Mx Female An Arranged Marriage—Historically Inspired or Fantasy; Romance; Political Intrigue


Mar 19, 2020
Hello and welcome!

I think of this request thread as a continuous work in progress. What you see here are all of my preferences and plot ideas at the time of writing. I'm a highly literate, creative, and detailed writer seeking writing partners with those same traits. I have a lot of experience with role playing and I'm looking for even more. It's artistic expression, a whetstone to sharpen my writing skills, and a fun form of entertainment and even escapism.

Me as a Writing Partner:

  • I enjoy collaborating and worldbuidling together, either OOC and/or in the story itself as the plot progresses naturally.
    • This also applies to the plot ideas below. If there is something you want to tweak or change or you have some ideas you'd like to add, then please let me know!
  • I can write in third or first person, with a preference for third.
  • I can write here on BMR through PMs or on Discord, though I've found that I typically write more through PMs than through Discord.
  • My post lengths vary depending on what is needed in the story at that moment. If my character is making a quick response to something that happened, a single paragraph may suffice. But if I'm writing something more descriptive, then perhaps 15+ paragraphs is needed. It's a large range, I know, so if pressed for an average I'll just say 2-5.
    • BUT I generally match the post length of my writing partner. So, if you want more, write more! That gives me more to work with.
  • I usually have one main character and then create side characters as needed/wanted. My main character is male while the side characters consist of males and females. Generally, I expect to control the side characters I create and expect you to control any side characters you create.
  • I do not godmod.
  • I typically can respond several times a day, but not always. If a few days have gone by without a response, feel free to give me a nudge.
  • I very much value communication. If there's a problem or you're not enjoying the story, please let me know! It's likely something that can be fixed and, if not, I don't take offense if a story has to come to an end.
  • I like OOC but I do not need it. If you want to OOC and get to know each other or crack jokes—awesome! If you just want to write and keep OOC to a minimum—also awesome!
My Kinks:

I'm a switch. I have more experience playing dominant characters and, if I had to specify, I'm a dominant-leaning switch. What this means for our story is that I can play as dominant, submissive, switch, or vanilla. My kinks have some flexibility. Overall, sensual touches, tender sex, rough sex, and detailed writing would satisfy my kinks. I'm also a pleaser. So if you really like being tied up in a dungeon and whipped, we can do that. If you really like long, gentle massages, we can do that, too. Please see my F-list here or the purple link at the very bottom of this post, in my signature.

The Idea:

There's a few different plots we could have for this role play. But, in all of them, the story should be characterized by romance, an interesting plot, dynamic characters, and literate writing. Oh, and smut. Almost forgot.

All that being said, while this role play starts with arranged marriage, there is nothing forced or noncon in it. My character will not be a groping bully set on abusing and terrifying his new wife. Keeping the historical nature of this in mind, there are cultural norms he'll observe (e.g. being a gentleman, rules of court, etc.), and there will be a reason for the marriage, a marriage which serves some political aim.

I have a two broad ideas of what the circumstance might be.

  1. Our two nations have been at war. A peace treaty is signed—and then sealed with our marriage. For this idea, our characters would most likely be prince and princess of their respective countries. This option could take place in a world inspired by a historical setting or it could be something more fantastical (elves, magic, etc.).
  2. A marriage to cement an alliance. Like the first option, this could be historically inspired or fantasy based. Here, the families arranged the marriage to form an alliance between them, e.g. between noble families in Renaissance Italy, between two Scottish tribes with a common enemy, etc.
Most likely, my character will begin his marriage with a sense of duty overriding most other feelings. Maybe his new wife feels the same. Or perhaps one or both of them are resistant to the idea, setting up a relationship that has to thaw before things can really heat up. In any case, as the story progresses, a romance will bloom between our two characters. At the same time, there will be things they have to deal with, e.g. family drama, political intrigue, perhaps even foreign relations and war and peace. Cultural difference could also add an interesting aspect to this marriage between strangers—what happens when a prince marries a foreign princess, or a human marries an elf?

All that being said, an element of realism is appreciated. So, please, no love at first sight. Now, maybe our characters are instantly physically attracted to each other and can't keep their hands off each other (in the holy bonds of matrimony, of course). But lust at first sight is infinitely more realistic than love at first sight. Plus, if love happens in the very beginning, then the relationship has nothing to build up to.

Everything above is a general outline of what I'm looking for and what possibilities there are. I love collaborating with my writing partners, brainstorming together and using each other's ideas to make a fun role play. I'm looking for a literate writing partner, one who's creative and enjoys writing characters that are fun to read about. And who that character is is entirely up to you! But a character with a backbone, one with her own interests, ambitions, etc., would be preferable. While historical settings inspired this post, it would make a boring role play if our characters played the cooking cutter roles that social norms dictate. So, wit, banter, humor, and even a fiery personality are much appreciated!

I can write in first or third person. I can write through DMs here or on Discord. If this sounds fun to you, shoot me a message! And feel free to share any ideas you have—I'd love to hear them.
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