πππππππππππ βΎ
- Joined
- Jun 30, 2023

β β β β β A B O U Tβ β β β β
β β β β β P R E F E R E N C E Sβ β β β β
β β β β β K I N K Sβ β β β β
β β β β β P A I R I N G Sβ β β β β
β β β β β P L O T Sβ β β β β
Hello, my name is π π π π π π. Firstly, my apologies for the massive information dump but I felt that it might be a good idea to just put everything out in the open to help a person decide if they wish to write with me or not. I've been writing periodically since 2005 and have been writing on the medium of forums on and off since 2008. I have never had any problems writing two distinct stories based on the same premise since different discussions can result in various potential outcomes based on what type of story is created.
I am in my late 30's, located in CST, and can be fairly active. My reply length varies but I can say that I give back what is given to me and sometimes my muse might run away with it. I can promise at least one reply per week, I want that safety net in case my life becomes busier in the future. Yet sometimes my muse allows for multiple replies a day and posts each day if I can do such and am not too busy with life. If I am ever not able to get replies out, I do my best to let my partners know what is going on, so they are not left hanging but sometimes as they say; 'Life Happens'.
S T A T U S : πππππππππππ’ πππππππππ 5/6 -
βΎ β§ βMy average post length is 500 - 1000+ words, but as I've said previously, I usually give back what I am given. I would appreciate it if my partners tried to do the same so I have something to work with. I find it very difficult to reply to shorter replies that do not help to move the story forward and tend to take longer to reply to, versus a longer reply filled with detail that gets my mind thinking about a reply fairly quickly.
βΎ β§ βI prefer to write stories in PMs. I've honestly found that I enjoy writing in PMs and like to have a clearly marked OOC and RP in the title, for easy organization. Example: Story Title [RP]; Story Title [OOC] or [RP] Story Title; [OOC] Story Title
βΎ β§ βI prefer to have open communication with my writing partners. I like people who aren't pushovers, meaning they will come to me and state if something within the story isn't to their liking. I am not a mind-reader and I don't claim to be. Changes can't be made if you never speak up about what's going wrong in the first place. I am reluctantly open to having OOC conversations through DISCORD but contact must be made through the site through PMs first to see if we vibe before Discord information would even be exchanged. I've had both good and bad experiences with giving out my Discord, information.
βΎ β§ βI love to brainstorm and make an idea truly belong to both people so nothing ends up feeling one-sided or as if only one person is moving the story along. So please feel free to share a picture, a song, or a plot idea to move the story along. I like picking a faceclaim for a character and then sometimes making a Music Playlist and/or a Pinterest Board filled with visual ideas to truly get into the mind of a character. I sometimes include music linked in my replies but if you don't care for such a thing just let me know!
βΎ β§ βI tend to write characters who are African American or Biracial 90% of the time, I'm not against writing other races but I often tend to stick to what I know if that makes sense. If this is something that might bother you, then we more than likely will not be a good fit and I suggest that you look elsewhere.
βΎ β§ βI am not perfect, I've ghosted a few times myself in the past but I am doing my best not to do such a thing anymore. At least let me know if you wish for the story to end and I'll do the same; Or if you are going to be taking a break. That way I'll know that the story is still alive, but simply on the back burner for a while. I would rather have a conversation even if it's a bit difficult. That could be about things that need to be changed or if a person isn't enjoying the idea, and no longer wishes to complete the story. If you want the current story to end, please just say so, no hard feelings, and all the best of luck with your next writing adventure.
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Yes, please, give it to me!!
R O M A N C E : I very much enjoy romances such as time periods or the modern day to give easy examples. I want to prove that romance is indeed not dead as many believe it to be these days. I love stories where a woman is made to feel as if she is the only one within the room, wanted by that one person to such a degree that anything and everything could be possible. To finally be swept away after enough of a build up, by sexual tension and those hidden desires can't be denied anymore. Romance could be defined in many different ways, and I am sorry that I can't explain them all, but that's the best way I can explain my feelings without being carried away.
