch over the Christmas break (and beyond). Spoiler alert: It's Saltburn inspired. What does this mean? Well, it means this plot is centred on a stranger being invited into the family home of a mysterious and ancient family, engrossing himself in their lives, using his wits, his charm and his sexual prowess to work his way through the family until he is the rightful owner of the manorhouse. This plot will include drama, intrigue, very possibly murder. It's a highly flexible plot that can be whatever we want it to be! But if you've seen Saltburn, it's those kinds of vibes I'm looking for (though very much MxF).

    I am a long time site member and supporter. I've been roleplaying for most of my life and discovered BMR back in 2015. I jumped in head first and embraced the site as an outlet for the kinks and plots you don't get a chance (and don't want to) experience in real life. For that reason, my plots and passions tend to lean towards the taboo, the extreme, and the fantastic.

    I'm UK-based, early 30s, and quite active. Whilst I aim to reply about once a day, I am usually around to reply to OOC fairly often in the GMT. I'm a big fan of OOC chats with my partners – nothing personal, but I'm happy to chat kinks, plots, motivations, and characters, I operate on a "help me to help you"-energy. Give me what you want to see and I'll do my best to repay that in spades.

    My responses vary from roleplay to roleplay, but my comfort zone is somewhere between 400 - 800 words, although I don't like to pad out a post just to hit a certain word count. I'm literate, my grammar is solid and I aim to give quality responses in every post. Please check a few of my thread-based RPs if you want any writing samples, or message me and I'll send some your way! I love to include images in my posts, such as references to clothing, places, settings, landscapes, kinks, and face claims.

    I have⠀
    a p h a n t a s i a , meaning I cannot visualize things. I love it when a partner goes the extra mile and adds images and gifs and the like to their posts, but unfortunately, this also infects my writing. Sometimes I forget small details or don't describe something as adequately as others might. However, I do my best but appreciate it might be a limitation if you're the kind of person who adores pouring over every small detail in a roleplay. I will say, anyone willing to play Multiple characters, or indulge in some darker kinks will get my full attention!

    Feel free to
    send me a message! Everything is here to inspire ideas and persuade you that I am the partner you're looking for. If I hit the right note, but you don't see the plot you want, message me, so we can figure something out together.

  • P A I R I N G S : M x F (preferably with female IRL partners)

    M E D I U M : PM > Discord > Threads

    L E N G T H : 400 - 800 words

    V I S U A L S : I love pictures! Flood the roleplay with them!

    F A C E ⠀C L A I M S : Real life face claims with a public presence

    O O C : Encouraged and a must!

    ⠀⠀⠀⠀anal sex (giving)⠀⠀⠀⠀adulteryimmobilization (bondage)⠀⠀⠀⠀anal prolapse⠀⠀⠀⠀
    begginganal trainingelectric toysscat / vomit
    clothed sex/high heelsbreath controlgore
    humiliationorgasm control / denialmasks
    Power Exchangecoercion/dub-consmoking
    leash & collarexhibitionism/public funvanilla sex
    sex toyshair pullingpegging
    FFM, FFFM, FFMM etcdouble penetrationtomboys

    Check out my
    e n t i r eF - listH E R E .


"Lots Of People Get Lost In Fairhaven"

  • A Path to Eminence

    "Lots Of People Get Lost at Fairhaven...."


    Saltburn was an amazing film, one that stayed with me long after I watched it, engrossing my thoughts and I immediately knew it would make the basis of an excellent roleplay. It has everything you think you'd need for a roleplay. Drama, mystery, clash of personalities, enemies to lovers, murder and sex! I highly recommend a watch.

    This plot unashamedly borrows heavily from the vibes of the film, from the idea of a summer captured by teens living their most idyllic life, enjoying the sun in the vast fields of the estate, skinny dipping in the pool, playing tennis whilst drinking and wearing dinner jackets and throwing ridiculous parties. To the more grander, older tale, formal dinner parties where how and who you make your introductions to matter, how you dress is precisely critiqued and polite shade is thrown in a way that gives plausible deniability that no offence was meant.

