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➤ Komm, süsser Tod ┃ Baka's journal (Possible NSFW ┃ comments welcome!)


Enough gay thoughts. It's time for gay actions!
Jun 19, 2023

This is just a place for me to dump stuff. Not sure what stuff just yet. Maybe music? Perhaps anime recs? My whole hentai-folder? Even some important updates regarding roleplaying? Everything is possible!

I try to tag posts appropriately and will put anything NSFW behind spoilers, so you can scroll this without the fear of anime tits and cocks jumpscaring you.

Comments etc. are welcome!

Since I kind of just made this ready to be used I don't have anything specific to post here.

So take the song this thread is name after. Though a handful of people probably knew where the title came from already:

I just read your "You Make My Heart Sing" story and OH MY GOD the last bit is just TOO CUTE. (Sorry for the caps XD) but I really hope things work out for them!! Like, I kinda know they will, but still.
I just read your "You Make My Heart Sing" story and OH MY GOD the last bit is just TOO CUTE. (Sorry for the caps XD) but I really hope things work out for them!! Like, I kinda know they will, but still.
Thank you! Glad you seemed to enjoy it. This is my first time ever attempting to write anything close to a fanfic, let alone share it with the world (or this forum) to read, so your comment genuinely made my day and gave me a nice boost in confidence regarding this and any possible upcoming solo-writing efforts on the site!

I have the story pretty much laid-out, and it will mostly be a feel-good romance with a lot of cute moments and a little dramatic spice towards the end, but the ending will be good one where things work out for them as you guessed.


This is just a general life update. Telling all the fun... and not-so-fun things that have happened to me during these two weeks
where I've been a lot less active for my partners, and anyone who's interested really.

1. Cruise

I was on a cruise at the beginning of the month. Not much to say about it other than I had fun with my friends. Otherwise wouldn't even thinking of going to one. Bingo was fun and we all got addicted to it like the crippled and old 20+ year-old people we are, and I got to spend a day in a new town a day before the cruise, where I found a lot of cool thrift-stores, antiquarian bookshops etc, and bought quite a bit of manga.

2. I got sick. Yay!

Other than some candy and energy-drinks I bought some annoying virus home with me, and was suffering from headache, sore throat, mild fever and sore muscles all the way to the Thursday. Not fun at all, but at least I had time to binge a lot of Gundam, and I got mostly recovered for the event I was waiting for many months!

3. Anime-convention!

Yesterday I came back from anime convention that lasted from Friday to Sunday, and I had a blast. I got to see a lot of my friends (some of which also were on that cruise I mentioned earlier), attended to many interesting panels, bought a lot of merch ranging from figures to fanmade-products like prints and charms (and now my wallet is crying blood as always after every con-weekend), sang a lot of anime-karaoke (spent like... five hours in the karaoke room on last day), ate a lot of good food and had a great time. Also the convention thrift-shops are always amazing. Made a lot of good finds this time around as well (mainly one cast-off figure which usually is 200+ €, but found it 90€, and finally all the volumes of Oshiete Galko-chan I've been hunting for ages now).

I also cosplayed, this time my favorite Evangelion-gal for the first time (aka. Asuka) in her school-uniform. Was contemplating on the Rebuild-one, but this one was much more simple and affordable.

I also met one of my RP-partners for the first time in real life, and they surprised me with two Hugtto Precure-figures that were missing from my collection. I remember mentioning about these to them once almost a year ago, but they somehow managed to find them and get them to me as a surprise. Genuinely one of the best surprises I've ever had, and I need to pay it back to them at the next con we meet.

All in all I had a great time, and I'm missing the fun con-weekend and my friends already, but today we are going to apply to hold a program to one other con with few friends, so we might get together sooner than we thought.

4. And that's all... or is it?

I thought I finally get to chill at home after two weekends of traveling and one week where I was effectively sick, but my aunt and grandmother asked me to visit them due to my extremely chill schedule with schoolwork this week, so I will be going to visit them for a few days from Wednesday to next weeks Monday.

This shouldn't really affect my replies since I will take my laptop with me, but if I may seem slower with my answers that aren't exactly the fastest to begin with then that's most likely the reason.

And that's all for real! Thank you for reading! And have a song I sang on that anime-karaoke as a closer to this update:


Hello again!

I've been talking with my current situation briefly in my status-updates, but thought I should elaborate to my partners where I am mentally at the moment.

I am basically writing this on one sitting without any real plans how to go about this, so sorry if I go on tangents and such.

My situation briefly

Without boring you with any details I have been diagnosed with moderate depression back in 2020. While my overall mood has greatly improved from back then I have depressive episodes where I feel absolutely shit. These usually strike during Autumn, which points to this being a seasonal depression, but since these have also struck during other seasons I am just calling these depressive episodes.

At the moment I am middle of this. Been feeling empty, lethargic and overall just sad and depressed for three or so weeks, and my muse has been the same aside from few exceptions, which I will elaborate a bit later.

Some FaQ-type segment where I answer possible questions

Q: How does this affect to our roleplays

A: Most of you know answer to this one, but I haven't been able to produce anything for majority of my RPs, and sometimes even OOC-replies seem like a tall task to answer. Past few weeks my process has been to stare blankly at the thread I am suppose to reply, maybe get something out or give up trying and coming back to it the next day, and repeating this process again till I eventually get something out.

The guilt of taking my time has also caused me to stress some extent, which isn't really helping the cycle either. Gladly all of my partners whom I've explained this have been extremely understanding and supportive, but it's still extremely tough when you want to write and want to get back to the partners asap, but your mind just be like "Fuck you. You're not doing anything creative today! Actually you don't do anything! Stare at your monitor and think about your pathetic meaningless existence!"

So the effect will be fairly slow an dirregular replies in short till I get my mojo back.

Q: Are you still interested in the play?

A: If I haven't explicitly said that I need to drop out then yes. I still am interested, however I get if you, my possible partner might've lost yours, and if that's the case I would love if you could inform about that to me. No hard feelings. I 100% get that. If you are still interested then I will get back to you sooner or later.

If you decide that waiting for me is not something you want to do feel free to hit me up later as well. I hope I don't burn any bridges with my possible partners thanks to my depressed-ass, so if you rather want to give our thing a go when I'm in a better state of mind then that's something I am ready to do too.

Q: I've seen you bumping your threads despite of all this. What's that about?

A: Long story short that's because there's a certain types of roleplays where I've managed to produce something, and that have brought me comfort and good-vibes during all this. And those are fandom-roleplays. I like my OC-plays a lot, but there's just something about seeing a characters I am already fond of being happy, kinky, getting on adventures in the world they are written in etc. that's healing for me. A character that I like being happy makes me in turn happy, and that gives me some sort of burst to write a reply before the usual cycle repeats.

Frequent bumps are the results of my fandoms being... Sort of niche I guess? There are a lot of mainstream anime- and game-fandoms that get some inquiries, but most of what I'm looking for aren't something people are actively looking for or interested in. Be that magical girls, mecha-fandoms or idols/music-related shows.

So yeah. Trying to gain my mojo back while engaging in writing that makes me the happiest at the moment. Again not saying I am not enjoying OC-plays I have going on, but currently my muse is deriving the pleasure from my filthy weeb cravings.

I don't know what else to write at the moment. I'm sorry for the long delays on my part. I hope to get back at everyone soon. Thank you all for the patience :heart: .

Here's two related songs by BMTH:

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Hello again!

Since condencing all this to a status update would be impossible I decided to do a journal entry.

My availability next month

Holidays are coming. I'm sure we all will be extremely busy during this time, but next month will be more busy for me than I had ever thought.

Some of the events that are going to happen are:

  1. Two-day long metal festival on first and second day of December
  2. On fifth I will go to visit my relatives. Will be there a week. After this I'll go to a lan-party hosted by my friend
  3. I have school on few days, which makes me unavailable on those days.
  4. From 22th to the end of the year I will be travelling all over place. Visiting my grandmother for the holidays, after that visit my friends, and after that will be heading to spend a new year with another friend-group and return home on the 1st day of the next year.
  5. Grinding my anime secret-santa event. Halfway done, but still a lot to watch.

How will I be able to reply?

I'm able to squeeze in replies every now and then... Probably. At least I should be available on OOC if nothing else, but that also might take some time. I'll start to go through my backlog once I return home and have had a breather from the travelling, but you should all get a reply from me to the RPs before Christmas. That much I'm fairly confident promising to you all.

The fear of being a bad partner due to not really getting my replies out has admittedly started to eat my muse out again, but currently writing replies to RPs I haven't replied yet so it's not like it's dying down like it did two months ago, but makes me a bit anxious admittedly.

That's all for now. Thank you for reading :heart:

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Hi there! Long time no update here!

Since the Evangelion title-card maker was down I did an educated decision to switch a title card generator from another wonderful anime-series. If you guess what that is then I'll give you a virtual cookie or something like that, but if you just want the answer it's from Monogatari-series

Well Baka... How's your life?

Is a question no-one asked, but I will reply regardless. As you might've seen from my various status updates it's been... Hectic to say the least. Was busy with school and also graduated, which is pretty neat! Been travelling WAY too much whether it's to see Godspeed You Black Emperor or just to visit my grandparents, and next week I'll be moving, and packing all those anime-figures. Three bookshelves worth of manga and 200+ LP-records safely is not an easy task, but I am managing. Fortunately the new apartment is just one kilometre away from my current one, but it's slightly bigger one so that's a plus.

On top of this all I've been struggling with depression. Instead of it being on/off it seems to be a more permanent state of mind. There are a lot of occasions where I feel joy and happiness, but then it usually defaults back to me feeling extremely lonely, sad and overall just bad and crappy, so we'll see how that goes. Being obsessed over BanG Dream! It's My Go!!!!! ship (Anon x Soyo) has brought some light to my life though lol.

How about roleplaying and all that jazz?

I have been extremely slow with... Pretty much every RP I have going on. OOC-convos I've managed to reply much more quicker, but the act of getting myself down to write an actual creative response is always a little hurdle. I love all of my current ongoing RPs, and the partners that are still roleplaying with me are all extremely patient and understanding people whom I have had blast of roleplaying and chatting for the past half-a-year at least. Some even longer than that, some a little less than that. So if you're one of these partners then thank you! Thank you for being patient with me and thank you for creating enjoyable and fun roleplays with me! I can't wait to get to replying to all of them as soon as possible... Or write a starter on one or two I have promised to do so!

However this last year with it's ups and downs has been a learning experience in RP-wise as well, and thanks to the both great experiences and my own mistakes I have come to learn a few things!

So... What have I this past half-a-year or so?

Some of these are really self-explanitory things, but better late than never right?
  • If the chemistry isn't there just drop-out immediately
One of the biggest mistakes I did was to try and keep some RPs or plannings on life-support when the chemistry just wasn't there, which was extremely draining. These all started on a note where I wanted to start brainstorming, but after a message or two it was obvious that we were looking for different things or the joy of brainstorming just wasn't there for me.
  • OOC is EXTREMELY important
One thing that's common with all of my still ongoing RPs is that the OOC is lively and engaging. With one of my partners we have gushed over Persona and anime, while with other we have shared a lot of music recommendations between ourselves just to name a few. I know that even a casual OOC not relating to the RP at hand is not for everyone, but this has been a huge help in keeping my partners on track what's going on and just keep the good vibes going. Enjoyable OOC makes the RP all the more enjoyable too, so if the OOC-vibes aren't there then there's a good chance that the RP will also suffer from it.
  • Pace myself better
Biting more than I can chew has been a problem for me for a long time, and I think I finally have found the perfect amount of RPs for me, which is four. I currently have three active ones, one less active one and space for one more for fandom-cravings and such. This way I can manage all the RPs at relatively quickly (by my standards) and keep up with the one reply a week pace when I am feeling better.
  • I don't really enjoy playing against male-characters
Odd one, but a huge discovery. This excludes fandoms since there are a lot of FxM ships that I like, but I am a huge sapphic-enjoyer, and have always been. All the ongoing RPs at the moment are FxF or FuxF and I'm loving it! There is one RP cooking where there'll be pairings from FxF to MxF and MxNb and whatnot, and I am also really excited for that as well!

So as you might've gathered from that last statement MxF isn't completely off the table, and non-binary folks like transmasc and transmale-characters are always a "yes" in my books, but playing against AMAB that isn't a feminine-one/femboy hasn't been all that fun for me in a while, so as some of you might've seen I have changed my focus to sapphic-pairings, and I wil lreserve traditional MxF-pairings to fandom ideas or some really great OC-ideas.

As for playing AMAB-character of any kind I am more open to, but again it's not my priority.

What the future holds?

Honestly not sure. Currently enjoying just chilling as I try to look for work, if that does not pan-out then I just further my education some more. Probably aiming to study languages, namely English and Japanese in university, but it would be great if I could put these website-making skills in-use for a few years before considering that option.

For immediate future I try to survive the moving with my partner, then go to visit a local anime-convention, after which I will pay visit to my grandma. Hopefully the summer helps with my depression at least to some degree, but if not I think I have to get help for it once again.

As for RP I try to be more active, keep my search going for those obscure animanga fandom RPs and that same-old stuff.

And that's all for now!