S E D U C T I O N : Seduction to me is an art form that has been lost in this modern day and age. Also to me, it has been twisted into something which I don't believe it was ever meant to be. Seduction should be about how you are able to deliberately make a woman, who may or may not hate you, get to the point where they want nothing more than for you to ease that sudden ache created. How a relationship full of mistrust and dislike could flip over to a new leaf. Perhaps in a way, this ties into romance, yet to be young and innocent, not old enough at the time to know what is the proper thing to be done. When you are only able to follow that butterfly feeling you get within your gut, being pulled deeper into the rabbit hole full of so many different possibilities, to finally learn what it is you and the other person want. Able to see yourself doing things from the desires that will drive you to explore more and more.
D E S C R I P T I O N : I will admit that I love details quite a bit. I try to give out as much as I get in return, the best that I can, but it might take me a bit of time to do such. If you were to give me a long post, I would have quite a bit to work off of, so nothing short is given back in return. And if such turns out to be the case, I will send a PM explaining my reasons behind such, for a story is written between two people here, not one person doing as they please, never giving a care to the other, which this path is shared with no matter the amount of time.
V I R G I N S : I very much enjoy playing women who are virgins for some reason to me it makes the story seem a bit different, but then again it can get very old to some people when it is done again and again. I suppose that the thought of how things were done back in the older ages, such as the 1700s for example. Many would know of the rules in place, that new brides were virgins or risk the shame brought upon their parents and families. Yet it could be seen as something that is so pure, or perhaps from the man's point of view, a person who would be loyal to a new husband, a marriage started with the right steps. I am not sure if that will make sense to anyone as it's nothing coming out properly. I do want to state that I play non-virgins as well.
F O R E P L A Y : Foreplay to me is something that is needed before crossing into the zone where the plot line becomes mixed with the beginnings of a sexual scene. To me, there is no point in playing a scene where the pair just kisses and then goes forward with getting it on. it's not right and plain right insulting to me for some reason, not to mention it's boring. Foreplay needs to be drawn out, to express feelings and those things which can't be said with words alone. How thoughts are taken to the heart, hard these actions are thought upon before being made into action. Something so gentle like a soft kiss, the feeling of a fingertip sliding across the skin. Even deeper degrees like soft lips kissing downwards before coming close to an exposed nipple that is hardened from the chill within the air, drawing closer and closer until warm breath can be felt, then pulling away giving into teasing for a bit. To me, those are the things that can excite people and make the act of easing into sexual relations more meaningful within a storyline. This could go under seduction, but I thought it better explained alone by itself.
A N A L β S E X : This is something which can't be explained very well in my eyes for every time I try it comes out stupid, but I shall try once more. It seems that within this day and age, some women are looked down upon for liking certain things which don't fit into a normal circle. Anal sex is one of those things, to speak about it or even let alone crave it we are labeled as sluts and whores while men can get away with wanting such a thing, it's a double standard that I do not enjoy very much.
The feelings which can be felt through having anal sex, the excitement before and during the act, of never knowing what can come next. Along with that mixture of pleasure with slight pain, that drives me and makes me able to crave so much more. There has to be a certain amount of trust between the two people before this action can take place, for someone could be hurt by that action. This isn't to say that I won't play stories with a bit more force or stops which move around just plain and dirty anal sex but that written above is what I believe on a personal level. I can explain this further if the need arises.
D O U B L Eβ P E N E T R A T I O N : Please read the section about Anal for the ideas are in the same within my mind. It's a desire of mine that can be done with toys for the rare F/F story or the normal M/M/F situation.
S T R A N G E R S : I enjoy how complete strangers can meet and fall in love, how they can be romanced, and the like. For an easy example, two people could run into one another in a bookstore or even while out food shopping. The little things can happen, such as both of them reaching for a last item, and their hands touching. Another way to take the idea of strangers is to have them actually have problems and issues. How things could be hard for the two people who just met, and they find out that they hate one another, which in turn could lead to so many different things happening.