    It is very much a collaborative roleplay, with nothing really set in stone and we'll agree some details as we go. Are you interested in seeing the mother involved? How about a depraved threesome between the stranger, the father and mother?

    Are the staff involved? Are they free-use for any guest to use as they wish? Are skinny dipping midnight encounters common? What kinks, cravings and flaws do the cast have?

    Ideally I'm looking for a partner to play multiple women, though that doesn't mean you'll be doing all the heavy lifting! I'm more than happy to do my part and play any number of NPCs, guests, staff or what have you to ensure the setting feels vibrant and alive!


    S T A T U S : OPEN
  • ef0b5791d5968d193c5bbc3279ae4979.jpg
    Fairhaven Manor is surrounded by lush greenery and rolling hills. The estate covers several acres, with a meandering driveway lined with ancient oak trees leading up to the grand entrance.

    Architecture: The manor is a magnificent example of Jacobean architecture, featuring intricate stone carvings, mullioned windows, and a slate roof that has weathered many storms. Ivy gracefully climbs the exterior walls, adding to the timeless charm of the estate. The journey to this clandestine retreat begins with a meandering driveway, an ancient pathway that winds through an arboreal tapestry of twisted oak and gnarled branches. These trees, adorned with lichen that seems to glow in the moonlight, form a natural veil, protecting the manor from the prying eyes of the outside world.

    As the drive progresses, a sense of anticipation builds, accompanied by the subtle rustle of leaves conspiring overhead. The whispers of the wind carry stories of centuries past, tales of love and loss, of joyous celebrations and quiet contemplation.

    The air surrounding Fairhaven Manor is tinged with a sweet scent, a delicate perfume emitted by the hidden gardens that flank the entrance. These gardens, although meticulously maintained, seem to possess a life of their own, with flowers that bloom in hues unseen elsewhere, adding to the mystique of the estate.

    Beyond the canopy of trees, the manor emerges like a vision from another era. Its Jacobean architecture, bathed in the soft glow of twilight, presents a silhouette that beckons with both elegance and intrigue. Ivy, entwined like an ancient spell, clings to the stone exterior, creating an enchanting mosaic of shadows that dance in response to the flickering candlelight from within.

    The very location of Fairhaven Manor seems to blur the lines between reality and fantasy. It is a place where time, like the ivy, has woven itself into the very fabric of the surroundings, and each step on the estate grounds carries a weight of history, a sense that one is walking through the pages of a timeless tale. The secrecy of the location, guarded by the sentinel oaks and the ethereal ambiance, makes Fairhaven Manor not just a physical place but a journey into a realm where the past and present coalesce in a dance of enigmatic beauty.


    • Manicured Gardens: Surrounding Fairhaven Manor are meticulously maintained gardens, with a sprawling lawn, vibrant flowerbeds, and a charming walled garden that bursts with colour during the spring and summer months.
    • Outdoor Swimming Pool: Tucked away in a secluded corner of the estate is an inviting outdoor swimming pool. Surrounded by flowering shrubs and comfortable loungers, it provides a refreshing retreat during the warm summer months. The pool area is adorned with classic statues and urns, creating an atmosphere of refined relaxation.
    • Fountains: Graceful fountains adorn the gardens, their gentle streams of water creating a soothing ambiance. One particularly grand fountain is centrally located in front of Fairhaven Hall, its sculpted figures and cascading water adding an air of sophistication to the estate.
    • The Orangery: A beautiful glass structure filled with exotic plants and flowers, the orangery serves as a peaceful retreat for residents and guests. It's a place to enjoy afternoon tea while basking in the warmth of the sun, with views of the nearby fountains and pool.
    • Woodland Trails and Maze: Beyond the manicured gardens, the estate boasts extensive woodlands with winding trails. Tucked away within the woods is a captivating hedge maze, offering a delightful challenge for those who explore its twists and turns. It's a favorite spot for family gatherings and friendly competitions.

