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eclips Island


Jan 4, 2015
Eclisp Island is a dark place with a darker history. Due to the fact not everyone survives being smuggled into places, plus apart of the island was a prision where exsperaments were done on pepoke during the medevil period also during war times. Now to the public it's a privert nursing school. But that's far from the truth. Some do get taught medical stuff but not all of them. These girls are used for night nurses or hospical sex slaves. This place is to train them. Now throw another part of the island teleportation pods have been developed. They safely bring the girls to the dungon storage area. The devices only work throw full skin contact and if they are virgins. What also means the girls are fully naked when they arrive to the island. Due to past runners heading into dandrous situations the room is locked with nothing inside where heat detected shackles are placed on the girls once there pod is opened keeping them to the ground to prevent running away as soon as the door opened. Also not knowing there past it prevents self harm.

The main part of the school looks like a normal medical school with secret areas to do the other lessons. There was many theamed areas hisdden within the school and island to suit any trainners taste. Of course they knew where they were. From the gental trainners to the more ruthless ones who liked to beat the girls throw whips or other means. There was old whipping posts and exacution areas outside what could be used for tours either in person on virtually. Eclisp island can get as warm as a desert.

There is invisable lines linking to the island leading to a somnia clinix, a prision for men, and a home for the doctor in ccharge of all this.

Will you take over this island?
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