I N C E S T : I will state first off that I know that incest is quite a big Taboo to many people and that it's not for everyone. I will never force anyone to do a story that involves such within the plot line when I know that it is something that the other person feels very strongly against. To me, incest could be explained somewhat as a strong bond being held between two people. A deep bond that could never be broken, or rather deepens a relationship between a Father and a Daughter, or even that of a Brother and a Sister. Then again, incest could be better explained as a secret that no one else can know about,t which makes things exciting for lack of a better word or term currently. I personally like Father/Daughter, Brother/Sister Twins, Uncle/Niece; things along those lines. I don't like Mother/Son, I don't enjoy playing older women 90% of the time.
S U B M I S S I O N : I've been reading things on and off during the past years about the BDSM lifestyle and D/s relationships. It's something that I would very much like to try out in a story very soon. Edit: I want to do this very badly now, I have it currently but would love another story with it, to explore this even further.
Maybe, Let's talk about it!
B L O W J O B S / D E E P T H R O A T : I'm just on the fence about it, it's not something that I really enjoy writing all that much. When I do write it, it comes off as Noncon honestly but sometimes it doesn't. Let's talk about it before it's an added element to the story.
H A R D β V I O L E N C E : To me hard violence means broken bones to the point they can't heal, beaten until a person passes out. Being abused in further manners again and again. I used to not like the thought of such being in a story, but I have changed my mind. I would really like to try it but let's have a conversation about it first.
No thanks, not a chance!!!!
I believe that it should go without saying that anything that goes against the site rules is a HARD NO!
R A C E P L A Y : DON'T! Enough said! (Yes I enjoy playing out interracial relationships but that is nowhere close to what Raceplay is, so please do not try and tell me that it's the same thing when it clearly isn't at all! If you would like to have a civil discussion about it, feel free to send a message.) For those who need a definition and clarification:
Race Play is a form of role-play used by 2 consenting adults that incorporates Racist, hurtful, & derogatory terms and comments regarding the other's race, to fulfill and reach sexual pleasure.
U R I N E / S C A T / V O M I T : Just a no for me, do not ask me about it nor try to turn me on to such.
O N E - L I N E R S : I will admit that I have done such at times, but I would rather tell the person(If I can get the balls too) that my muse has gone away and give it a few days rather than post just one line over and over again. It makes the story drag out, become boring, and it's a real waste of time to me. I would hope that a person has the same amount of respect to let me know what's going on. But if that's your style then I am sorry, but I can't write a story in that manner.
B E A S T A L I T Y : Beastiality is a very big no in my book. I am a member of a game that has other races such as cat people and minotaurs and whatnot. Those types of things are fine to me if they are carried out within a fantasy-type setting. But to have a normal animal such as a Dog or a Wolf, etc. It's just a no.
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Below you will find my more in-depth kink list and results from BDSM Test which might help to provide further insight into what I enjoy and what I do not.
Results from
89% Submissive
66% Vanilla
55% Rope bunny
41% Masochist
40% Brat
38% Slave
37% Voyeur
33% Experimentalist
32% Non-monogamist
25% Degradee
24% Exhibitionist
19% Primal (Prey)
16% Sadist
13% Pet
0% Rigger
0% Switch
0% Ageplayer
0% Owner
0% Master/Mistress
0% Boy/Girl
0% Dominant
0% Degrader
0% Daddy/Mommy
0% Brat tamer
0% Primal (Hunter)
You can read more about it HERE
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I am looking for M / F pairings and I always write as the Female or the role listed on the Right.
Here are a few of the pairings that I normally find myself enjoying :
Father /Daughterburned out currently
Uncle/Nieceburned out currently
S E T T I N G S:
While I enjoy the typical modern and slice-of-life stories, I've been craving something a bit different. I'm interested in exploring fantasy worlds, perhaps something medieval or something more unique. I'm also would really like a story that is set in a present-day setting but with the incorporation of supernatural or magical elements.
