Mx Female Grove. Mosaic. Trumpet. (StoryTeller looking for Player)

Good Times With Matt

Apr 10, 2020
The Netherlands
Grove, Mosaic, Trumpet.

Grove, Mosaic, Trumpet..

Grove... Mosaic... Trumpet...

Three words, seemingly non-sensical, but somehow you can feel their weight. Amidst the light of candles, you see a number of people seated around you, eight in total. Their wrists are bleeding, the blood being syphoned into a small pool in the center of the room, a pool in which you are laying. You have a migraine and no memories of how you'd gotten here, or who you even are for that matter.

Hey hey, thanks for checking out this little idea I've had brewing for some time. It's a bit of a unique one.
As the title would suggest, this is going to be a system-lite game. Meaning, we still stick to the conventional Storyteller and Player format, but won't be using any complicated systems or dice.

The story itself is about discovery, mystery and the nature of people. It also features some horror elements of various types.

I am looking for someone that is flexible, creative and generally interesting. I ask that you're able to write in full paragraphs, though this story won't benefit from full novella post lengths. Proper English, you know the drill.
This is meant to be a collaborative story, not a one-way thing. This is not me telling a story to you, this is something I want to do together.

This is not so quite a smutty game so much as "Adult-themed". The general vibe is that of a grim, mature setting. Do with that as you will.
Of course, this is something to be discussed.

I am happy to play this through threads or Discord. Feel free to let me know your preference.
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