Enemies to Lovers/Tense Romance -- An Illicit Romance Between a Naval Captain and a Pirate


Mar 19, 2020
I had been granted a commission three years ago. Since then, I've been in command of two ships. The first command only lasted a single tour to Gibraltar. But the second, the ship I still captain, has been under my command for the rest of that time.

Now I've been dispatched to the Caribbean to shore up the Crown's naval strength in that lawless sea. Criminals cross the waves seemingly as they please, without proper resistance from our guns to cow their sinful deeds. I am part of an effort to change that.

I suppose I have developed a bit of a mixed reputation among the admiralty. While my service record is full of successes, some were bought with considerable risk and luck. I've proven myself as both a skillful tactician and a prideful hothead. My noble birth instilled manners in me while the sailors around whom I have spent most of my life have taught me other values that, at times, chip away at erstwhile genteel mannerisms.

Now in command of the HMS *Falcon*, a fast and formidable 36-gun frigate, I've already received a letter from the Admiral chastening me to keep a cool head and remain focused—and this in advance of me actually doing anything reckless!

It was a smart letter to send, though, especially given the draw that battling piracy has among some of the more ambitious (or vainglorious) officers. In this regard, I am not exceptional. The adventure and glory of battling piracy eventually lead me to hunt you, one of the most notorious pirate captains in these waters.

I'd finally tracked you down on a day when the wind had scuttled the clouds in wisps of white across the sky. My vessel engaged yours. Amidst the roar of gunpowder and explosions of splinters, a boarding maneuver was called, adding gunshots, steel clangs, and screams to the cacophony.

That's when I saw you.

We crossed steel in a way that surprised me. Your fighting was not the lumbering, brute force I had expected of a fearsome captain. No, it was more elegant, more sharp. And still deadly. It was only when your hat was knocked off and we employed grappling along with swordplay that I realized one of the most infamous pirates in these waters was a woman.

The battle ended when a broadside from your vessel broke our ships apart, allowing your vessel to sail away on a favorable wind. The *Falcon* had to fish me and the other marines out of the water we'd plunged into in order to avoid capture on your fleeing vessel. But I'd stared at the white sails of your fleeing ship as I dried off on deck, knowing we'd cross swords again.


Hello! That ended up being longer that I thought, but I wanted to set the scene for the story I have in mind. The gist is that I'm a relatively new, successful, and brash naval captain hunting pirates in the Caribbean. Your character is one such pirate—infamous, vicious, and, much to the surprise of my character, a beautiful woman (I am a sucker for an enemies to lovers story). What happens next is up to us. Perhaps our next meeting is one where one of us is taken captive by the other. Perhaps we find ourselves in another battle when a common enemy appears and we have to (temporarily) join forces. Perhaps there's a shipwreck and we both find ourselves marooned on an island, needing to cooperate to survive until we're rescued. The possibilities are endless.

As you can see, I'm a highly literate writer who cares about things like syntax, grammar, and punctuation. That's not to say that I have no tolerance for typos (I'm sure I'll type a fews "captions" when I really mean "captains"), but if you type "i" instead of "I" and use asterisks to denote action, then it's just not going to work. I'm really not a hard ass—I'm friendly!—but poor use of language really does ruin a story for me.

I like to collaborate with my writing partners—it makes things enjoyable for both of us and the story more interesting. So please let me know if there's anything you'd like to change about the way I've set things up! For instance, I imagined the time period as being late 17th or early 18th century and my character as a British captain, but that's not set in stone if you have another idea. And while I wrote this post in first person, I can certainly do third. One nonnegotiable: I will only role play here on DMs or on Discord.

Obviously, I'd like a writing partner with whom I can write an interesting story. And this story includes romance and sexy times, too! I'm a switch and I could play my character as one. Or as something more loosely defined. Really, I just want to stay away from a static D/s dynamic. I can certainly cater to submissive kinks, but your character is an infamous pirate, so I would hope that she's feisty or a power bottom or a switch or has some dominant tendencies. As far as kinks are concerned, there's an (outdated) list on my profile. What I'd really like for this is witty banter, sensual touches, loving sex, and rough fucking between two strong, independent (but maybe less so after they bond?) characters. Please see the F-list in my signature for more specific kinks.
To clarify, the scene posted above is not a starter. It's a prologue, hence, "... your fleeing vessel. But I'd stared at the white sails of your fleeing ship as I dried off on deck, knowing we'd cross swords again." Our role play would begin in a separate scene where our characters meet again, either by chance or because my character tracked down yours. What we want to do then is find some way for them to have some time together and bond, sparking the initial romance.
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Bump. And currently interested in making this early 19th century during the Napoleonic Wars. Perhaps your character is not merely a pirate but a privateer working for the French in the Caribbean and Atlantic.
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