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Currently, I find myself craving an idea created and built upon by myself and someone else from the collection of NSFW Inspiration Pictures that I have below; please reach out, and let's try to create something that'll make us both happy and excited to write.
There's also a desire for something DubCon or BDSM in nature, something that is darker and grittier that I'm itching to try and create. I'm being a bit vague, but I've been finding that's been working out in my favor more than other ideas that are more fleshed out, like the ones written out below. I am quite keen to flesh out 'THE PURSUIT OF', 'TAKEN' or whatever else we might be able to create together..
Here are some pictures that I've been wanting to figure out a story for lately; Would you like to brainstorm with me and create a plot from one that we could bring to life together?
A woman wakes up and finds herself dissatisfied with the direction of her life, without thought or sensible reason, she packs up her belongings and leaves searching for something that's been missing. No phone, no car, nothing that would lead to her location, a trek into the woods would lead her to a seemingly abandoned cabin or perhaps she leaves her belongings by the side of a deep pond, becoming resolute that whatever is missing couldn't be found, deciding to wander into the water and allow fate to decide her fate.
What would happen if a broken woman is discovered by a man? Would there be tenderness and sympathy in the beginning, slowly over time transforming into something far darker, making her feel noticed, loved, and fulfilled for the first time; Would the very thing that she'd been searching for finally be found?
A man and a woman would awaken naked and handcuffed together in a locked hotel room. Each would have small fragments of last night's party coming to light in their memories, but the events leading to their present predicament remain a complete blank. A creamy white envelope would be leaning against the bedside lamp, holding a card inside with a specific task written out that the pair would have to complete. Their release rests solely on completing different challenges, that will be slipped underneath the hotel room door at different points. Was this just an elaborate prank orchestrated by the party hosts for a bit of seemingly harmless fun, or was something far more ominous to come?
What if the author of these tasks, which would become increasingly difficult as time went on, was in reality handcuffed to the woman secretly since the beginning? A depraved game they devised to find what they were lacking in their own lives? Someone who was able to be shaped into what they most desired?
When two strangers find themselves sitting next to each other on a plane, they are not interested in having a conversation of any kind, but they do have a brief one before the flight is over. They would run into each other at the hotel (or resort), properly assuming they were both staying there. Maybe they'd meet in the bar late at night or get to know each other, then lose themselves in the moment and enjoy the night.
This story could turn out so many different ways, and could end up being very interesting depending on what kind of elements were added to the story. Could it turn into a once-in-a-lifetime romance? Could it be a forbidden ongoing affair that risks ruining the lives of the characters, because even if they know that it's wrong, they would be drawn to one another and not willing to cut contact due to the connection that is felt between them?
THE AD . βΎ β§
A woman, facing eviction or poverty, answers an ad promising financial stability and housing, only to discover the "companionship" required involves a far more demanding and sexually charged dynamic than she bargained for, plunging her into a world of BDSM where she must navigate her own boundaries, and desires while learning her limits against the manipulative control of her benefactor.
A woman stumbles upon an online ad offering a weekly allowance and a comfortable room in exchange for light housework and companionship. Desperate for stability, she ignores her gut feeling and applies. She meets the man who played the ad who is charming and seemingly kind, who offers her the position. The initial tasks are simple, creating a false sense of normalcy. Gradually, the man begins to introduce elements of BDSM into their dynamic, starting subtly β a stricter schedule, specific requests for attire, and subtle power plays. The woman blinded by her need, rationalizes these changes.
The "training" intensifies. The man introduces progressively more explicit BDSM practices, carefully monitoring her reactions and pushing her boundaries. The woman experiences a complex range of emotions: fear, confusion, arousal, and a growing sense of unease. She begins to question her choices but feels trapped by her financial dependence. She begins thinking about leaving but is hesitant, conflicted between her desires for independence and the comfort the man provides.