If you read all of this then thank you! Or even if you just skimmed through what the bro's yapping about then thank you too! I wish you all a wonderful summer and see you around the forum!

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Hi there! I know the title says comments are welcome, but, if my comment is undesirable for any reason just let me know and I will readily remove it!

First of all, congratulations on graduation! Traveling also sounds fun, and moving is also a super arduous task so hopefully that goes well.

I've been struggling with depression. Instead of it being on/off it seems to be a more permanent state of mind.
As someone who suffers from long term depression, boy do I feel this so hard. I can be having a perfectly good day and yet still feel pretty bad about things. It can affect my RP mood heavily as well, which can make some things torturous! I wish I had some super awesome advice to give out here but I am afraid I don't know if anything I say can help. Just know you're not alone in feeling this way at times, and I also sympathize with all the difficulties that come with it.

I love all of my current ongoing RPs, and the partners that are still roleplaying with me are all extremely patient and understanding people whom I have had blast of roleplaying and chatting for the past half-a-year at least.
Patient and understanding RP partners rule and I am so appreciative of my partners who can understand my quirks and that I am not the most reliable person at times but do try to get back at people. I love my partners. I'm glad you have some real awesome peeps to write with as well!

Regarding your lessons learned, #1 is probably one that hits the hardest for some people when they learn it. I learned it some time ago, in that I can't please every desire a partner might have. And in a way, that is 'OK', of course. But when it comes a point where I feel I'm straining everything just for a smidgen of RP happiness... Well I've thought about making an RP version of this meme but I think the vibes from the general meme hit home too. 'Real winners quit' might sound silly or stupid but sometimes, you just realize something isn't gonna work and you need to focus on the things that will or can work.

I hope your day is going super awesomely well when you read this!
Comments are always welcome! And hope your day is going great as well when you read this too!

First of all, congratulations on graduation! Traveling also sounds fun, and moving is also a super arduous task so hopefully that goes well.
Thank you! 💗

As someone who suffers from long term depression, boy do I feel this so hard. I can be having a perfectly good day and yet still feel pretty bad about things. It can affect my RP mood heavily as well, which can make some things torturous! I wish I had some super awesome advice to give out here but I am afraid I don't know if anything I say can help. Just know you're not alone in feeling this way at times, and I also sympathize with all the difficulties that come with it.
Yeah the way depression affects roleplaying especially is a cause of a little stress to say the least. Have agonized over missed deadlines (which is why I nowadays won't even try to estimate how long it'll take for me to get a post out) and not just being able to muster anything on the figurative paper.

I'm also sorry to hear that you're suffering from it as well, and likewise I 100% symphatize with you!

Patient and understanding RP partners rule and I am so appreciative of my partners who can understand my quirks and that I am not the most reliable person at times but do try to get back at people. I love my partners. I'm glad you have some real awesome peeps to write with as well!
They certainly do! One of the best things on this forum is that there are so many people and I've finally found people who seem to be on the same level when it comes to roleplaying with me, which has made the hobby much more fun for me again. I don't have to stress if the RP will go on if I stay offline for a few days or get messages "Not interested anymore :c" if I am away for 20 minutes hah hah!

Regarding your lessons learned, #1 is probably one that hits the hardest for some people when they learn it. I learned it some time ago, in that I can't please every desire a partner might have. And in a way, that is 'OK', of course. But when it comes a point where I feel I'm straining everything just for a smidgen of RP happiness... Well I've thought about making an RP version of this meme but I think the vibes from the general meme hit home too. 'Real winners quit' might sound silly or stupid but sometimes, you just realize something isn't gonna work and you need to focus on the things that will or can work.
As weird as that sounds realizing that I don't have to go along with everything was a huge relieve hah hah! Saying "no" and bowing out has been surprisingly hard for me, and I partly account that to what kind of environment I got introduced to this hobby, where most of the time declining led to a passive agressiveness at best, and hostile threats and the likes at worst, and since I wish to avoid all of that and making my depressed ass even more depressed I have just grin and bare with it till my planning partner gets bored, or till I get an answer that I feel like I can't really reply (for example just one-word reply) and just move along. Gladly this sort of forum environment feels much more safer, and I feel that I won't get verbally chewed to pieces even if I say no.

I definitely recommend making an RP version of that meme. More RP memes are always good!

Warning! Venting ahead!


Hi again!

Hopefully summer has treated you well so far dear reader! For me it has been a mixed back. A lot of fun things have happened, but I've also been generally just not in the good headspace, and this post is sort of venting it all out and putting it all in the written form.

State of things right now

Simply put... It's shit. Outside of some highlights like the anime convention in which I had amazing time and visiting my grandparents, where I could just put on future-funk albums on repeat from my headphone and just sit hours reading manga were the highlights of this summer for me. Hell. At one point as I was reading Shugo Chara I just started crying because I actually felt happy. Aside from that my summer has just been one gray paste. I do things I enjoy, but when they aren't distracting me I just feel bad as hell. Almost every morning I just wake up feeling even more and more depressed. I've noticed getting more easily irritated and just focusing on the bad side of everything, which in turn makes me general mood even worse and my sorry ass even more depressed. Currently just waiting for autumn when I can hit the health-care center up and ask them to hook me with a therapist, doctor or anyone who might be able to help me this time.

If anyone wants to recommend cute, fluffy or otherwise comfy anime/manga/manhwa for me I'd love to take suggestions!

I have watched and read A LOT of stuff, but there might be a gem that I have missed that's waiting for me to check it out. Recently The Dangers In My Heart has been a series that's tickled my romance bone quite well, and for a "Will they won't they" shounen romcom it's actually really good. Also Sailor Moon and Tropical Rouge Precure have made sure that I get a healthy dose of comfy... And in case of Sailor Moon not-always-so-comfy magical girl action daily (Also goated Kunihiko Ikuhara directing current season of Sailor Moon I am on is just the best. Love this guys directing style so much).


Currently I am at the really weird place with my roleplaying. I have a lot of drive to write, and honestly wish for even more escapism via writing, but at the same time I am really picky and kind of dreading to start anything new. My luck of finding partners haven't really been all that great, which isn't all that surprising. After all it's summer and people have things to do, so that automatically shrinks down a pool of possible people quite significantly, and the general interest to sapphic RPs seems to be quite low at least based on how many inquiries I get.

I do also feel that I've pretty much exhausted this forum empty. I absolutely love this place, and so far this has been the best site that has been bet suited for my RP needs, but I also feel that there probably is not any more possible partners for me to find, or for them to find me. I think that I've tried roleplaying or planning with most, and most, with few exceptions never got started or were dropped by me or my partner, by consensus or by ghosting, which obviosuly makes it awkward to poke back and ask if the person is open for something new, double that if it was me who dropped the ball. So I do feel that I have burned a lot of bridges that could've resulted in fun roleplays.

It is beginning to feel that I really fit in nowhere with my RP style, pairings, interests, fandoms etc. And every time I feel like I find someone it never pans out. The thought of honestly just quitting has lingered in my mind, but I generally love writing with people, so that's a huge conundrum as well.

Also finding new avenues to try roleplaying is not easy. Discord relies too much on instant back-and-forth, and have even gotten messages where my partners say that they aren't willing to continue brainstorming or RP unless I am online at the same time as them (makes it really fun with timezones and all that lol), F-list is just a fucking dumpsterfire. A lot of great profiles, but at least based on my experience the plays rely too much on smut, and I just can't do instant smut with anyone unless there's a really good plot reason for it. Reddit based on what I've heard is even more fo a dumpsterfire, and as I've tried to look other RP forums none of them seem to scratch the itch like BMR does. Tried Elliquiy, but also found out that the site isn't really for me.

For now I will hang-on to roleplaying and see where this all goes. If it's starting to ever feel more like a job than a fun activity I know to take a break, but currently I have the drive to write, but finding suitable partners to do that with is pretty tough, and hasn't gotten any easier.

For those waiting for my replies... They are coming. I write them slowly but surely when I have a chance to do so. Literally just my depressed ass taking it's sweet time.

I guess that's that for now. Sorry for the incoherent venting. Hopefully next update isn't as sad as this one!


In case someone is interested where the titles of my RT come from this will be a message that I update with the references to songs they are from!

I change the title after I have not bumped thread for at least a week while bumping it next time.

Also a handy and dandy list to remember which songs I've already used.

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Mei Nakajima
Student - 18-years-old
@ MeiBae on social media
Sup peeps! Mei here (*・ω・)ノ. Your bubbly gal with a tan and bleached hair! 110% gyaru with an attitude, so if you mistake me for a common slut you will regret it! (#`Д´)

Here's how this goes: You take me on a date, pay for my shit and a nice little flat-rate for my totes amazeballs company, and if I like you enough (or if you dig out enough Shibusawas) we can take our date to a love hotel. Nothing is free, so better prepare some cold hard cash so this girl can have some more fun! (^▽^) . Open for kinks, but those cost extra of course. I discuss with pricing when we get to that point.

NOTE: Any physical contact without my permission or contact is forbidden... Unless you want to be impotent or have your cunt sewn shut (#`Д´)

As long as you follow these rules I guarantee to be a great and cute date company! Even without anything pervy-stuff, so HMU if you're interested and let's get something going! ⸜(⸝⸝⸝´꒳`⸝⸝⸝)⸝

food: Anything spicy! I love cakes too
Drink: Bubble tea or energy drinks (by me a Strong Zero(s) and I love you!)
Movie: Howl's Moving Castle
Book: Does manga count?
Series: Uhh...Kaichou wa Maid-Sama, Sailor Moon and Kekkon Dekinai Otoko?
Song: This, this and this
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Hi there! Long time no yapping!

It's already autumn... Or honestly almost a winter here. First snow already fell... And melted. Days are short and nights are long and cold, which means it's time for my yearly seasonal depression and general lethargy that comes with it! Yay!

Anyway that's not all I am here to talk about. Just wanted to give a general life update and sort things out here a bit. If you for some reason have read the previous posts you know what there are about already.

Current state of things

As mentioned seasonal depression is a bitch, and one of the key factors affecting me. Feel generally more tired, melancholic and stuff, though since this year has been one depression rollercoaster I need to start considering the possibility that the depression in general has come back. I will probably try to get an appointment with a professional at the beginning of the next year and see if I get teh diagnosis again.

Besides that I started a crash-course on Javascript and React! It lasts till December and has been... Extremely taxing to say the least. We go through areas that have their own dedicated university courses in a day or two. However the education is high-quality and the teachers make sure no-one is left behind so while it has been taxing and partially affected my depressed mood (sorted my situation out with the teacher so no need to worry about that anymore either) I am excited that I can expand my tool-set with website building and software developing and maybe hopefully get an actual well-paying job at some point.

As for non-serious things it has been same-old same-old. Gaming, anime, manga/manhwa/manhua, music. You know. Stuff I always do. This autumn has been great for music though and a lot of amazing records have dropped new Devin Townsend, Swallow The Sun, Blood Incantation, Dark Tranquility, Cemetary Skyline, Alcest, King Gizzard, Leprous, Zeal & Ardor, Nails and Unto Others records to name a few.

I've also once again fell head-over-heels for Love Live! I absolutely love the franchse and genuinely just rewatching the anime, listening to songs, shipping characters as well as finally giving a shot to Link Like Love Live have been a few rays of sunshine in my life.


Past months have been relatively good in terms of roleplaying. My replies have been... Somewhat consistent, and I have a handful of new and old partners I really enjoy playing with!

However the drawbacks of this hobby are also starting to get to me slowly but surely. Hard to find people who share similar interests and fandoms, the usual uncertainty of people just fading on you despite everything seemingly going well, not really getting any traction for the new ideas or getting people pitching something that is only remotely close of what I am looking and the feeling that I've exhausted this place from all the possible partners is starting to pile up and eat my motivation and enthusiasm I regained during summer.

I am starting to consider other venues of searching company in addition to BMR, which has been my main roleplay site ever since I found it, but most other attempts have not panned-out. I do think that I am too "anime/anime-style focused" for this place, so need to check out if I can find some place where there's even a little chance to find interest for my niche fandoms or my ideas that really don't garner any interest here.

That's all for now. I think I will make some update when holidays approach, but till that stay warm this time of year!

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As mentioned seasonal depression is a bitch, and one of the key factors affecting me. Feel generally more tired, melancholic and stuff, though since this year has been one depression rollercoaster I need to start considering the possibility that the depression in general has come back. I will probably try to get an appointment with a professional at the beginning of the next year and see if I get teh diagnosis again.

As someone who deals with seasonal and general depression as well as going through very rough times ATM, I just wanted to say I hope things are going okay for you. I would for sure get in touch with a professional when you can, it's always a good idea to get started on these issues early but I know not extra l everyone has the luxury to do so
As someone who deals with seasonal and general depression as well as going through very rough times ATM, I just wanted to say I hope things are going okay for you. I would for sure get in touch with a professional when you can, it's always a good idea to get started on these issues early but I know not extra l everyone has the luxury to do so
Hiya there!

Seen glimpses of your current situation on the forum and wish you all the best and hope things get better for you soon as well.

