Mx Female Pleasure and Power


Dec 29, 2022
The King's Harem

The air was surprisingly cool under the large canopy where the King kept his girls. A welcome relief from the harsh desert heat. The first thing that struck the new slave though, was the smell. The air was thick with a heady, fragrant incense that made her heart race, the rich scent of foods and spices mixed in perfect harmony, and underpinning it all was the familiar, carnal odour of sweat and sex. Rugs, blankets and pillows covered the floor, all in the deepest reds and golds, glittering gently in the low afternoon sun. The room was arranged in such a way that just about anything could be moved and rearranged as needed to satisfy whatever needs the King might have of his harem. A soft, comforting oasis that the new slave had to keep telling herself it wasn't a mirage.

Not to mention the women.

Laid out on just about every pillow were over a dozen women. Each more beautiful than the last, all of them collared just as she was and most of them lost in each other's embrace. Many of them wore nothing at all, and those that did wore such thin straps of lace, chains, leather that they almost seemed more naked. In the centre of the room a stunning brunette cried out in pleasure, her head tilted back, eyes squinted shut as her hips rolled back and forth in a steady motion. It was only when she got closer, she realised another girl was beneath her, pale, petite and pinned firmly under the brunette as she took her pleasure.

A few of the girls took notice of the new slave, eyeing her up and down as she headed across the harem. Some saw her as a curiosity, a new plaything, a partner, a friend, a rival and with every step she took towards the King more of them turned to watch.

He sat on a large gilded throne; eyes locked on the approaching slave. He was bare chested, his dark skin criss-crossed with half a dozen old battle scars, his abs toned from the lifetime of work it took for him to get here. His hair was jet black, cropped short though a little mussed from whatever he had been doing before the new girl had arrived. A young redhead slave was curled around one leg, kissing and worshiping up his thigh idly, as if hypnotised by his very presence. But what really caught the slave were his eyes. They were verdant green, burning into the new slave as if he could see every want and desire she'd ever had, right down to her soul. The King gave her a lazy smirk,

"And who might you be?"

Maid in Paradise

'WANTED: Live in house staff, female aged 18 - 30. Little to no experience required, training will be provided on site by the other staff and the Master of the house. Duties will include all domestic tasks as well as satisfying any of the Master's needs.'

You rolled your eyes a little, it wasn't exactly subtle what 'satisfying any of the Master's needs' referred to. The rain beat against the coffee shop window with a steady rattle, the dull glow of your phone screen reflecting on your face as you scrolled through the endless job listings. Most of your life was packed up on the seat next to you and with nowhere to sleep tonight that strange little advert started to seem more and more appealing.

This wasn't exactly the line of work you had planned on getting into, but there weren't many other options, certainly not on such short notice. You could cook, clean, hell you could suck a cock if that's what it took. The money was incredible, plus free lodging, presumably in the mansion of some ancient rich guy who probably couldn't even get it up anyways.

How hard could it be?

A Night At The Opera

It was an old building. Older even than most could remember. It had been a theatre once, with performers from all over the globe coming to entertain the rich and powerful. Now a different kind of entertainment was brought onto its well worn stage. Pleasure slaves had become the newest fashion for the wealthy, not the rabble dragged in and sold in markets by raiders, but the best of the best. Women who were trained to serve the needs of whoever could meet the often eye watering price these auctions soared to. Occasionally even more prized property came through, the Princess of a now collapsed nation perhaps, or the former CEO of a rival business, now selling off their last remaining asset.

Each day brought new stories to the auction at the Opera House. It had an electric atmosphere, infectious really and it was easy to see why it's regular patrons couldn't stay away for long, even with a harem of beauties waiting for them at home. Who might cross the stage tonight? How might they perform and how high would those numbers get? Slavery had still seemed a dirty business when it had first been legalised, but with the Opera House it seemed practically romantic

The girls were prepped in exacting detail, their every detail measured, catalogued and processed, all for that one perfect moment when they took the stage themselves and were presented for the world on the cusp of the new life that lay ahead of them. As the sun set and the buyers took their seats, the low of hum of excitement became almost unbearable for patrons and property alike. A moment later it would begin, the auctioneer taking the stage, his voice booming out through the old hall as it had done every night since the auction had opened and as it no doubt would long, long into the future.

Soon, they would call your name.

About me

Hey everyone, I'm a pretty experienced writer, I've been roleplaying for the best part of a decade and have plenty more experience writing in my own time. I'm looking for partners to develop a story that is interesting for both of us as well as meet interesting people to write with and get to know.

I can write in either first or third person,. I prefer longer stories but I'm not opposed to more short form content as well if it fits the narrative. I try to be as detailed as I can and write in paragraphs though I don't believe it makes much sense to set a specific number of paragraphs per post, obviously more detail is better but equally rambling on for the sake of filling out an extra paragraph is just as harmful. I like my roleplay to be mainly focused around sex and kink though having a plot and characters is key for long term stories, something that can balance the two is ideal.

I enjoy playing dominant, powerful men which means I have plenty of experience with this type of character. For stories like the ones I outlined above, I'm happy to write for some of the female characters as well, I think its always important to share the story equally and I'd never expect a partner to put in any more work than I do.

What I'm looking for

I'd like to find someone to develop a story with in a similar vein to the ones I outlined above. It doesn't need to be that set up exactly by any means and I look forward to reading your thoughts on the best way to approach something like this. The core to me is the Master/submissive dynamic as well as the harem, everything else can be adapted or changed to best suit our needs.

I think consistency is important and in order not to lose track of things. I try to put effort into my replies and having interesting stories fall apart because of a lack of communication seems like a waste to me. More than anything, I'm looking for someone willing to communicate and develop this into something thats enjoyable for both of us.

Thank you for reading, If you have any questions or would like to talk more feel free to message me,

Dr Apples
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