    Estate Features:

    • Fairhaven Hall: The heart of the estate, Fairhaven Hall is an imposing structure with a grand foyer, a sweeping staircase, and a collection of family portraits that trace the lineage back through the ages.
      [*]The Stables: A set of sturdy stone stables stands nearby, a reminder of the estate's equestrian heritage. Horses, once an essential part of daily life, have given way to leisurely rides through the estate's extensive bridle paths.

    The Fairhavens themselves are an old and traditional family, though with a modern twist. The home has been passed down through the family for generations upon generations, each new family adding to the rich backstory and history of the Fairhaven estate.

    The Fairhaven's are a very welcoming and inclusive family, it is not uncommon for guests to stay for weeks or for months, to get wrapped up in Fairhaven and the estate until (rather politely) talk of moving on is mentioned, and as suddenly as they arrived, a guest is gone.

    The extended family is huge, with any number of cousins or relatives around the house at any given time, usually paying their respects, showing their face enough to ensure that their stipend does not go unpaid, to ensure the lives that they are accustomed to are not disrupted. Even those now only distantly related to the Fairhaven name live wealthy and exorbitant lives by post people's standards.

    And that's to say nothing of the staff. A whole entourage of maids, butlers, footmen and gardeners work day and night to ensure the grounds and house are maintained to the highest of standards. Unassuming, always watching, always ready to report back to the family about what they find.

    Whilst the family is old and somewhat traditional, afterall, black tie dinners are the expected for most evening meals, they also have the flair of the modern about them, throwing wild and lavish, bordering on hedonistic parties to show off their wealth to their friends, colleagues and peers. Having 200+ guests on the grounds for something as comparatively insignificant as a guest's birthday party is not uncommon.



    Anton had been desolate and inconsolable for the best part of a year now. He had been living alone, barely doing more than existing since Melissa moved out. Of course, during that time her mother, his now ex wife had left him, leaving Anton in the middle of the night with two suitcases packed and little else. The divorce papers had come with the first morning post. It had been brutal, devastating, not helped by the fact he was now completely alone, his only daughter away, living her life. He hadn't burdened her with the truth for quite some time, not wanting to disturb her shot at independent living.

    He had always been proud of his daughter, supporting her unconditionally. Whether it had been learning the piano, taking dance lessons or making a Harry Potter costume. Now she was deep in a series of internships, trying to find that tough mix of a company that wanted to hire her and a company she wanted to work for. At least, she had been, until recently, where the lack of decent pay meant that she couldn't afford to live alone and follow her dream. Her father had insisted she return to him, to live with him whilst she tried to make everything work out.

    He hadn't realised how hard it had been on Melissa, his despondency, though even if he did, Anton was probably too deep to pull himself out. It would simply cause him more pain. In all honesty, Anton didn't achieve much nowadays, though it was telling that Melissa was the top of his priorities when he refused any rent from her. He spent most of his free time on the computer in the lounge or watching TV, also in the lounge.

    And tonight he was there again, dressed in chinos and a scruffy shirt or was clear he hadn't gotten changed from whatever he had been doing before. He heard Melissa calling to him, telling him that she wasn't working tonight, but it was met with a low grunt, about the best she would get out of him.

    Life was simply passing him by, his eyes barely flicking up to make eye contact with his darling daughter when she entered the room, offering her a weak smile. She tried to engage him, to ask what he wanted to eat. Back in the day Anton had been a rather dab hand cook and loved cooking with and for the family. He was always in the kitchen trying something new or making a family favourite but now? Frozen food or reheated leftovers were about all he ate, if he ate at all.

    "I dunno," he sighed, glancing at her again, the fact she looked so concerned didn't even phase him so far gone was he. "Just put the burgers in the oven and we can have that." It was a far call from how he used to be with her, the idea of such a basic, boring meal would have shocked him. Now it was almost a luxury.

    He hadn't seen any friends in years, his hobbies had dried up, a stack of board games in the dining room collected a thick layer of dust. His eyes fixed on the TV, only adverts were currently on, but he gave them as much focus as he gave anything else that was on, which was to say... Not much.