Gladly the mental health services here are free, or have been. Not sure if there's some age-gap where it becomes something you need to pay for them. The tricky part here is to actually get in the services. You have to go through many hoops and loops, and since the mental health experts here are overworked and understaffed it was tricky the first time I went and got help and my last diagnosis. But will definitely see what I can do at the beginning of the next year. Thank you for the comment and encouragement :heart: . Taking things slowly and trying to engage more with things I really enjoy. Roleplaying being one of those of course.
Hiya there!

Seen glimpses of your current situation on the forum and wish you all the best and hope things get better for you soon as well.

Gladly the mental health services here are free, or have been. Not sure if there's some age-gap where it becomes something you need to pay for them. The tricky part here is to actually get in the services. You have to go through many hoops and loops, and since the mental health experts here are overworked and understaffed it was tricky the first time I went and got help and my last diagnosis. But will definitely see what I can do at the beginning of the next year. Thank you for the comment and encouragement :heart: . Taking things slowly and trying to engage more with things I really enjoy. Roleplaying being one of those of course.
Hey, thank you for the kind words back! I don't wanna take the spotlight from you/your dilemma though haha.

Yeah, mental health professionals being under staffed and over worked is a universal constant. God it sucks. I'm glad it's free for you and I hope you can get in without to much pain!
Just a quick heads-up to my partners. Was too long for status post and can't be fucked to write multiple comments under it:

My RP-responses and OOC-responses to some degree will be delayed. Seasonal depression has hit harder than I thought. I feel constantly tired and sleep a lot on top of feeling like ass, so doing any creative writing has been pretty hard outside of some shorter replies.

I am consistently trying to get stuff on figurative paper so this is by no means a hiatus announcement (though if my condition gets worse I am not afraid to take a week or so off to hopefully get things sorted, but I'll cross that bridge when/if I get there), but just a general heads-up if my pace slows down even though it has never been the fastest to begin with.

Thank you all for patience and writing amazing stories with me! I hold each and every one of them dear to me and can't wait to get back on them as soon as possible :heart:
Just a quick heads-up to my partners. Was too long for status post and can't be fucked to write multiple comments under it:

My RP-responses and OOC-responses to some degree will be delayed. Seasonal depression has hit harder than I thought. I feel constantly tired and sleep a lot on top of feeling like ass, so doing any creative writing has been pretty hard outside of some shorter replies.

I am consistently trying to get stuff on figurative paper so this is by no means a hiatus announcement (though if my condition gets worse I am not afraid to take a week or so off to hopefully get things sorted, but I'll cross that bridge when/if I get there), but just a general heads-up if my pace slows down even though it has never been the fastest to begin with.

Thank you all for patience and writing amazing stories with me! I hold each and every one of them dear to me and can't wait to get back on them as soon as possible :heart:
Take care of yourself and all the time you need Baka 🤗
As per usual I'm sure our partners will understand! I hope things improve without you needing to take a hiatus as I enjoy your presence on the boards but at the same time a break from the hobby can do a lot to help someone.
Take care of yourself and all the time you need Baka 🤗

As per usual I'm sure our partners will understand! I hope things improve without you needing to take a hiatus as I enjoy your presence on the boards but at the same time a break from the hobby can do a lot to help someone.

Thank you both!

Also happy to hear that my presence is appreciated :heart:

Hiya again! Short time no see this time!

This will be the end of the year update. Nothing too fancy, but something to wrap-up the year that is closing and let my partners know about my availability.


As some of you might've noticed on top of the seasonal depression I got sick. Still not 100% recovered. Have started to finally taste things again last night which is plus. I take things slowly but surely so that I don't make things worse for myself.

Sadly the sudden virus kind of ruined my plans. My plan was to get at least one reply to my partners before the Christmas Eve/Day as a present. I know that it's only a slight step-up from a coal, but hey it's something lol

Jokes aside due to what's coming I am not sure if I will get all replies out before the holiday season. I will try my best, but can't make any promises. I will go to visit my friend from friday to sunday so I will be out of town and not able to reply, and the next Tuesday I will leave to my grandparents and stay there till the new year. I have my laptop with me so I am available for OOC and can most likely write replies there as well, but once again my pace will probably suffer, especially since I will be meeting more friends, spend time with my partner who also comes to visit my relatives for two days and so forth.

Some other stuff

Aside from RP-stuff been really immersed in anime/manga and music secret santa I take part in yearly on one of the anime-forums I use, so been really busy reading and watching stuff as well as listening some sick new music that my Santa has gifted me!

Also while being sick and unable to do anything but lay down on my bed I got so many new roleplay ideas... Will probably do a fancy new craving thread at some point. Have an idea for visuals and theme so might hyperfixate on that before leaving to my grandparents place as well lol

Yeah I think that's that. Hopefully I get to send my partners their replies before holidays, but sorry beforehand if I am not able to deliver


Request-thread bbcode-archive

[CENTER][IMG width="845px"][/IMG][/CENTER]

[CENTER][COLOR=rgb(235, 166, 239)][FONT=times new roman]Hiya there! And thank you for clicking my thread![/FONT][/COLOR][/CENTER]
[CENTER][COLOR=rgb(235, 166, 239)][FONT=times new roman]I am Baka, and I return with another search for otome isekai/fantasy RP with or without a villainess touch in it![/FONT][/COLOR][/CENTER]

[TABS block_align="bcenter" width=1000px] [SLIDE title="Chapter 1 - Basics"]
[COLOR=rgb(235, 166, 239)][FONT=times new roman]Before we get into the fun-stuff let's get the basic rules and RP information out of the way first shall we:[/FONT][/COLOR]

[FONT=times new roman][COLOR=rgb(247, 218, 100)][SIZE=5]Effort[/SIZE][/COLOR][COLOR=rgb(235, 166, 239)] - I want to see it. From the get-go. I sound like an ass probably, but please let me know your preferences, likes, dislikes, preferred pairings and plot-ideas from the get-go. I don't want to get into the situation where I have to milk every bit of information from my partner or end up in a passive brainstorming where my partner only contributes by nodding their head essentially. This has been a huge problem for me here lately, so I feel the need to put emphasis on this.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=rgb(247, 218, 100)][SIZE=5]Platform(s)[/SIZE][/COLOR][COLOR=rgb(235, 166, 239)] - BMR. PMs or threads. Discord is a hard maybe.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=rgb(247, 218, 100)][SIZE=5]Post length/perspective[/SIZE][/COLOR][COLOR=rgb(235, 166, 239)] - 3rd-person, past-tense, 2+ paragraphs, usually much more than that. Wish my partner would be able to do the same.

[FONT=times new roman][COLOR=rgb(247, 218, 100)][SIZE=5]Long / short-term[/SIZE][/COLOR][COLOR=rgb(235, 166, 239)] - Since I am looking for a narrative here long-term would be the way to go with these ideas.[/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR]

[COLOR=rgb(247, 218, 100)][SIZE=5]Plot vs. smut[/SIZE][/COLOR][COLOR=rgb(235, 166, 239)][SIZE=5]-[/SIZE] I am looking story-driven RPs with smut in them. Not interested in sex-driven RPs or RPs where the plot only exists to give reason for smut.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=rgb(247, 218, 100)][SIZE=5]Sub/dom, top/bottom[/SIZE][/COLOR][COLOR=rgb(235, 166, 239)] - switch and switch. I can exclusively dom or sub as well. Open to pretty much any dynamic here.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=rgb(247, 218, 100)][SIZE=5]Post frequency[/SIZE][/COLOR][COLOR=rgb(235, 166, 239)] - Weekly-ish. My school has kept me really busy so posting-frequency is subject to change. Patience is required from my partners.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=rgb(247, 218, 100)][SIZE=5]Faceclaims[/SIZE][/COLOR][COLOR=rgb(235, 166, 239)] - Animanga/manhwa. real-life faceclaims (including realistic renders, art, AI) are a definite no.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=rgb(247, 218, 100)][SIZE=5]Writing samples[/SIZE][/COLOR][COLOR=rgb(235, 166, 239)] - Feel free to look at my public RPs [URL='']here[/URL] and [URL='']here[/URL] to get a grasp of how I write.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=rgb(247, 218, 100)][SIZE=5]Ghosting[/SIZE][/COLOR][COLOR=rgb(235, 166, 239)] - Ghost-friendly. I trust you will reply to me eventually if you want to do so so I won't bother poking either (unless you say it's ok/you wish me to do so).[/COLOR]

[COLOR=rgb(247, 218, 100)][SIZE=5]OOC-chatting/gender[/SIZE][/COLOR][COLOR=rgb(235, 166, 239)] - Your OOC-gender does not matter to me, but specify your pronouns if you wish for me to use a specific one. I always love OOC-chatting with my partners![/COLOR][/FONT]

[COLOR=rgb(235, 166, 239)][FONT=times new roman]More info you can find on my regular[URL=''] F-request thread[/URL] if you wish![/FONT][/COLOR]
[SLIDE title=" ✿ "]
[COLOR=rgb(235, 166, 239)][FONT=times new roman]Placeholder[/FONT][/COLOR]
[SLIDE title="Chapter 2 - What I'm looking for?"]
[h3][COLOR=rgb(247, 218, 100)][FONT=times new roman]In general[/FONT][/COLOR][/h3]
[COLOR=rgb(235, 166, 239)][FONT=times new roman]As the title says I am mainly looking for shoujosei, fantasy/isekai-themed and inspired roleplays. With or without the villainess element/trope. To translate this to non-weebish I am looking for a trashy fantasy/reincarnation romance with action, drama and slice of life-elements, where my character is either the villainess of the story or some other type you usually see as the typical main-character in the manga/manhwa and anime of this specific genre.

Do you need to have a grasp of these genres I mentioned? Not necessarily, but it helps, since there is quite a huge difference between your standard isekai/power-fantasy anime/manga aimed to male demographic and shoujosei-variation of it, however if you can mix a weebified fantasy/reincarnation-story + sappy shoujo tropes in your head then we are on the right tracks! I am not opposed playing with partner who does not have the foggiest what I'm talking about, but the fact that we talk the 'same language' so to speak always helps.

I do have a sapphic lean on this search as well, but I do accept FxM-pairings as well, however I tend to be pickier with them. If you know your way around the tropes of the genre then there's a high chance that we mesh along extremely well, even moreso if you are interested in plot-driven narrative. I wish to play the female in all of these RPs, but as the prefix says I am open to my partner playing as any gender against my character.

Romance is a must-have element for me. I genuinely want to ship our characters and feel warm and fuzzy when they are cute together. However I am open for more comedic-approaches as well as more darker approaches in terms of plot, and any mixture of the two extremes of course.

As for smut I love to incorporate it, but the play I desire here would be a slow-burn one, When the pair is established I don't mind making things a lot more steamy and kinky, but again I do wish to RP an actual story here that includes smut. Not just smut with bits and pieces of story somewhere.[/FONT][/COLOR]

[h3][COLOR=rgb(247, 218, 100)][FONT=times new roman]Character-types[/FONT][/COLOR][/h3]
[COLOR=rgb(235, 166, 239)][FONT=times new roman]Like always in my searches I am not too picky about what type of character my partner plays. I do have my preferences, and I always love when things get unconventional, but if you want to play a dashing prince-charming, beast-kin, muscular tomboy or even the fan-favorite ugly-bastard trope I am sure we can create a roleplays around them. Just tell me what you have in mind and we most likely can come up with a nice dynamic between our characters.

As for characters I wish to play I again love when things get unconventional. Chubby villainess or girlfailure princess would be a fun twist, but I definitely don't mind going with the usual manga/manhwa route with this, so as a baselin expectation my characters will be something like [URL='']this[/URL], [URL='']this[/URL], [URL='']this[/URL] or [URL='']this[/URL].[/FONT][/COLOR]

[h3][COLOR=rgb(247, 218, 100)][FONT=times new roman]World-building[/FONT][/COLOR][/h3]
[COLOR=rgb(235, 166, 239)][FONT=times new roman]I don't mind using generic anime-fantasy setting as is, since let's face the fact. Most of the series I draw inspiration from don't really shine in making unique worlds. However I am never against workshopping an interesting world for our characters to be in, so I can take in a generic setting where we drop our characters and focus on them moreso than the world, or take our time and build the world as well.[/FONT][/COLOR]

[h3][COLOR=rgb(247, 218, 100)][FONT=times new roman]Pairing-suggestions[/FONT][/COLOR][/h3]
[COLOR=rgb(235, 166, 239)][FONT=times new roman]Villainess x heroine
Villainess x noble
Villainess x main love interest
Heroine x side-character
Princess x knight
Arranged marriage (prefer from enemies to lovers dynamic here)
Creator of the original story x villainess
Fan x their favorite character from the original story
Fan x their least favorite character from the original story[/FONT][/COLOR]
[SLIDE title=" ✿ "]
[COLOR=rgb(235, 166, 239)][FONT=times new roman]Placeholder[/FONT][/COLOR]
[SLIDE title="Chapter 3 - Plots (WIP)"]
[COLOR=rgb(235, 166, 239)][FONT=times new roman]Here's some plot-seeds and ideas, but I will expand them and add more as I come up with them![/FONT][/COLOR]

[h3][COLOR=rgb(247, 218, 100)][FONT=times new roman]I'm a villainess, but the heroine fell for me![/FONT][/COLOR][/h3]
[COLOR=rgb(235, 166, 239)][FONT=times new roman]Muse 1 has the traditional story. She meets her untimely end in the real world, gets reincarnated inside their favorite otome-game or novel and of course as the main antagonist of the story who tormented poor heroine since the love of her life fell for her. To prevent getting their head chopped-off they immediately start to train and hone their skills for magic, swordplay and other things such as cooking and cultivating.