A woman who is a recent college graduate has spent the past six months exploring the world, immersing herself in new cultures and embracing the beauty of different landscapes, gathering inspiration before going back home and entering the workforce. She ends up meeting an older man, someone who has been traveling for the last year after leaving behind everything.
Together they discover through conversations that evolve into dinners and late-night strolls, a shared passion for exploration, creativity, and the simple joys of life.
Amidst the laughter and shared dreams, feelings blossomed between them. However, both hesitated, unsure of what the future holds even with their connection.
Would one of them decide to take a leap of faith?
A woman getting married in a week discovers that her fiancΓ© has been unfaithful for the last six months after looking through Instagram. (I'm thinking that it's with a co-worker) Having become close to the man's father, she asks him for guidance and help with deciding if she should go through with the wedding or walk away, even when that means giving up the close relationship developed with the older man. The man would offer her an unorthodox solution; marry his son, letting him continue his affair, while allowing him to be there in every way that his son is not, to satisfy the needs she has.
I think this could be an interesting dynamic. What if her father-in-law was everything that his son was not, what if there was a hidden side only seen within the bedroom that awakened the fact she had submissive tendencies? What if the son finally ends his affair, or what if he decides to leave her months after the wedding? Would things be in a state where her father-in-law would make their arrangement permanent by marrying her, himself? There are so many different ideas that could be discussed.
TAKEN . βΎ β§
A young woman is hitchhiking, possibly in inclement weather. When a man stops, he picks her up and drives her somewhere to wait out the storm. They start exchanging information about their lives, and she gives some background on why she is crossing the nation in this manner. She wouldn't be missed, so the man thinks he likes her and wants to keep her for himself.
I see this beginning as non-consensual or maybe even as dubcon but eventually becoming consensual. I want to explore the character growth of someone suffering from Stockholm Syndrome. I am aware this may not be everyone's cup of tea, but I find it intriguing and would like to explore it. Also, there are so many different ways that the story can go; it's why this idea will always remain open and why many versions might be written at once.
Would be victims of a serial killer, two people (a man and a woman) were held captive and locked in a basement separately able to hear others and their final screams as they were killed. The pair; the remaining two still alive are brought together in one of the killer's sick and twisted games, due to one of them emotionally shutting down and not reacting to anything at all anymore, simply awaiting their impending death. That bond formed in that short amount of time, renewing the drive to live; making it possible for the killer to be killed but now the two are left with the aftermath, losing control in those moments afterward and having sex with one another before the police would come.
Once outside of their nightmare, the pair would keep in touch, perhaps forming some sort of relationship due to shared trauma. The pair over time suddenly wanted to kill all of the killers out there; feeling rushes of power and extreme arousal leading to extreme sex while blood was still fresh on their hands. How would something like this affect a person? Are the killers of killers monsters or delivers of justice to those who have been murdered?
Imagine if our dreams were a prison, not an escape...
A young woman discovered, in her teen years, that she had the power to manipulate others' dreams, so long as she knew the person's first name and face. She could change their dreams however she chose, or simply watch theirs if they interested her.
Everything changes, however, when she attempts to manipulate the dreams of another Dreamweaver; older, and far more experienced. And, quite possibly, far more cruel. She finds herself trapped within a nightmare of his own design... will she ever be able to escape?
Two people were childhood friends until one was taken away from the other, having to move for whatever reason (be it death in the family, parents getting a new job, etc.). The young girl's grandmother begins collecting lettings from the young man as he grows up, saving them all in a box. Finally, the Grandmother would pass on, the box found now filled with 15 years worth of letters that wouldn't be opened. The woman would run into the man and not realize who he was at first, yet slowly and surely would realize.
Letters would be opened and read, trying to figure out what it is that she wants. Trying to catch up on 15 years when it seemed that they truly needed one another; perhaps in more ways than one....
