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Fx Male Original and Inspired ideas for smutty RPs. (NSFW)

Aug 4, 2017
Hello all who visit here. Hope who ever you are you are having a wonderful and exciting day!

I am looking for some smutty fun yes. I do enjoy my RP's with lots of smutty scenes in them. In time I will add a kink or F-list to this thread. For now though I am open to a lot of things but do have a hard no limit, guess I should share those hard no's. And within my ideas below I will list the things I do look for if you pick that idea to play out. But for the moment, the no no's. The No No's will be updated over time as I come a crossed new ones in the future.

No No's!!
Scat/Urine play.
Violence (Towards my character, fine against NPC's in the RP)
Anal (Mostly in One on One scenes, but group is okay, and some toys are okay for certain ideas I have)

Now I know there isn't a whole lot in this thread, but hey just trying to get to things quickly. I do have a list of original characters of mine to use in the RPs. I would list them here, but some parts of them change depending on the RP idea we go with when picking my character I use. So just feel free to ask if you wish to see my characters face claims. Also I don't ask for any for the guys. SO don't need to look any up. I do offer for mine yes, but if you don't want to use face claims that is fine too, I can share a general description of my ladies then. Also please don't try to get me to use a character you made and such. I created mine for me to use, not here to play as someone else's character for my ideas, so please don't go offering and trying to make me play something I didn't work on and build up.

Well then now onto my ideas I have. Below will be some RP ideas of mine, plus the things I would ask my partner to be willing to do in those RP's for the ideas. Not all the kink's or what have you I ask for are gonna be needed, but the ones with a star, * , by them are things I heavily ask for, for that idea.

A new disease is sweeping the globe. It only effects women who are in love. It's the Cheating Disease, a.k.a. The Bitch Virus. When a woman falls in love, she will in time find herself very aroused when around other men, unable to think about anything but what those men would be like in bed. It doesn't matter the age, weight, looks of the guy, if the situation hits right, the woman will find herself doing as her disease says, she will cheat.

For this I ask my partner to be willing to play multiple men in the RP, pretty much in a way of playing a new guy for new scenes in the RP, but if your up to it, some group scenes. Also asking my partner to be open to playing interracial scenes, and playing old and young men, within site age limits for younger. And yes I may ask for some characters to be overweight, or unattractive.

The wife of a P.I. She also works as his assistant. Helping him with cases, a lot of times with his permission and knowing. Sometimes working on some of his cases without him knowing. Doing what it takes to make sure he gets the evidence he would need.

For this, if we play many cases out then yes I ask you be willing to play different guys for different cases, sometimes interracial in scenes too. But this idea can also be played out for a one off, just play a single case scene out. Things I may ask for in the RP do depend on the case played out in the RP also. So just ask about the cases to know what I would ask for in them.

My character is a dancer, having gone to schooling for it, but made a choice to work as a stripper. Her fiance knows and even comes to the club at times to watch her. But then one day the club is bought and a new owner starts. Things change around the club, including the girls only allowed to drink from the water supplied to them from the club, to make sure they were adding anything into their own drinks. But these waters are all laced with powerful aphrodisiacs. The new owner is also a former work rival of my characters fiance. Using the spiked drinks to get the girls, including my character to sign new contracts, which in the fine print states anything that happens in the club they give full consent to.

For this yes I ask for multiple guys, new guys for new scenes, and yes even group scenes. The boss would be a main one getting between my characters legs a lot, and he would be a heavier set man too.

MC and her friends, or her boyfriend and his buddies, attend a week long music festival. MC getting to explore a lot of firsts here.
If you'd like a shorter version instead of a week long music festival, can be a one-night concert.

If it is the festival idea, some drug use will be done, and I would ask for each day of the festival you play a different guy.

For this idea, MC orders herself a ride home. Using an Uber like app, picking a cheap option without really looking at it, that it's a group ride. Picking up the other passenger (Or more). From here it depends on which of my characters is really used. We can do things like the driver sets things like this up when finding hot girls. Giving them waters with aphrodisiacs in them. Then picking up guys from a certain area knowing it's a gang area, and these guys won't hesitate to bed a white girl. They can go a few rounds in the car, but in the end they do go back to MC's home.

I see the guy or guys with her in the ride share being black yes, and scrawny like almost all the fat and muscle in him goes just to one placešŸ˜‰. If we want more guys involved, then can change it up.

A husband knows he isn't enough for his wife. So to get her to cheat and satisfy herself, he gives her challenges to met and do. Having to send some proof in photo or video, or calling to let him listen in.

Yes I again ask my partner willing to play different guys for the different challenges.

Below are some of the challenges, just a handful.








More ideas to come in time, those are a few for now.
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