When they come to the age (16 at least in this case) they enroll to the magic-academy, the main setting of the game/novel where they meet their suposed arch-rival, muse 2 aka. the heroine of the game/novel. This time her obejctive is clear however.

"Have nothing to do with romance, heroine or the male leads of the story"

Of course the reality doesn't work like one would wish, and the muse 1 gets entangled in many situations with muse 2. This time instead of tormenting the heroine she does the bare minimum to help her and keeping her at the arms length, but this ends up making the two slowly grow closer... And unlocking a romance route that the creator did not anticipate anyone to unlock.[/FONT][/COLOR]

[h3][COLOR=rgb(247, 218, 100)][FONT=times new roman]I'm a villainess, but the heroine fell for me!... With a twist![/FONT][/COLOR][/h3]
[COLOR=rgb(235, 166, 239)][FONT=times new roman]Same as the previous pitch, but let's throw a jealous main male-lead into the mix, who is not afraid to use any means necessary to tear the heroine, one he is madly in love with, and villainess, whom he hates from the bottom of his heart apart.

This can get as dark as you want really, but I still want there to be happy ending for the main couple after all the hardships.[/FONT][/COLOR]

[h3][COLOR=rgb(247, 218, 100)][FONT=times new roman]My 10th Reincarnation - This Time I Just Don't Give A Fuck[/FONT][/COLOR][/h3]
[COLOR=rgb(235, 107, 86)][FONT=times new roman]Extra disclaimer: All of the horrific stuff described in the plot-seed happened to her after the 18th birthday mentioned in the plot-seed![/FONT][/COLOR]

[COLOR=rgb(235, 166, 239)][FONT=times new roman]Muse 1 is a hated black sheep of her noble family, which basically leads her down to her doom one way or the other in every one of her lives. Be it her father selling her as a test subject for illegal magic/drug tests to getting wrongly accused of murder by her step-sister. Every time someone extends their helping hand to her there's always some catch which leads to her death, be it some bastard noble using her as a pawn to gain status and fame, then killing her to get rid of her.

Of course after experiencing betrayal after the other, remembering the pain she suffered in every one of her lives she has finally had enough, and tries to end it herself in her 9th loop.

However the story repeats. She gets reincarnated on the day of her 18th birthday. Clearly cursed to repeat the loop over and over again.

Since she comes to the conclusion that everything will be meaningless she decides that she will try to brute-force her happy ending. She will talk her mind out, she will not hesitate to put herself in the harms way, and in general just not care of the consequences of any risky gamble she will take. After all if she fails she gets another try in the end.

Another one of her objectives is to find a way to break the reincarnation-curse she seems to be placed under, and break it so she can finally have a rest.

Muse 2 is one of the high-ranked nobles attending to her birthday, and witnesses the first act of defiance of her own destiny with their eyes, and this makes them extremely curious of this woman they met for the first time, and becomes someone who starts to assists them and starts to spend time with her, but they are having a hard time to get into the good grace of a woman who's only suffered betrayal after betrayal.

They however succeed slowly but surely deepen the relationship with the ice-cold woman, and they start to see glimpses of her past lifes and what horrific things she went through...

... As well as premonition of a future where the muse 1 turns into a villain, and the muse 2 slaying the one they have fell in love with their own hands.

Now they also have an objective, which is to prevent muse 1 from walking the path of destruction, and help her find happiness.

Yeah this explanation of a plot-idea got little wonky, but will return to edit it. However if I got your interest then I'd love to brainstorm and iron out the details with possible partner. Nothing is set in stone, but wanted to throw this idea with many (hopefully) interesting plot threads on here![/FONT][/COLOR]

[h3][COLOR=rgb(247, 218, 100)][FONT=times new roman]Your ideas / brainstorming a custom idea![/FONT][/COLOR][/h3]
[COLOR=rgb(235, 166, 239)][FONT=times new roman]I am more than open to hear the ideas you might have for the plot, or just brainstorm something fun together from the ground-up. I do however request that if you bring your own ideas they actually relate to what I am looking for. I won't entertain requests that aren't related to search.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[SLIDE title=" ✿ "]
[COLOR=rgb(235, 166, 239)][FONT=times new roman]Placeholder[/FONT][/COLOR]
[SLIDE title="Chapter 4 - Kinks / limits"]
[COLOR=rgb(235, 166, 239)][FONT=times new roman]F-list - [URL='']F-list[/URL]

I will list some general kinks I enjoy as well as my limits here. Note that none of them are a must, unless specified otherwise.[/FONT][/COLOR]

[COLOR=rgb(97, 189, 109)][FONT=times new roman]Favorites:
➤ Everything anal-related (almost a must tbh)
➤ Everything cum-related / Gokkun
➤ Rimming (both ways)
➤ Armpits
➤ Condom-play
➤ Femdom
➤ Squirting
➤ Pubic/anus/armpit hair
➤ Dirty /musky cocks, vaginas and anuses
➤ Chubby/plump female/futa-characters
➤ Wholesome small-penis play.[/FONT][/COLOR]

[COLOR=rgb(235, 107, 86)][FONT=times new roman]Limits:
➤ Vore
➤ Micro/macro-stuff
➤Pregnancy and feet-focus (can be included as long as they aren't main focus)
➤ Tickling
➤ DeviantART-tier kinks (blueberrification, flattening etc etc.)[/FONT][/COLOR]
[SLIDE title=" ✿ "]
[COLOR=rgb(235, 166, 239)][FONT=times new roman]Placeholder[/FONT][/COLOR]
[SLIDE title="Chapter 5 - Closing words"]
[CENTER][COLOR=rgb(235, 166, 239)][FONT=times new roman]That's all for now! If you are interested don't be afraid to send a message on my way!

Thank you for reading and have a good day/night!

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[SLIDE_HEADER]   Introduction  🌸  [/slide_header]
[FONT=times new roman][COLOR=rgb(255, 183, 197)][SIZE=4]Hello there stranger! And thank you for clicking my request-thread!

My name is Baka! 26-year-old person from the World Wide Web! And as you might've guess this is my handy and dandy request-thread, from which you can (hopefully) find everything you need to know about me as a roleplayer and all that cool jazz.

This is just introductory bit to myself. so feel free to skip this if you want. Honestly all you need to know about me is that I am a hopeless weeb, music-nerd and a gamer. I also play guitar and bass, and have some know-how how to make and produce music... So I guess amateur musician?

Now that that's out of the way we can move to roleplaying stuff![/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT]
[SLIDE_HEADER]     General preferences / rules 🌸  [/slide_header]
[FONT=times new roman][COLOR=rgb(198, 131, 215)][SIZE=5][I]First impression[/I][/SIZE][/COLOR][SIZE=5][I] - [/I][/SIZE][COLOR=rgb(255, 183, 197)][SIZE=4]Is extremely important, so please put at least some effort in your first message. I ignore every low-effort pitch that doesn't address anything from this thread or tell anything about you and your preferences, cold-calls and the likes.

[FONT=times new roman][COLOR=rgb(198, 131, 215)][SIZE=5][I]Planning/brainstorming[/I][/SIZE][/COLOR][SIZE=5][I] - [/I][/SIZE][COLOR=rgb(255, 183, 197)][SIZE=4]I expect my potential partners to be able to keep brainstorming/planning flow going. If you constantly just nod head and agree with everything, don't bring anything to the table and generally just seem disinterested I will most likely bow out. Would you be thrilled to do collaborative writing with a person who is hard to collaborate with? I doubt it.[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]

[COLOR=rgb(198, 131, 215)][SIZE=5][I]Platform(s)[/I][/SIZE][/COLOR][SIZE=5][I] - [/I][/SIZE][COLOR=rgb(255, 183, 197)][SIZE=4]BMR, either PMs or threads. Discord is maybe an option, but not the first preference.[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT]

[JUSTIFY][SIZE=5][COLOR=rgb(198, 131, 215)][FONT=times new roman][I]Post length[/I][/FONT][/COLOR][FONT=times new roman][I] -[/I][/FONT][/SIZE][SIZE=4] [COLOR=rgb(255, 183, 197)][FONT=times new roman]2+ paragraphs. Not too strict about it. I always write 2 paragraphs minimum. My preference for partners post-length is also 2-ish paragraphs minimum.[/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE][/JUSTIFY]

[SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=5][COLOR=rgb(198, 131, 215)][FONT=times new roman][I]Posting frequency[/I][/FONT][/COLOR][FONT=times new roman][I] -[/I][/FONT][/SIZE][SIZE=4] [COLOR=rgb(255, 183, 197)][FONT=times new roman]1-ish reply a week. Sometimes I can post multiple replies a week, others none at all. I will keep my partners updated if I have prolonged delays!

[SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][COLOR=rgb(255, 183, 197)][FONT=times new roman][FONT=times new roman][COLOR=rgb(198, 131, 215)][SIZE=5][I]OOC gender[/I][/SIZE][/COLOR][SIZE=5][I] - [/I][/SIZE][COLOR=rgb(255, 183, 197)][SIZE=4]Does not matter to me, however please specify if you wish for me to use certain pronoun(s) of you.[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT][/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE]

[FONT=times new roman][COLOR=rgb(198, 131, 215)][SIZE=5][I]Story vs. smut[/I][/SIZE][/COLOR][SIZE=5][I] - [/I][/SIZE][SIZE=4]I am looking story-driven roleplays with smut included. I don't really do ratios, but to give a good picture 50/50 split is a good start, and the more you favor the story the more interested I more likely am. Some stories I do can be more smuttier, but I won't really do only-smut stories or roleplays where story exists only to give a reason to smut and nothing else.[/SIZE][/FONT][/FONT][/COLOR]

[FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=5][COLOR=rgb(198, 131, 215)][FONT=times new roman][I]Faceclaims[/I][/FONT][/COLOR][FONT=times new roman][I] -[/I][/FONT][/SIZE][SIZE=4] [COLOR=rgb(255, 183, 197)][FONT=times new roman]Anime/manga/manhwa/manhua/webtoon and related art only. Real-life faceclaims are a hard limit (includes realistic drawings, renders and AI)

[SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=5][COLOR=rgb(198, 131, 215)][FONT=times new roman][I]AI-images[/I][/FONT][/COLOR][FONT=times new roman][I] -[/I][/FONT][/SIZE][SIZE=4] AI-images are also a no-go with me[COLOR=rgb(255, 183, 197)][FONT=times new roman].[/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE]

[FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=5][COLOR=rgb(198, 131, 215)][FONT=times new roman][I]OOC[/I][/FONT][/COLOR][FONT=times new roman][I] -[/I][/FONT][/SIZE][SIZE=4] [COLOR=rgb(255, 183, 197)][FONT=times new roman]I love OOC-chatting, friendly and comfy chatting is always a plus in my books.[/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE]

[FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=5][COLOR=rgb(198, 131, 215)][FONT=times new roman][I]Ghosting[/I][/FONT][/COLOR][FONT=times new roman][I] -[/I][/FONT][/SIZE][SIZE=4] [COLOR=rgb(255, 183, 197)][FONT=times new roman]Ghost-friendly. If you ever want to try something again feel free to poke me again.[/FONT][/COLOR]

[FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=5][COLOR=rgb(198, 131, 215)][FONT=times new roman][I]Doubling[/I][/FONT][/COLOR][FONT=times new roman][I] -[/I][/FONT][/SIZE][SIZE=4] [COLOR=rgb(255, 183, 197)][FONT=times new roman]I won't double. Only had bad experiences with it. More open to other pairing within a same fandom etc.[/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE]

[FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=5][COLOR=rgb(198, 131, 215)][FONT=times new roman][I]Harems[/I][/FONT][/COLOR][FONT=times new roman][I] - [/I][/FONT][COLOR=rgb(255, 183, 197)][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman]I won't play harems, except if there's a REALLY good plot behind it all (generic harem anime-plot ain't one)[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/SIZE]

[SIZE=5][COLOR=rgb(255, 183, 197)][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=5][COLOR=rgb(198, 131, 215)][FONT=times new roman][I]NSFW-images[/I][/FONT][/COLOR][FONT=times new roman][I] - [/I][/FONT][COLOR=rgb(255, 183, 197)][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman]If you want to send me hentai as refs or scene ideas feel free to do so... But remember that singular, or even a batch of hentai images is not a plot, like a kink for me is not a plot idea. [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/SIZE]

[SIZE=5][COLOR=rgb(255, 183, 197)][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=5][COLOR=rgb(198, 131, 215)][FONT=times new roman][I]Writing sample(s)[/I][/FONT][/COLOR][FONT=times new roman][I] - [/I][/FONT][COLOR=rgb(255, 183, 197)][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman]I don't require one, but if you want to see mine feel free to look my public roleplay [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=5][COLOR=rgb(255, 183, 197)][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=5][COLOR=rgb(255, 183, 197)][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][URL='']here[/URL][/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=5][COLOR=rgb(255, 183, 197)][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=5][COLOR=rgb(255, 183, 197)][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman], [URL='']here[/URL] or [URL='']here[/URL] to get some kind of picture of how I write. However if you wish to send me one feel free to do so. I will read through it for sure.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE]

[FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=5][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=5][COLOR=rgb(198, 131, 215)][FONT=times new roman][I]Poking[/I][/FONT][/COLOR][FONT=times new roman][I] - [/I][/FONT][COLOR=rgb(255, 183, 197)][SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman]I myself never poke anyone, unless requested. I trust that if you want to reply to me you'll do it soomer or later. If you don't then that's all she wrote (again feel free to ask about a new roleplay, or return even after a year if you feel like it). I don't appreciate frequent poking either, but if you haven't heard of me for two weeks feel free to poke me by all means. Chances are that the reply is sitting on my inbox, and my dumbass forgot to press "Post reply" or something like that.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE]
[SLIDE_HEADER]     Pairings 🌸  [/slide_header]
[JUSTIFY][SIZE=4][COLOR=rgb(255, 183, 197)][FONT=times new roman]As you might've already seen this thread is FxAny, but I have my gender preferences of what gender characters I pair my ladies with.