They married at a young age believing there was no way there could be someone more perfect in the world. Unfortunately, it turned out that he thought perhaps there was. For some number of years, he's been cheating on her with different women, not necessarily holding a second relationship but certainly not remaining faithful to his wife. She washes the shirts with the lipstick stains and perfumes on them and knows damn well, but he won't talk to her about it, he'd rather just go on as if there was nothing wrong.
Too many nights spent cold in her bed were beginning to make her think this arrangement wasn't working. Eventually, she gets tired of it and decides there's no reason she shouldn't be enjoying herself just as much as he has been. She meets another man and they quickly become closer, it's not long before the husband can see their marriage is tanking. But something about seeing his wife with another man sparks his instincts to keep what is his. Can she be saved from the new interest who has stolen her heart? Does she want to go back to that which is old when there is a possibility of it all happening again? Could the two work together to give her everything that she needs?
The degree of character growth would be very interesting as well as playing charterers who have reached, the end of the line so to speak. A crossroads within their lives. I would be open to two players for this story, one who is the husband and another who is the 'other' man, or a person who wants to play both men.
A woman in the middle of a dark depressive episode would pick up a homeless person who was holding up a sign that read; 'Will Work For Food..' She takes this a step further by bringing the man home with her with the idea that her home, her money, and all her possessions will be given to this person; if he agrees to kill her.
I don't actually see death happening with this story but would a man down on his luck take advantage of a woman who is hopeless and at the end of her rope? Would he manipulate her, make her dependent upon him for her happiness, or could something darker take place? I had a story with this idea many years ago and it's now come back to mind and I would like to give it a shot once again.
It was just another day for Isabella, the sky was clear save for a scatter of clouds here and there. A crisp blue sky that held so much promise, and a day like many other days within every person's lives. But upon this day she was feeling rather restless, dejected by the thoughts in her mind about life. A person such as herself should be, no would be thankful for all of the things that have been granted. How she had enough money and was able to pay bills, be able to buy food and clothing. But there was this thought within the back of her mind always, more like a nagging feeling that there was something very wrong. A missing piece that would complete life and make it quite meaningful once again, but it just wasn't known.
She had thought long and hard about things while doing a bit of food shopping. Pushing the wire cart down the aisles placing different food items into the basket that caught her and other things which were liked a great deal. If a person were to walk past her, they might have thought she was going to be cooking a very tasty romantic dinner for two, yet such wasn't the case at all. She made a turn towards where the cleaning supplies were and began to get things, from two containers of bleach, scrubbing pads, and gloves. But also got other things kept within the same aisle such as candles and incense. A slight nod of her head was made to herself since there was no one else there shopping with her. Over to the checkout, Isabella pushed the cart, beginning to unload things silently while refusing to make eye contact with anyone in the line forming behind her or with the nice-looking cashier. All of the items picked up were rung up, while an uncomfortable silence fell after the poor cashier had inquired about how she was only to be greeted with painful silence. She paid for everything without speaking a single word, not even answering the normal question thrown in by the bag person, 'Paper or Plastic?' The bags ended up being plastic which didn't even matter all that much to Isabella, it just meant she would have more supplies and ideas for what was currently being planned within the back of her mind.
Out into the parking lot, the shopping cart was pushed towards a row of parked cars which contained her own as well. The purse that had been resting upon the seat where small children would sit was reached for and opened up. The normal things most women would carry around were in the purse, compact, cell phone, a planner, and make-up bag, but she reached into the depths trying to find where the car keys had disappeared to. After a few moments of digging, the cool metal of a key was felt against the tip of a finger and grabbed. A set of keys were pulled out appearing before her eyes as they were slipped into place so that the trunk could be opened up and the loading in of food could begin. Bags were placed in the back one at a time without even really thinking about it and soon enough she was done. The trunk was slammed closed and the cart was taken to the nearest cart-rack being left there before she collected her purse turned back around and walked back to her car.