    He could remember how happy he had been when Melissa returned, that maybe he could use this to make life better, after all, what gave a parents life more meaning than looking after a child? But within a couple of weeks he had started the slope back down, had stopped talking about plans, in fact he had almost stopped talking entirely. He knew it must be hard on Melissa, somewhere deep down, he just lacked the motivation to do anything about it.


    His wry smirk could have been taken for sympathy as she glanced at the lease and signed it. The document was far from boilerplate, including some rather... dubious terms. Not just including detailed specifics on how she was to keep her body, free from hair from the eyebrows down, hair never to be cut under a certain length. Manicured nails to be kept to landlord's standards, attire to be approved by landlord on a daily basis. And then there was more, far in excess of even what came before it. Tenant forfeits all autonomy whilst the agreement is valid, tenant must comply with all requests landlord makes. Tenancy agreement is valid for a period of no less than nine months, lest the party willing to sever the agreement pays $50,000. It was obscene, it was horrid, it would hold up in every single fucking court in the land.

    He grinned as she rose, her delicate fingers sinking into his meaty forearm a little, unable to grasp it at all, foreshadowing what was to come. she was singing his praises, whilst Gaius had designs on her body. "A few bags?" Gaius laughed softly in surprise. He vaguely knew the girl and the kind of life she led, but he would be in jaw dropping shock at the sight of the piles of clothes and bags she presented to him. "Might take more than an hour," he chuckled, wishing her well as she took the stairs, his eyes following her as she went.

    Gaius set to work almost immediately, hauling suitcases and bags out to the utility room. With a state of the art washing machine and tumble dryer it would cut through these clothes in no time, and by the time she was showered, groomed and scrubbed, the first two loads would be finished, enough to keep her in presentable clothing for a few days at least. He marveled how she managed to fit it all in the car at all, though even that thought was lost as he opened the first suitcase, containing some formal dresses. "Not bad," he mumbled to himself as he piled clothes into the machine, marking out a snug green number for her to wear later. The tenancy agreement was valid immediately after all, and so were his expectations.

    As the first load began, he sorted through the other clothes, marveling at the tiny bikinis, the slutty lingerie, all slightly smelling, worn though not soiled. From this, he selected another piece along with some cute white heels to go with it all and round off the look.

    Piles of laundry heaped up, too much for Gaius to competently handle in a short time, cuts had to be made. And by that, he meant "losing" almost two entire bags worth of clothing, the ones containing granny panties, baggy sweatpants and the like, clothes that certainly didn't meet the requirements of her new agreement. They found their way into the large rubbish bins kept in the room ready for rubbish collection day, and he was about to fix himself a drink when he stumbled upon some of her secret items.

    The first thing he found was a box of condoms, extra small. The pencil thin contraceptives so fucking tiny Gaius would struggle to fit one on his thumb. With a rip roaring laughter at the thought of whatever limp dicked prick had to use these. With one elegant arc of the arm, they found themselves in the rubbish as well. The other items were more exciting, if rather tame, a vibrator, Gaius already owned several himself, a small, cute butt plug and some handcuffs, barely sturdy enough to not break under one firm jerk. He grinned, putting the items back, oh, Victoria was certainly in for a fun time.

    Heading upstairs, Gaius left the white lingerie and heels as well as the green dress on her bed, bed in only the most literal term, as she wouldn't be sleeping here, it was merely a storage place for her clothes, as the tenancy agreement stated she would sleep wherever he felt fit to allow her, which was more than likely to be his own bed.

    On top he placed a note, handwritten, his penmanship rather neat and elegant.

    I thought you'd appreciate a fresh change of clothes. Be a good girl and slip into these, as per the tenancy agreement. Give me a call when you're ready to make your first down payment on the rent and we can add in our first tenant inspection whilst we're at it.

    Slipping downstairs, Gaius took a beer from the fridge and a blue pill from the cabinet. Downing both, he waited for Victoria's call. The pill was a performance enhancer, entirely unrequired by the virile stud, but hell, why be good, when you can be better? The pills turned him into a rampant bull and had been a constant source of friction between him and his overly used now ex-wife.