I have huge sapphic-lean. I prefer to pair my gals with other women, futanari/hermaphrodite and non-binary/trans characters. Masculine women, futa and non-binary/trans characters are always loved and welcomed.

FxM is something that I have progressively lost interest with in roleplaying environment. I like playing as male-characters more than against them, and outside of rare exceptions your usual CIS male x fem-character roleplays tend to be miss in my case, [/FONT][COLOR=rgb(235, 107, 86)][FONT=times new roman]so at least for some time this search will be for F and NB-characters only[/FONT][/COLOR][FONT=times new roman]. [/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE][/JUSTIFY]

[SIZE=4][COLOR=rgb(255, 183, 197)][FONT=times new roman]If you want to play against one of my existing OCs you can find them [URL='']here[/URL]![/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE]

[INDENT][FONT=times new roman][COLOR=rgb(198, 131, 215)][SIZE=5]Original pairings[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT][/INDENT]

[COLOR=rgb(255, 183, 197)][FONT=times new roman]➣ Gyaru x Compensated-date-partner
➣ Childhood airhead friend x a serious friend
➣ Student-council president x delinquent
➣ Tomboy x tomboy (rivals)
➣ MILF x adult daughter/son (step or full)
➣ Sister/brother x sister/brother (again step or full)
➣ Bandmates[/FONT][/COLOR]
[FONT=times new roman][COLOR=rgb(255, 183, 197)][FONT=times new roman][FONT=times new roman]➣ Delinquent/sukeban x nerd[/FONT][/FONT][/COLOR]
[FONT=times new roman][FONT=times new roman][COLOR=rgb(255, 183, 197)][FONT=times new roman][FONT=times new roman]➣ Delinquent/sukeban x gyaru[/FONT][/FONT][/COLOR]
[FONT=times new roman][FONT=times new roman][FONT=times new roman][FONT=times new roman][COLOR=rgb(255, 183, 197)][FONT=times new roman][FONT=times new roman]➣ Delinquent/sukeban x older, motherly woman[/FONT][/FONT][/COLOR]
[FONT=times new roman][FONT=times new roman][FONT=times new roman][FONT=times new roman][FONT=times new roman][FONT=times new roman][FONT=times new roman][FONT=times new roman][COLOR=rgb(255, 183, 197)][FONT=times new roman][FONT=times new roman]➣ Healer x tank[/FONT][/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT][/FONT][/FONT][/FONT][/FONT][/FONT][/FONT][/FONT][/FONT][/FONT][/FONT][/FONT][/FONT][/FONT][/FONT]
[COLOR=rgb(255, 183, 197)][FONT=times new roman]➣ Bully x Bullied
➣ Tomboy x nerd
➣ Gyaru x goth
➣ (woman/futa/NB) knight x princess/queen
➣ Fit tomboy x chubby character
➣ Femdom x chubby (ugly-bastard) character
➣ Small dom x big sub
➣ Orc x Elf
➣ Magical girl x their enemy (mastermind, monster etc)
➣ Farmworker x feral
➣ Knight x horse
➣ Beauty x Beast (GL, F x Fu or Fu x Fu mainly)
➣ Idol x Producer[/FONT][/COLOR]
[FONT=times new roman][COLOR=rgb(255, 183, 197)][FONT=times new roman]➣ Idol x idol
➣ Model x NEET/hikikomori[/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT]
[COLOR=rgb(255, 183, 197)][FONT=times new roman]➣ Boss x Secretary
➣ Yakuza-boss x Underling
➣ Female Yakuza boss x underling
➣ Yakuza-member x their boss's partner
+ many more to come![/FONT][/COLOR]
[SLIDE_HEADER]     Fandoms 🌸  [/slide_header]
[JUSTIFY][SIZE=4][COLOR=rgb(255, 183, 197)][FONT=times new roman]Oh you poor soul...[/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE][/JUSTIFY]

[SIZE=4][COLOR=rgb(255, 183, 197)][FONT=times new roman]This is where I will list fandoms I have interest in basing a roleplay of. Colors show my interest level to each of them. I will also list pairings I like, but my interest is not limited to just those. If you have pairing you wish to see or try feel free to ask about it!

I won't put any premade plots for these to save space. I am open to brainstorm something or throw my ideas on your way. Feel free to also suggest your own ideas[/FONT][/COLOR]

[COLOR=rgb(235, 107, 86)][FONT=times new roman]Every character under sites minimum age will be aged-up at least to it!

Also every MxF-pairing will be no until I expand my search to include them once again. Trans-men characters like Yamato are exception![/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=rgb(255, 183, 197)][FONT=times new roman]Pink = Craving[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=rgb(97, 189, 109)][FONT=times new roman]Green = Open[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=rgb(247, 218, 100)][FONT=times new roman]Yellow = Maybe[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=rgb(235, 107, 86)][FONT=times new roman]Red = Not interested at the moment[/FONT][/COLOR]

[INDENT][SIZE=5][COLOR=rgb(198, 131, 215)][FONT=times new roman]1. Anime/manga/manhwa:[/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE][/INDENT]

[FONT=times new roman][COLOR=rgb(97, 189, 109)]➤ Neon Genesis Evangelion (Anime + EoE, manga and Rebuild-movies)

[COLOR=rgb(255, 183, 197)]➤ Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon
Kobayashi x Tohru
Ilulu x Aida Taketo[/COLOR]

[COLOR=rgb(97, 189, 109)]➤ My Dress-Up Darling (Anime + manga)
Marin Kitagawa x Gojou Wakana[/COLOR]

[COLOR=rgb(247, 218, 100)]➤ Fate/TYPE-MOON (Ask about my experience, too much to list)
Ask. Too many to list.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=rgb(255, 183, 197)]➤ Cardcaptor Sakura (aged-up)
Sakura Kinomoto x Li Syaoran
Sakura Kinomoto x Tomoyo Daidouji[/COLOR]

[COLOR=rgb(247, 218, 100)]➤ Haruhi Suzumiya-series
Haruhi Suzumiya x Kyon[/COLOR]

[COLOR=rgb(255, 183, 197)]➤ Love Live! School Idol Project
Maki Nishikino x Nico Yazawa
Nozomi Toujou x Eli Ayase
Hanayo Koizumi x Rin Hoshizora

➤ Love Live! Sunshine!
Chika Takami x You Watanabe
Yoshiko Tsushima x Hanamaru Kunikida
[FONT=times new roman][COLOR=rgb(255, 183, 197)]Yoshiko Tsushima x Riko Sakurauchi[/COLOR][/FONT]
Mari Ohara x Kanan Matsuura

➤ Love Live! Nijigasaki Gakuen School Idol Doukoukai
Ai Miyashita x Rina Tennoji
Karin Asaka x Ai Miyashita
Ayumu Uehara x Yuu Takasaki
Lanzhu Zong x Shioriko Mifune
Karin Asaka x Emma Verde

➤ Love Live! Superstar
Keke Tang x Sumire Heanna
Kanon Shibuya x Chisato Arashi
Shiki Wakana x Mei Yoneme

➤ Link! Like! Love Live!
TBA. Ask if interested!

➤ Bocchi The Rock!
Gotou Hitori x Anyone really lol[/COLOR]

[COLOR=rgb(97, 189, 109)]➤ Monogatari-series
Hitagi Senjougahara x Araragi Koyomi
Hitagi Senjougahara x Tsubasa Hanekawa
Tsubasa Hanekawa x Araragi Koyomi
Kiss-Shot Acerola-Orion Heart-Under-Blade x Araragi Koyomi[/COLOR]

[COLOR=rgb(255, 183, 197)]➤ BanG Dream! (anime + game. Read every story since 2018)
Kasumi Toyama x Arisa Ichigaya
Yukina Minato x Lisa Imai
Ako Udagawa x Rinko Shirokane
Ran Mitake x Moca Aoba
Masking x Lock
Aya Maruyama x Chisato Shirasagi
Touko Kirigaya x Rui Yashio
Any Mygo!!!!! ship
Many more to come...

➤ K-On!
Yui Hirasawa x Azusa Nakano
Mio Akiyama x Ritsu Tainaka

➤ Sailor Moon
Mizuno Ami x Kino Makoto
Haruka Tenou x Michiru Kaiou
Usagi Tsukino x Mamoru Chiba

➤ Futari wa Precure (aged-up)
Nagisa Misumi x Honoka Yukishiro

➤ Yes Precure 5 (aged-up)
Nozomi Yumehara x Coco
Komachi Akimoto x Nuts
Karen Minazuki x Rin Natsuki

➤ Mahoutsukai Precure (aged-up)
Liko Izayoi x Mirai Asahina[/COLOR][/FONT]

[COLOR=rgb(255, 183, 197)][FONT=times new roman]➤ Kira Kira Precure A La Mode (aged-up)
Akira Kenjou x Yukari Kotozume

➤ Hugtto Precure (aged-up)
Ruru Amour x Emiru Aisaki

➤ Star☆Twinkle Precure (aged-up)
Hikaru Hoshina x Lala Hagoromo

➤ Tropical Rouge Precure (aged-up)
Laura La Mer x Manatsu Natsuumi

➤ Hirogaru Sky Precure (aged-up)
Sora Harewataru x Mashiro Nijigaoka
Tsubasa Yuunagi x Ageha Hijiri

➤ Wonderful Precure (aged-up)
Yuki Nekoyashiki x Mayu Nekoyashiki
Iroha Inukai x Komugi Inukai
Iroha Inukai x Satoru Toyama

➤ Mahou Shoujo Madoka★Magica (aged-up)
Madoka Kaname x Homura Akemi
Sayaka Miki x Kyouko Sakura[/FONT][/COLOR]

[FONT=times new roman][COLOR=rgb(255, 183, 197)]➤ Symphogear
Hibiki Tachibana x Miku Kohinata
Hibiki Tachibana x Chris Yukine
Kirika Akatsuki x Shirabe Tsukuyomi

➤ Oshiete Galko-chan
Galko x Otako[/COLOR]

[COLOR=rgb(97, 189, 109)]➤ Idolm@ster (original, Cinderella Girls, Shiny Colors)
Ask. Too many to list. Open for suggestions too![/COLOR]

[COLOR=rgb(255, 183, 197)]➤ Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou
Alpha Hatsuseno x Kokone Takatsu[/COLOR]

[COLOR=rgb(97, 189, 109)]➤ Konosuba
Aqua x Wiz
Megumin x Yunyun
Darkness x Kazuma
Darkness x any of the girls really

➤ Strike Witches
Erica Hartmann x Gerturd Barkhorn
Eila Ilmatar Juutilainen x Sanya V. Litvyak
Yoshika Miyafuji x Lynette Bishop

➤ Mushoku Tensei
Ghislaine x Eris Boreas Greyrat (aged-up)

➤ Girls Und Panzer
Ask. Pretty rusty with this fandom, but seen everything tho![/COLOR]

[COLOR=rgb(255, 183, 197)]➤ Hibike Euphonium
Kumiko Oumae x Reina Kousaka
Kumiko Oumae x Asuka Tanaka[/COLOR]

[COLOR=rgb(247, 218, 100)]➤ Highschool DxD
Rias x Akeno
Xenovia x Irina[/COLOR]

[COLOR=rgb(255, 183, 197)]➤ Kill La Kill
Ryuko x Satsuki
Ryuko x Mako
Ima Gamagoori x Mako[/COLOR]

[COLOR=rgb(247, 218, 100)]➤ Toaru-series
Misaka Mikoto x Shirai Kuroko[/COLOR][/FONT]
[COLOR=rgb(247, 218, 100)][FONT=times new roman]Misaka Mikoto x Misaki Shokuhou
Ruiko Saten x Uiharu Kazari[/FONT][/COLOR]

[FONT=times new roman][COLOR=rgb(247, 218, 100)]➤ Mieruko-chan (Anime + manga)
Miko Yotsuya x Hana Yurikawa
Miko Yotsuya x Michiru Ichijou[/COLOR]

[COLOR=rgb(97, 189, 109)]➤ Bleach (Manga)
Orihime Inoue x Giselle Gewelle
Orihime Inoue x Riruka Dogukamine
Orihime Inoue x Ichigo Kurosaki
Orihime Inoue x Tatsuki Arisawa
Orihime Inoue x Ulquiorra
Orihime Inoue x Grimmjow
Soi Fon x Yoruichi Shihouin
Retsu Unohana x RIsane Kotetsu
Riruka Dogukamine x Ichigo Kurosaki
Uryuu Ishida x Nemu Kurosutchi
Gin Ichimaru x Rangiku Matsumoto

➤ One Piece (Caught-up with the manga and seen Movie Red)
Perona x Mihawk
Perona x Zoro
Perona x Usopp
Zoro Roronoa x Captain Tashigi
Nami x Nico Robin
Luffy x Boa Hancock (maybe)[/COLOR][/FONT]
[COLOR=rgb(97, 189, 109)][FONT=times new roman]Sanji x Pudding (maybe)
Anything involving Yamato really[/FONT][/COLOR]
[FONT=times new roman][COLOR=rgb(97, 189, 109)]Ask! Don't have many OP ships tbh.

