Mx Any Rifts - A World Changed


Jun 28, 2011
Do you like mechs? Cybernetics? Magic? Mayhem? Let me introduce you to a world unlike our own! But it is ours.


Around 2100 A.D., Earth had reached a Golden Age of technology . . . but sadly not of peace and civility. Something about one war — the weapons used, the number of people killed, the alignment of the planets — ripped open a metaphysical scar, and magic returned.

Earth's ley lines powered up, now glowing blue as they cut across the landscape, ranging from a few yards to half a mile wide. And at each nexus where these ley lines intersected, a rift might randomly open onto an alien dimension. When it did, monsters would pour forth, ranging from mindless beasts to sapient raiders and conquerors; we called them "dimensional beings" or "D-Bees" for short, and did our best to fight them with the help of heroes like the Glitter Boys and Cyber-Knights.

After a few hundred years (the "Dark Ages"), humanity had pushed back enough that society started to reform. Independent walled settlements grew into larger states and nations. Rifts still opened randomly, so the countryside was plagued with D-Bee monsters. Most people considered all D-Bees threats, but some folks were willing to give the intelligent ones a chance to be allies. Battles were now fought with a mix of technology, magic, and psionics; a new science, techno-wizardry, even learned to blend these things together.

Some notable factions and peoples of Rifts Earth

  • Atlantis - The ancient landmass has reemerged, and with it an ancient evil.
  • Glitter Boys - Power Armor that predates the Great Cataclysm and the hereditary pilots that use them.
  • Cyber-Knights - Enhanced cybernetic warriors who battle for those weaker than themselves.
  • Coalition States - The dominant power in North America, the fascist nation is xenophobic and human-centric.
  • Australia - Think mad max with sentient koala-people and giant kangaroos that are used as mounts.
  • England - Rumors of Arthur abound and magic is the most powerful force known.
  • Africa - The true harbingers of doom roam the continent, the Four Horsemen.
  • There is so much more!

    This setting is wonderfully diverse and flexible and one that I thoroughly enjoy! I'm looking to introduce others to it, to explore the reformed world through our characters and crafting of their stories!
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