    Built in the 70s, the lodge had something of an iconic history. Nestled away, far from the prying eyes of the world, yet overseeing it with stately grandeur, the lodge had once been home to some of the wildest and craziest orgies of the free love movement of the era. In the past decade, as the push for equal rights and the fight against racism was reignited, the lodge had been bought out as part of a large deal by a black owned hedge fund. Its current use hadn't been intended, but over the years, it had somehow worked it's way into the hands of a small, but proactive bloc of activists, the colloquial name of snow bunny lodge becoming something a little more dark, a little more sinister.

    The lodge served two main purposes, to provide entertainment to black men and their associates, subsidised stays in one of the more remote and prestigious areas on the slopes, and a cultural educational facility, where white and Asian women and their white lovers started their crash course in black superiority and interracial love.

    It had been well maintained through the years, though kept distinctive features from each era, from the shared bathroom to the conversation pit, and now into the technological era, like WiFi controlled central heating, audio and video playback linked to a vast database for immediate viewing and the like. No expense had been spared, and it was simply one of many the group owned and used on a regular basis.

    The two men currently staying at the lodge, having been informed of the college girls booking were Marcus and Tyler, a pair of mid-twenties men that looked like they had been sculpted from ebon clay rather than merely born. The word Adonis would have apt but also somehow not quite right. They were here as ski instructors, which was... Somewhat correct the pair had plenty of experience, but the only thing they were here to instruct the girls with was the superiority of black cock and how to appropriately take it, worship it, love it.

    Marcus and Tyler were enjoying a drink in Marcus' room when the girls entered the lodge. Chatting shit, discussing various aspects of their lives. It was all pregame, the men knew that for the next two weeks, they would have a trio of tight sorority sluts to introduce to the dark side at their pleasure, and like any men engaging in sport, they needed to unwind, relax, cool off before the big moment.

    When Billie called out, it was a distant sound to the men in the bedroom, the sprawling lodge had excellent sound proofing and despite its relatively open planned nature, had a surprising amount of nooks and crannies and little hiding places. "Game time," Marcus stated, a fire in his eyes, a wide smirk across Tyler's own. Rising, the two black men gripped hands and nodded. "Usual bet?" Marcus asked. "First one to get their dick sucked owed a drink?" Tyler reminded himself, to which Marcus nodded. Tyler snorted, knowing Marcus usually won that action. "Sure, but steak dinner for whoever has a girl sneak into their room first?" Marcus agreed, and the two men strode out, revealing themselves to the girls for the first time.

    The pair were dressed rather appropriately for the weather, both wearing purple ski jackets, though wore white shirts and casual jeans underneath. "Hey there?" Marcus asked in a little bit of feigned surprise. Both of them evaluated the three girls with the same dedication and precision as apex predators assessing their next kill. Tyler was focusing on Billie's well toned body, whilst Marcus gave Valentina a little sly wink before clocking Paige's bust. The shock and surprise were shared between both parties, though it was only real on behalf of the girls.

    "We're Marcus and Tyler," the slightly taller of the two explained. "Your ski instructors?" Both parties knew the amount of skiing they were planning on doing was slim, but still. "Your lodge booking included some complementary ski lessons to get you girls to grips with the slopes" He continued to explain as blank looks presented themselves to him. "Our last group finished off a little earlier than expected, so we got here a few hours before we planned to," he explained away their presence. "We like to stop by, say hi, introduce ourselves, maybe grab a coffee and discuss your expectations for the stay before we head to our own lodge," Marcus stepped in, reassuring the girls that they were in fact, temporarily here.

    "We wouldn't want to get in the way of any antics you girls have planned," Tyler laughed, Marcus joining in. "So, you're... Paige, Billie and Valentina?" he asked, pulling out an official looking sheaf of paper that had an official ski resort logo on the front and paperwork including their names. "Welcome to the slopes. Did you know, it has a local name of Zebra Mountain?" Marcus leaned against a nearby wall, relaxing as he went through his spiel. "The whitest snow, with the blackest courses. It's some of the toughest skiing in the state, without a good instructor, you'd be run ragged and weak at the knees the first time you stepped out." Another laugh, Marcus and Tyler well practiced at putting strangers at their ease.

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