➤ Jujutsu Kaisen (Anime + manga)
Yuko Ozawa x Itadori Yuji
Nobara Kugisaki x Either of the Zenin sisters
Kento Nanami x Anyone (suggest)
Don't have any hard ships on this one. Ask![/COLOR]

[COLOR=rgb(235, 107, 86)]➤ Dragon Ball (Z) (been many years since I've read the manga. Read Super till ToP and dropped it.)
Oolong x Bulma
Oolong x Android 18
Chi Chi x Bulma
Ask. Don't really have any hardcore ships in this one either.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=rgb(247, 218, 100)]➤ Chainsaw Man (Anime + manga)
Suggest. Don't have any affinity to any pairing really. Inclusion of Asa is always appreciated.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=rgb(97, 189, 109)]➤ Boku No Hero Academia (Finished reading manga. Dropped anime)
Bakugo x Uraraka
Mirko x Hawks
La Brava x Gentle Criminal
Himiko Toga x Uraraka
Ask. However I will [B]NOT[/B] play as or against Deku.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=rgb(255, 183, 197)]➤ Yuuki Yuuna Is A Hero
Yuuki Yuuna x Mimori Tougou

➤ Revolutionary Girl Utena
Utena Tenjou x Anthy Himemiya

➤ Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight
Karen Aijou x Mahiru Tsuyuzaki
Karen Aijou x Hikari Kagura
Maya Tendou x Claudine Saijou
[FONT=times new roman][COLOR=rgb(255, 183, 197)]Kaoruko Hanayagi x Futaba Isurugi[/COLOR][/FONT]
[COLOR=rgb(255, 183, 197)]Junna Hoshimi x Daiba Nana[/COLOR]

➤ Mobile Suit Gundam: Witch From Mercury
Suletta Mercury x Miorine Rembran

➤ Macross Frontier
Ranka Lee x Sheryl Nome[/COLOR]

[COLOR=rgb(97, 189, 109)]➤ Frieren - Beyond Journey's End (manga-reader + anime-watcher)
Frieren x Fern[/COLOR][/FONT]
[COLOR=rgb(97, 189, 109)][FONT=times new roman]Frieren x Aura
Stark x Fern
Frieren x Himmel[/FONT][/COLOR]

[COLOR=rgb(255, 183, 197)][FONT=times new roman]➤ Oshi no Ko (manga and anime)[/FONT][/COLOR]
[FONT=times new roman][COLOR=rgb(255, 183, 197)]Kana Arima x Akane Kurosawa
Any ship within new B-Komachi

➤ Plus-Sized Elf
Elfuda x Kuroeda

[COLOR=rgb(97, 189, 109)][FONT=times new roman]➤ To Love-Ru!
Lala Deviluke x Haruna Sairenji
Nana Deviluke x Mea Kurosaki

➤ Valkyrie Drive: Mermaid
Mirei Shikishima x Mamori Tokonome
Suggest! Open to also use the setting for original pairing.

➤ Mato Seihei no Slave (anime + manga)[/FONT][/COLOR]
[FONT=times new roman][COLOR=rgb(97, 189, 109)]Ezo Yakumo x Any girl from the series
Suggest! Open to also use the setting for original pairing.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=rgb(255, 183, 197)]➤ Watashi no Oshi wa Akuyaku Reijou
Claire François x Rae Taylor[/COLOR]

[COLOR=rgb(97, 189, 109)]➤ Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni and Umineko No Naku Koro Ni
Suggest! In general open to a lot of pairings in these[/COLOR]

[COLOR=rgb(255, 183, 197)]➤ Mage & Demon Queen (Webtoon)
Malori Crowett x Queen Velverosa[/COLOR][/FONT]

[COLOR=rgb(255, 183, 197)][FONT=times new roman]➤ Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha (aged-up or the versions from later seasons)[/FONT][/COLOR]
[FONT=times new roman][COLOR=rgb(255, 183, 197)]Nanoha Takamachi x Fate Testarossa
Fate Testarossa x Arf

➤ Girls Band Cry
Nina Iseri x Momoka Kawaragi
Tomo Ebizuka x RUPA
Subaru Awa x Nina Iseri[/COLOR]

[COLOR=rgb(97, 189, 109)]➤ Dungeon Meshi
Marcille x Falin
Inutade x anyone
Namari x anyone[/COLOR]

[COLOR=rgb(255, 183, 197)]➤ Yuru Camp
Nadeshiko x Rin
Aoi x Chiaki

➤ Whisper Me A Love Song
Himari Kino x Yori Asanagi
Aki Mizuguchi x Shiho Izumi
Kaori Tachibana x Mari Tsutsui[/COLOR][/FONT]

[COLOR=rgb(97, 189, 109)][FONT=times new roman]➤ Yoru no Kurage wa Oyogenai[/FONT][/COLOR]
[FONT=times new roman][COLOR=rgb(97, 189, 109)]Mahiru Kouzuki x Kano Yamanouchi
Kiui Watase x anyone
Miiko x anyone[/COLOR]

[COLOR=rgb(255, 183, 197)]➤ Spice & Wolf
Holo x Lawrence
Holo x OC Merchant (F, NB or Fu)[/COLOR]

[COLOR=rgb(97, 189, 109)]➤ Dead Dead Demons Dededede Destruction
Ouran Nakagawa x Kadode Koyama[/COLOR][/FONT]

[COLOR=rgb(97, 189, 109)][FONT=times new roman]➤ Shikanoko Nokonoko Koshitantan
Noko Shikanoko x Torako Koshi[/FONT][/COLOR]

[COLOR=rgb(255, 183, 197)][FONT=times new roman]➤ The Dangers In My Heart
Anna Yamada x Kyoutarou Ichikawa

➤ Shugo Chara
Amu Hinamori x Nagihiko/Nadeshiko Fujisaki
Amu Hinamori x Ikuto Tsukiyomi

➤ Ranma 1/2
Ranma Saotome x Akane Tendo
Ranma Saotome x Shampoo

➤ Dandadan (NEW!)
Ken Takakura x Momo Ayase
Momo Ayase x Aira Shiratori[/FONT][/COLOR]

[FONT=times new roman]➤ + many more. Will be updated![/FONT]

[INDENT][SIZE=5][COLOR=rgb(198, 131, 215)][FONT=times new roman]2. Gacha and video games:[/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE][/INDENT]

[FONT=times new roman][COLOR=rgb(247, 218, 100)]➤ Azur Lane (Game + anime)

➤ Arknights (ex-player, current anime-follower)
Ch'en x Hoshiguma

[COLOR=rgb(97, 189, 109)]➤ Princess Connect: ReDive! (Game + anime)

➤ Blue Archive
Asuna x Karin
Hanako x Koharu[/COLOR][/FONT]
[COLOR=rgb(97, 189, 109)][FONT=times new roman]Aru x Haruka[/FONT][/COLOR]
[FONT=times new roman][COLOR=rgb(97, 189, 109)]Ask[/COLOR]

[COLOR=rgb(247, 218, 100)]➤ Neptunia-series (+ anime)

➤ Senran Kagura-series (Games + anime)
Yagyuu x Hibari
Haruka x Hibari

[COLOR=rgb(255, 183, 197)][FONT=times new roman]➤ Persona 3 (FES/Reload)
Yukari Takeba x Mitsuru Kirijo
Yukari Takeba x Aigis
Chidori Yoshino x Junpei Iori

➤ Persona 4 (Golden)[/FONT][/COLOR]
[FONT=times new roman][COLOR=rgb(255, 183, 197)]Chie Satonaka x Yukiko Amagi
Kanji Tatsumi x Naoto Shirogane
Rise Kujikawa x Protagonist[/COLOR]

[COLOR=rgb(247, 218, 100)]➤ Persona 5 (Royal)
Any FxF, FuxF or FuxFu ship really
Ryuji Sakamoto x Futaba Sakura
Ryuji Sakamoto x Ann Takamaki
Ren Amamiya x Any romance-route girl pretty much[/COLOR]

[COLOR=rgb(235, 107, 86)]➤ Danganronpa (currently playing 2nd one)

[COLOR=rgb(255, 183, 197)]➤ Guilty Gear (Strive and Xrd)
Open for suggestions.

➤ Touhou-series (Games, douin anime and some manga)

➤ Hatsune Miku Project Sekai: Colorful Stage

[COLOR=rgb(247, 218, 100)][FONT=times new roman]➤ NieR: Automata
2B x 9S[/FONT][/COLOR]

[COLOR=rgb(255, 183, 197)][FONT=times new roman]➤ Little Goody Two Shoes
Elise x any of the romance options (seen only Freya ending)[/FONT][/COLOR]

[COLOR=rgb(235, 107, 86)][FONT=times new roman]➤ Pokemon-series (Mainly games. Seen some anime)
Ask, but played these so much that Pokephilia is expected to get me onboard with this.[/FONT][/COLOR]

[INDENT][SIZE=5][COLOR=rgb(198, 131, 215)][FONT=times new roman]3. Western-cartoons:[/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE][/INDENT]

[COLOR=rgb(235, 107, 86)][FONT=times new roman]➤ RWBY
Extremely picky with this one. Only interested in F and Fu-characters[/FONT][/COLOR]
[SLIDE_HEADER]     Kinks 🌸  [/slide_header]
[JUSTIFY][SIZE=4][COLOR=rgb(255, 183, 197)][FONT=times new roman]First things first. Here's my F-list -[/FONT][/COLOR][FONT=times new roman] [URL='']F-list[/URL][/FONT][/SIZE][/JUSTIFY]

[SIZE=4][COLOR=rgb(255, 183, 197)][FONT=times new roman]I will list some general kinks I enjoy as well as my limits here. Note that none of them are a must, unless specified otherwise.[/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE]

[INDENT][SIZE=5][COLOR=rgb(97, 189, 109)][FONT=times new roman]Favorites:[/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE][/INDENT]
[SIZE=4][COLOR=rgb(97, 189, 109)][FONT=times new roman]➤ Everything anal-related (almost a must tbh)
➤ Everything cum-related / Gokkun
➤ Rimming (both ways)
➤ Netorare / NTR
➤ Armpits
➤ Bestiality
➤ Monsters
➤ Condom-play
➤ Femdom
➤ Squirting
➤ Pubic/anus/armpit hair
➤ Dirty /musky cocks, vaginas and anuses
➤ Chubby/plump female/futa-characters (For clarification something like [URL='']this[/URL] (NSFW), [URL='']this[/URL] (NSFW) or [URL='']this[/URL] (SFW). Open to more/less and clarificate things if need be)
➤ Wholesome small-penis play
➤ Linking your favorite song in the starter. Not mandatory, but shows you've read this thread.[/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE]

[INDENT][SIZE=5][COLOR=rgb(235, 107, 86)][FONT=times new roman]Limits:[/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE][/INDENT]
[SIZE=4][COLOR=rgb(235, 107, 86)][FONT=times new roman]➤ Vore
➤ Micro/macro-stuff
➤Pregnancy and feet-focus (can be included as long as they aren't main focus)
➤ Tickling
➤ DeviantART-tier kinks (blueberrification, flattening etc etc.)[/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE]
[IMG width="332px"][/IMG]

[COLOR=rgb(255, 183, 197)][FONT=times new roman]Feel free to suggest your own plot as well, preferably based on the pairings up above or something similar![/FONT][/COLOR]

[COLOR=rgb(235, 107, 86)][FONT=times new roman]Genderbent-plot is exempt from the FxM-pairing rule if you wish to play M/F-character![/FONT][/COLOR]
[ACCORDION=BCENTER|430px][SLIDE=Escapers of Virtual-World (Taken!)|center]
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[CENTER][COLOR=rgb(198, 131, 215)][FONT=times new roman]Escapers of Virtual-World[/FONT][/COLOR][/CENTER]
[COLOR=rgb(235, 107, 86)][FONT=times new roman]Once again this is more of a freeform prompt where I want to do some good-old worldbuilding with my possible partner![/FONT][/COLOR][/JUSTIFY]

[COLOR=rgb(235, 107, 86)][FONT=times new roman]The prompt is for a "Trapped in VRMMO/MMO" RP to put it simply. If you know series like Sword Art Online, Log Horizon and .Hack then you get the gist of what I am looking. People getting trapped in a game-world and trying to find their way out of it, preferably with the "you die in a game = you die in real life"  gimmick thrown in to make things more intense.

