Mx Female Kadrin Request Thread After What, Ten Years? Five?


Feb 11, 2011
Breeding! Female submission! Harems! Orientation play! Forced orgasm!

Okay, now you should either be interested enough to know you're going to read the rest or not quite that interested but still definitely going to read the rest because you're polite like that. Hello! My name is Patrick. I have been roleplaying for the majority of my life, online roleplaying for about twenty seven years, and erotic online roleplaying since I was eighteen and definitely no earlier. So around twenty one, twenty two years. I flatter myself that I write extremely well and I have various good references to that effect. However, I am both flighty and flaky and also afflicted with anxiety and occasional perfectionism! So if "occasionally disappears for a week with no warning" is one of the things you personally cannot stand, I would recommend avoiding this post.

I'm here primarily for sexual and erotic roleplay, but I am easily distracted into epic and personal tales, banter, and worldbuilding. I am also a huge TTRPG nerd and will make character sheets for entire parties in lieu of RP ideas, and so could probably be talked into "let's just play Cypher System and occasionally there will be boobs". I'm happy in fantasy, modern fantasy, modern, scifi, alternate-tech settings such as steampunk or arcanotech, cyberpunk, and the like, but I don't tend to do historical because I end up spending hours trying to find out what in particular would be historically accurate and it ends up derailing me. Again, I am very fond of worldbuilding and banter and will appreciate those in any context.

For kinks, I mean, I put five big ones up there, but fine, I'm also a fan of anal, spanking, defloration, Stockholm Syndrome (I know it's not a real thing, but most of the things I like aren't real things), humiliation and degradation, and loving and affectionate romance. That last one's not easy to work in with the rest, but it's not impossible, either.

I'm willing to discuss various scene ideas, but to start with, let's suggest...

* Adventuring party in the wild, and the party magus thinks he could use some more warmth in the tents at night, possibly involving the party cleric.
* Evil Man and Evil Woman are working in Evil Organisation and are professional rivals, each trying to get the Best New Scheme going to put themself one over the other. Hierarchically. But also in bed.
* Mean and terrible dominant has seduced and enslaved one half of a lesbian couple; if the remaining half wants to stay with her girlfriend, she'll have to please the new owner.
* Generation ship sets out to found a space colony! And then, a couple of generations later, there we are, and the only life we know is the spaceship, and the culture which is starting to divert from that on Earth. That's probably pretty messed up, right?
* First we are not having sex and then we are having sex and I think we can all agree that that's basically a positive thing.

I also have many other ideas but frankly I don't think anything's going to beat that fifth one.

And let's throw in some pairings, why not! Here are some examples of what I've been thinking of

- barbarian warlord and captured princess
- emperor and defeated queen
- fanatic crusader and excommunicated priestess
Party member/party member
- extremely powerful being that isn't a real god/offering
- not very powerful being that has fooled people into thinking he's a real god/offering
- real no fooling actual god/offering
Father/daughter brother/sister et cetera

I am not fond of playing canon characters myself, because I get very ngh about keeping them close to canon and the irritation factor there outweighs the enjoyment for me, but I'm perfectly happy to play alongside canon characters, whether in their own setting or in a new setting.

I'm not fond of poop, racism, or transformation. So, let's stay away from those things.
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