While adventure and action are the name of the game I do wish romance to be in a huge part of the play as well. Two people trapped in a life-or-death game falling in love with one another and making a promise to meet in real life if they ever get out of the game for example.

If "trapped in MMO + death-game" setting isn't something of interest then I am also open to just gaming shenanigans and romance that starts in MMO and transitions in real life. Something Shangri-La Frontier, Bofuri or Recovery of MMO Junkie,

Interested in basing the game in the world of SAO? I am more than happy do RP and a new take on the Aincrad-arc of the series without Kirito and other characters.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[/LINEHEIGHT][/SLIDE][SLIDE=A.I.Shiteru (NEW!)|center]
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[CENTER][URL='']↻      ◁     ||     ▷       ↺[/URL][/CENTER]
[CENTER][COLOR=rgb(198, 131, 215)][FONT=times new roman]A.I.Shiteru[/FONT][/COLOR][/CENTER]
[COLOR=rgb(255, 183, 197)][FONT=times new roman]IEver wanted to pair a human with android/robot? Or perhaps with a sentient doll? Then this prompt might be what you're looking for!

Inspired by series such as Chobits, Rozen Maiden and Mahoromatic this is pretty simple idea. Basically just traditional romance between a human and non-human machine/doll. Mostly looking romantic comedy + SoL approach like in Chobits, but open to add some other elements. For example a gothic lolita-styled doll in a more horror/mystery setting and the doll developing unhealthy obsession for their owner as they start to become more and more human resulting essentially yandere-plot with a hint of Child's Play in the mix (though the doll in this case would be closer to an actual grown human size)[/FONT][/COLOR][/JUSTIFY]

[COLOR=rgb(255, 183, 197)][FONT=times new roman]More dramatic approach is also on the table. We can add some problems that may arise from a romance between human and android for example and have the main pair tackle them.

As always this is really open to brainstorming.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[/LINEHEIGHT][/SLIDE][SLIDE=Unholy Matrimony|center]
[INDENT=3][IMG width="339px"][/IMG][/INDENT]
[CENTER][URL='']↻      ◁     ||     ▷       ↺[/URL][/CENTER]
[CENTER][COLOR=rgb(198, 131, 215)][FONT=times new roman]Unholy Matrimony[/FONT][/COLOR][/CENTER]
[COLOR=rgb(255, 183, 197)][FONT=times new roman]In a medieval time small village a nun ends up falling in love with her childhood friend, and to her surprise the feelings are mutual. Despite having to keep their fellings and relationship under wraps the two dream of someday move out of this small rural village, head to the capital and start their life somewhere where no-one knows them, and  finally live the life they wished together somewhere where the prying and judgemental eyes of the villagers won't reach them.[/FONT][/COLOR][/JUSTIFY]

[COLOR=rgb(255, 183, 197)][FONT=times new roman]However the old legend of a witches resurrection starts to circle in village,, and things start to get a bit weird and eerie to say the least, till one day these eerie events finally resulted in murder.

Old legend says that the witch will claim all the lives in the village, and use their souls to finally resurrect herself after hundreds of years slumber. Literal witch-hunt around the village starts.

However the nun finds out relatively quickly who she is. The one who witches curse has possessed is none other than her childhood friend

Love is blind as they say, and instead of outing her she starts a battle against the time to find any mean necessary to save her loved one, and to her surprise she finds it. A ritual called Unholy Matrimony, which breaks the curse, but forces both of them to bear horrible after-effects after ritual is complete...

... And that's where this exposition stops. Instead of laying out the whole idea out here I want to discuss possible options with my partner. What are the conditions to clear the Unholy Matrimony, what is the price they have to pay. Will they receive their happy ending? Or will their fairytale be happily never after?

I have loads of ideas I didn't want to put this here to give room for my partners suggestion(s), but if you're interested I gladly tell them. I have both good endings and bad endings to offer! We could literally make different routes for this shit if you want.

Extremely inspired by Umineko and Little Goody Two Shoes. While I want there to be romance, wholesome moments and smut this story will have focus on drama, horror and mystery.

Want to take this to next level? BAM! More characters interested in the "childhood friend", nun going full on yandere perhaps? Her letting witch to be resurrected in hopes that she can grant her wish of be forever with her friend?

Extremely open to discuss this.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[SLIDE=Genderbend (vague plot-seed)|center]
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[CENTER][URL='']↻      ◁     ||     ▷       ↺[/URL][/CENTER]
[CENTER][COLOR=rgb(198, 131, 215)][FONT=times new roman]Genderbend[/FONT][/COLOR][/CENTER]
[COLOR=rgb(255, 183, 197)][FONT=times new roman]Lately I've really been into Ranma 1/2. Currently reading it as a manga, and can't get enough of it. I absolutely love the relationship between Ranma and Akane, but enough about me gushing about the inspiration...

... Simply put I am looking for gender-bend roleplay with this prompt. Preferably something light-hearted and not realistic like in the inspiration material. We can come up with a condition that makes either YC or MC flip between man and woman, and have all kind hijinks happen between the two and characters around them.[/FONT][/COLOR][/JUSTIFY]

[COLOR=rgb(255, 183, 197)][FONT=times new roman]While I am not looking any serious and realistic story-line about sex-exchange with this prompt I do wish to have some gender-and sexuality exploration included in this. Have the other character question about their previous notions about these subjects, and maybe come to the conclusion that they wish to be a woman, man or non-binary in the course of the play. Maybe they come to terms that they were happy in their original sex and our characters find a way to turn him permanently back to it, or have them stay as the sex they swapped into.

I am happy to play out as or against the one who changes the gender! Extremely open to discuss and make this vague prompt our looking!

Like with  "Like Oil And Water" I don't have anything too specific for this, but I am mainly looking for light-hearted romcom in the vein of Ranma 1/2 and perhaps something like Oniichan Wa Oshimai with this. I also prefer this to be either MxF, where M that I play turns to F, making the dynamic M/FxF, or play against F that an turn to M.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[SLIDE=I Stan For Magical-Girl, But I Am Also Her Arch-Nemesis|center]
[INDENT=3][IMG width="312px"][/IMG][/INDENT]
[CENTER][URL='']↻      ◁     ||     ▷       ↺[/URL][/CENTER]
[CENTER][COLOR=rgb(198, 131, 215)][FONT=times new roman]I Stan For The Magical-Girl, But I'm Also Her Arch-Nemesis[/FONT][/COLOR][/CENTER]
[COLOR=rgb(255, 183, 197)][FONT=times new roman]Muse 1 is a nerdy loner of the class. Not exactly bullied, but a wallflower that everyone seems to forget and whom nobody talks to, except muse 2, who's the most popular girl of the class. On top of this she's a magica lgirl who protects their city. Muse 1 happened to see her transform to some time ago and is only one who knows her secret, these two things have made her stan for her like no-one else. They buy every figurine and piece of merch made of them, as well as root her in any way possible.[/center]

However soon a mysterious dark mascot-like character appears in front of them, telling how they could also be a magical girl, or someone else who supports them. Not even thinking that this all sounds too good to be true they agree, and enter a contract with the mysterious character, however this mysterious token mascot fooled them, and now they fight for the evil organisation trying to beat said magical girl and take over the town, and after that whole world.

Now Muse 1 has two options. Either fight against the magical girl, or be offed. Choosing the first option the battle against her beloved protector of the town begins, however fortunately for her she doesn't seem to know that it's her loner classmate fighting against her. And funnily enough at the same time the two hit it off in their civil life and become fast friends, and something more.

What happens when cats out of the back? How can the Muse 1 protect her secret? And can she find a solution where she doesn't have to fight for the baddies? And when the truth is revealed what happens to their relationship?

Inspired by the rather new animeadaptation of the manga called Mahou Shoujo ni Akogarete. Manga/anime is extremely ecchi and comedic with lighthearted overtone, but I think this could also be turned into a more serious story with a lot of drama. Open for either of the approach and playing either party of the main couple.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[SLIDE=Like Oil And Water (vague plot-seed)|center]
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[CENTER][COLOR=rgb(198, 131, 215)][FONT=times new roman]Like Oil And Water[/FONT][/COLOR][/CENTER]
[COLOR=rgb(255, 183, 197)][FONT=times new roman]Extremely simple craving between gyaru and goth. Represents of two completely different subculture end up mingling with one another, and falling in love with one another. This simple prompt is heavily inspired by [URL='']these[/URL] [URL='']three[/URL] [URL='']pics[/URL] (SFW). I am open to play either the gyaru or goth, and unlike in the pics the preference is FxF, FuxF or NbxF, but I am also open for male counterpart of gyaru-oh/himbo and goth guy like in the pics.[/FONT][/COLOR][/JUSTIFY]

[COLOR=rgb(255, 183, 197)][FONT=times new roman]For plot I am pretty much open book here. Maybe the two end up on the same course in high-school (16+)/university? Have to take-up on make-up classes due to being absent too much? Or if they are out of school they could meet at the convention, concert (perhaps they become band-members in the same band?) or some other place. I do like the "enemies to lovers" troupe so it could be implemented to this one as well, or have the gyaru-party pursue the goth one, who initially shows little to no interest to her. Introver x extrovert dynamic also could work extremely well with this.

Another idea I have for this is student-council president x gyaru inspired by these [URL='']two[/URL] [URL='']doujins[/URL] (NSFW), so something similar, but more plot heavy could be fun.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[SLIDE=The Path Of Fierce Resistance|center]
[INDENT=3][IMG width="331px"][/IMG][/INDENT]
[CENTER][URL='']↻      ◁     ||     ▷       ↺[/URL][/CENTER]
[CENTER][COLOR=rgb(198, 131, 215)][FONT=times new roman]The Path of Fierce Resistance[/FONT][/COLOR][/CENTER]
[COLOR=rgb(255, 183, 197)][FONT=times new roman]Muse A is a princess of a space-colony, who's had her whole life dicdated to her by her parents. Everything from what to wear to whom she'll marry in the future. She was already resigned to her destiny, until her Prince-Charming (who's gender is up to us to decide) steps in her life. Her monochrome world is soon filled with color, and it is love at the first sight, on both sides.

The two spend the time together, and the two enjoy every day to their fullest, despite knowing that the love can't never be truly realized. King also notices the two getting chummier and friendlier with one another, and decides to send the figurative Prince-Charming's mecha-group to the frontlines of ongoing space-war with other colonies. 'Prince-charming' is the commander of the group and ace-pilot and soldier, so they confidently promise to come back leaving behind a ring for the princess, telling her to hold for it till he comes back. They also make a promise to talk to her father about their love and cancelling the arranged marriage, ready to elope if their wish doesn't come true. Princess madly in love promises to hold this wish to her heart and promises to wait for him.

Days turn to months, and months to years. After two years of waiting it is heard that the commander is MIA, which breaks the princess's heart, but the headstrong, stubborn and resolute princess doesn't just settle with moping. She swears to get revenge for her lover, and kill the one who assumably was behind it all. Notorious pilot in a flashy mecha, who's rumored to be the best mecha-soldier and pilot in the world.

After relinquishing her position as the crown-princess and changing her identity she enlists into the mecha-corps army, and takes the first step towards her revenge.

And this is where the actual roleplay-aspect comes into the play. Muse B is her partner. Either a roommate, training-partner, her mentor/senpai or a rival in her pier. They are both skilled pilots, and the muse B would take an interest this seemingly royal person, who looks like she shouldn't be enlisting to frontlines has arrived in the army with a drive like no-one else, and who seemingly keeps a friendly facade up to hide the rage that almost seems to seep-out under the mask she is wearing.

Despite seeming like the Muse A is hard to approach two get along, and start to open up to one another. After some time the two become friends, and after some time has passed since the rumoured passing away of her lover, and the hope of finding them starts to seem extremely slim she starts to move on slowly but surely, and the romantic feelings this time are pointed towards her new friend, Muse B.

Despite finding a new budding love. Her goal stays the same. Avenge her first lover, and make sure that if she ever makes the same promise to the Muse B she'll come back to her

Well... That took longer to explain than I thought. This is more plot and drama-heavy idea where the slow-burn is the name of the game. While Princess is mostly written character already Muse B can go more crazy with theirs.

Open to change some aspects and discuss this idea further if you happen to be interested in this one![/FONT][/COLOR]
[SLIDE=One Hell of A Maid|center]
[INDENT=3][IMG width="322px"][/IMG][/INDENT]
[CENTER][URL='']↻      ◁     ||     ▷       ↺[/URL][/CENTER]
[CENTER][COLOR=rgb(198, 131, 215)][FONT=times new roman]One Hell of A Maid[/FONT][/COLOR][/CENTER]
[COLOR=rgb(255, 183, 197)][FONT=times new roman]A deal with the devil for the sake of the revenge.

Muse 1 is an orphan heir of the rich and famous family (16+). Her parents were brutally murdered in front of them and they quickly decided to run away in hiding, as the killers were searching them around the house they hear a voice asking if they need any help. Suddenly a formless shadow figure aka. Musa 2 appears before them telling them that they are sure to die where they are, unless they accept some otherworldly help. Not left with much of a choice the two form a quick contract. The formless shadow entity would help them to find out who hired the assassins in their house and help them exact their revenge, and in return Muse 1 soul would be theirs to take.

After getting rid of the assassins the formless shadow takes a form a human, and suggests that to stay their side at all times they should assume the role of the servant, which Muse 1 agrees.

However as the two try to get to the bottom of who exactly was behind the murder of their family the devilish maid/buttler starts to get some humane feelings, and slowly but surely fall in love with their master. And in addition to assisting the master they'd also start and try to win their heart for them, maybe even go as far as to forsake the contract they made with them and try to bear the consequences it might have for them.

Like Kuroshitsuji this would focus on mystery with some good-old romance and drama. Unlike the inspiration this doesn't necessarily have to be set in early 1900's England, but could be set on pretty much everywhere or at any time.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[SLIDE=Ice-Queen Meets A Cunning Fox-God|center]
[INDENT=3][IMG width="322px"][/IMG][/INDENT]
[CENTER][URL='']↻      ◁     ||     ▷       ↺[/URL][/CENTER]
[CENTER][COLOR=rgb(198, 131, 215)][FONT=times new roman]Ice-Queen Meets A Cunning Fox-God[/FONT][/COLOR][/CENTER]
[COLOR=rgb(255, 183, 197)][FONT=times new roman]This roleplay is set in a modern-fantasy like setting in Japan, where yokai and other creatures mingle with regular people.

Muse A, a descendant of a Yuki Onna is hired at a company, and on her first day they meet another new employee, who in turn is Muse B, descendant of a Kitsune.

This is a setup for a office romcom with a little twist of fantasy and supernatural. Maybe the two get along as well as oil and water at first, or maybe they find a common tune immediately and grow fast closer. If we want we can add other pairings based on Japanese deities and spirits, creatures etc. Since this is heavily anime and manga inspired I do mainly wish to keep the pool centered in Japanese mythology, but not 100% against other mythological creatures, deities etc. Basically the main draw is to have mythological creatures mingle with people and use the setting to our advantage.

If you've seen/read Wotakoi or The Ice Guy and His Cool Female Colleague you know the general vibe I am looking for with the roleplay with added smut.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[SLIDE=My Reason To Die Another Day|center]
[CENTER][URL='']↻      ◁     ||     ▷       ↺[/URL][/CENTER]
[CENTER][COLOR=rgb(198, 131, 215)][FONT=times new roman]My Reason To Die Another Day[/FONT][/COLOR][/CENTER]
[COLOR=rgb(255, 183, 197)][FONT=times new roman]Muse 1 is a notorious delinquent, while being a leader of a little gang of other misfits they and being known as an extremely strong person the rumors of her and the gang got exaggerated, and they end up getting attacked out of the blue, they manage to run awa. The last thing she sees is a small and frail looking person asking if they are ok before passing out.

After they wake up they realize that they are in an unknown apartment, and that someone has tended her. This is where she gets a first look of Muse 2, Small, shy, frail-looking person who decided to help them.

To not land her savior in any danger she decides to leave and never interact with her again, however the two end up meeting the following day, and despite Muse 1 being a deadbeat delinquent at least according to people around her Muse 2 for some reason seems to want to be with her, and actively try to interact with her whenever they meet. Slowly but surely the walls around Muse 1 start to crumble and she lets Muse 2 closer to her, and before she knows she realizes that she has started to fall in love with her, but of course possible romance and love between a delinquent and someone who's not related to the said world isn't all rainbows and sunshine, be it Muse 2 being targeted by other gangs or Muse 2's parents being against the two even interracting with one another.

Inspired by delinquent-manga, Yakuza's Fiance and Kaoru Hana wa Rin to Saku I am looking more dramatic romance plot with this prompt. Open to change things around like in my other prompts as well, but looking a hard-boiled delinquent x the frail/petite small girl dynamic with this.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[SLIDE=Ephemeral Snow Moon Flower (NEW!)|center]


[CENTER][URL='']↻      ◁     ||     ▷       ↺[/URL][/CENTER]
[CENTER]Ephemeral Snow Moon Flower[/CENTER]

Muse 1 is a plus-sized student in a rural Japanese town near the sea, on top of this they are extremely interested in lolita fashion and makeup, and are not afraid to hide this. Despite getting made fun of and looked down at they want to be true to themselves, and rock the look and fit to their hearts content.

Muse 2 is an exchange student from a big city like Tokyo. They immediately become extremely popular in class, but the one they seem to be most interest is the gothic lolita girl who always sits alone. They try to get close to her, but due to her own insecurities and traumas Muse 1 tries to keep them at an arms reach away of them, however they manage to breach into her world by asking if they could also try the look that the young woman seems so passionate about.

From there a slow-burn HS/university romance filled with cute wholesome moments and lots of dress-up and makeup shenanigans would start!

So yeah pretty simple premise. I am not 100% married to the idea that Muse 1 has to be chubby/plus-sized, but I have my cravings for varying body-types so threw it there.

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Warning. Venting out my depressed asses anxieties down below!

tl;dr for those who are interested of my current situation and want to save themselves a trouble of reading it: I try to get back to everyone asap. Be it OOC or RP. Been feeling extremely socially exhausted for almost a month now and just generally depressed. Thank you for the patience <3

New year, same old depressing shit as always.

Current state of things

I mentioned that after I get over my social exhaustion I'll be back in the swing of things... The thing is that the social exhaustion never went away. I've just been feeling drained. I sometimes can muster a random forum post here or a Discord-reply there, but in general I've just been more withdrawn since for some reason even the most pleasant chatter with my partner drains my powers like nothing else, so sorry for all of my partners who have not heard of me in a while. I try to climb out of this rut slowly but surely, and hope to get my social spark lit again.

I am attending to a con this weekend, which will most likely drain my social batteries even more for a while, but maybe cosplaying, spending the money on weeb-shit and just having a good-old time gives me a boost I need, but not holding my breath just yet.

I try to become more active asap, but it feels that for the last three months again I've spent the majority of time just staring at the blank text-input box and made many of my partners wait and wait, which makes me feel bad since they deserve a partner whom they can enjoy writing with more, anxious because while I know I'm not in any strict deadline and most of my amazing partners are patient saints with me I feel like at any moment I might burn a bridge to a fun partner and loose a connection I've built here and just question if I should even be here.

This is not me saying I am going anywhere or dropping in a towel, just airing out my anxieties over the hobby. So if you're my partner reading this no need to fret. I love all of my stories I've started, and can't wait to get back on those asap. Speaking of which...


With social exhaustion comes another problem, which is that my creative juices have been to zero... Though that's not exactly 100% accurate. I've been cooking ideas like crazy. Be that for replies to existing roleplays, or new ideas for character(s), plots and such, but to get any of that to teh figurative paper has been impossible. Grand total of two replies has been written in this month, and it took me two-ish week to complete. Granted one was 1000+ word one, but still.

I might try to remedy this by starting to write another fanfic in addition to my Bocchi the Rock-one. This one based on BanG Dream! It's Mygo!!!!! . Might make it a bit more steamy to flex and train those pervy writing muscles, but I definitely want it to have a good story as well. The whole series is filled with so much drama and the dynamic between the characters I ship is complicated and interesting so I think that it will be fun to write. Not sure if anyone's actually reading it, but hey! At least I can put the ideas I would probably never get anyone to roleplay with me in some form!

That's all for now. Hopefully I get back in the swing of things soon!


To balance out things here's a new, hopefully more positive and interesting thing that I decided to try!

As some of you may have noticed... I like anime. I also like manga, games and stuff in that vein. I collect a lot of things based on my interests, and visit conventions fairly often. I have three main conventions in my home country I aim to go every time, and last night I came back from one of those.

I thought it might be fun (at least for me) to share the haul I got from convention, talk about them a little and that sort of stuff. It's me gushing about my hobby and hopefully show some cool stuff to people.

How the overall convention went

WHonestly not much to say about the convention in and of itself. It was a standard fair. Got to see my friends, attend to neat panels, wait a lot to get to check out the convention thrift-store, which most of the stuff I bought is from and cosplay/goof around. Sadly the cosplay I wore definitely needed some more testing, since the wig was an absolute nightmare. Even with hair-pins and all the makeshift remedies it constantly got in the way and was a headache to deal with. I usually cosplay on both friday and saturday, but I just couldn't stand it after friday. I definitely need to do some styling before next con since other than that the cosplay was great.

Now the loot!

Not sure how to go about this, but I guess I put the pics in categories and yap about it before moving to next one. I did buy NSFW-loots, but will put them in spoilers so no need to afraid of an anime boob jumpscare.

Gifts from Japan!

Hahaa! Got ya!

Before I go into the actual con-loot I will address these quickly. My friend came back from two-week trip from Japan just before the convention, and they brought me the first album from Kessoku Band and a random Precure wafer with a sticker in as well. Kessoku Band album has been in my "need to get" list for ages since the music in Bocchi The Rock is so freaking good, so glad to finally have the physical copy of it. Also as a Precure-fan the wafer was neat. The sticker I got was... Ok. Not sure if I ever do anything with it, but yeah. The wafer was just basic chocolate wafer. Nothing much to add.



I try to limit of how many figures I get due to the lack of space, and the fact that I much rather buy scale ones than prize-figures, but ended up getting these.

Bocchi purely since I didn't have even one Bocchi figure. Will probably upgrade it at some point, but it is cute and will serve as a cute decor of my favorite socially anxious guitarist

Giselle Gewelle was admittedly an impulse purchase. I didn't even know there were a figure of them already made, but since TYBW is getting adapted currently I guess it's not that surprising. Bought them to put next to my Bleach-manga collection, and they are extremely cute too!

Ginko from Yurikuma Arashi I bought from the convention thrift-store. If I see merch done of any Kunihiko Ikuhara-anime I will buy it. Despite the figure being a prize figure it was extremely detailed and cute and made a perfect addition with other my Mawaru Penguindrum figures.



Here's the first bach of manga I got. Honestly most of these are from my friends who bought them to me and brought them to con. We usually buy used-maga for each other to help each other with their collections. Only manga here that wasn't from my pals were Sailor Moon 7, Negima ones and My Dress-Up Darling 12. Drass-Up Darling I bought new and other ones I bought from convention thrift-store.

Soon I have almost a complete Sailor Moon manga on my shelve which I am extremely happy about, and finally got started collecting the Apothecary Diaries as a manga. I absolutely love both the anime and manga and they look so freaking good on the shelve. Those covers are just chef's kiss.

Fun fact: The manga on the bottom right is called Chocolat no Mahou, or The Magic of Chocolate in English. And it's a series that you can't really find anywhere online. First two volumes have been fan-translated, but other than that finding it in English is difficult... And this is where being from a random Northern-European country comes in clutch, since it has been released all the way up to volume 20 in here. Missing only two volumes of it myself. If you like fairly chill shoujo it is a series worth looking into.


Now these outside of Tsubasa volumes I found from the convention thrift-store, and I couldn't be happier with my luck.

These are all works by the manga/doujin-group CLAMP, and most of these are fairly rare, at least in here since stuff like Clamp School Paranormal Investigators are OOP (out of print) and impossible to find scanlations to. I have become a huge fan of CLAMP over the years so getting some of their lesser known series in the shelve and most completed (Ducklyon is missing last volume, Gate 7 two last ones and RG Veda 8 volumes. And Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles I still have incomplete, but have a good amount of volumes on shelve already).


The last anime/manga pic. I don't buy a lot of anime, but a local pressing of Urusei Yatsura movie 2 was too tempting to pass by. And Saber Marionette J was only 3€.

Takane to Hana is one of my favorite romance shoujo series out there, so finding the first volume used was a neat surprise. And now that I also found two first Nabari No Ou volumes used I have the whole manga in my shelve!

Artist-alley finds


Didn't buy much from artist alley this time. Took every Beato-merch I could find, and the Madoka and Homura charm was too cute to pass-by. Ame-chan charm was also super cool and as mentioned earlier any Kunihiko Ikuhara-work related stuff is a must-buy...

... And yes I bought the whole set of Gushing Over Magical Girls stickers I found. Unashamedly love the series.



Fun fact number 2: I like to collect physical doujins.

And yeah this time found pretty great ones. Asanagi is always appreciated and found my favorite Galko-chan related one. Those Symphogear-ones in the bottom middle were a surprise find from one of the vendors.

Submissive & Breedable-sticker, Simmering Variant-book and that Acrylic-charm that you can barely make out what it even is are from a local porn artist who makes amazing works and who I've actually commissioned some works of. The Acrylic-charm is the main couple if their latest work, and the Simmering Variant is a collection of their old works. They also make an interesting hentai-related panels to almost every 18+ convention around here which are fun to listen to.

And that's all!

Dunno what else to put here. Hope somebody found this an interesting and fun little look of what you can find from the conventions in the far Northern Europe!
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