The seat belt was pulled down and across the midsection before being buckled into place, keys then slipped into the ignition where they dangled as Isabella began thinking once again. Was she actually going to be able to pull something like this off, it was such a crazy idea in the first place. She whispered the same thing she had told herself earlier in the day when staring into her bathroom mirror, "I am crazy, but that doesn't even matter anymore. This is going to be done and that's all there is to be said about it." The keys within the ignition were turned causing the engine to turn over and bring the still car to life. The parking lot was left and she began to just drive along the normal route used to go home from the store. Everything was normal, people walking along the streets with others, all blending into nobody.
A stop light turned red up ahead, Isabella made a right turn to avoid it catching sight of a man standing at the intersection right ahead holding out a sign. 'Will Work for Food', it would read plain and simple. The sign looked to be made of cardboard which seemed normal, for why would a person make a sign out of a thin piece of paper that could get wet if it rained and tore becoming just a pathetic soggy ball of what it once was? She pulled up next to the man and rolled down her window, "Get in, don't forget your things." was spoken in a soft tone of voice while she pushed the button to unlock the passenger door.
I followed you until the end
I counted every step
I did not know what was to come
And still I tried and dreamt
I wondered where I was before
I honestly canβt say
This must be the love they speak of
In those myths I read
This must be the love
This must be the love
This must be the love
When you know you found the one to keep
Oh, we wonder how we did not see
Our eyes opened when we found our love
And we healed
This must be the love
This must be the love
This must be the love
Every moment with you near
I feel more alive
I could give this world away
To keep this endless high
The scars within my heart are fading
Bit by bit Iβm healed
The more I let go, the more I am whole
This time itβs for real
Bit by bit Iβm healed
Bit by bit Iβm healed
Bit by bit Iβm healed
When you know you found the one to keep
Oh, we wonder how we did not see
Our eyes opened when we found our love
And we healed
This must be the love
Friends for the longest of times these two would have been, there for one another always but never truly seeing what could have been. As if they were walking around with blinders on, they grew and the years passed before they were old enough to finally see. Perhaps there was finally a major heartbreak for each of them, a pact made to finally explore a relationship. Little would they know it would turn into the love that each had longed for their whole entire lives, with the last person who was never expected; the one who had always been standing right there.
I just want something that is plot-driven but on the lighter side in terms of content; I've left it pretty vague as I would want to create a more whole idea with my partner. The basic ingredients have been given, now it's up to us to add something that makes it different from the norm.
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Pressured into attending this gathering of living veterans Olivia had been, for so long she had kept turning down the offer. It wasn't understood why the invitation had been extended time and time again, she wasn't a veteran and hadn't experienced the terror of the war but in reality, she had. Her brother had been over there in Afghanistan for almost two years before he had become as causality of that bloody war. Jarrod had been the last family had, their parents having passed away when they were younger then their lone aunt dying after she had finished high school. Liv was the last surviving member of her family. It couldn't be said what had changed her mind this time around, perhaps it had been the pressure from a friend; Emily who was married this wonderful guy named Mike.
After pleasant enough exchanges were had with a few people Olivia had done what was done best; drift away from the crowd. Upon a table she sat with a hand underneath the chin just staring out into space a bit, wearing a pink dress and taupe-colored knee socks with a bit of a pattern to them along with a pair of tan lace-up heels; Olivia looked as if she belonged in the page of a magazine, with how brown hair with oddly blonde tips falling over the shoulder. Thoughts began to drift thinking about the beauty of the park and wishing a notebook was had to simply sit there and write until the sun decided to set.
The sound of a motorcycle interrupted her more or less peaceful thoughts, a slight frown curling upon lips until the sound died, leaving Olivia back with drifting thoughts once more. She was quite happy that no one wished to bother her that much. Actually, it was surprising that Emily wasn't around trying to coax her into speaking more as she usually did. Yet that changed with the sound of a deep voice speaking to her all of a sudden. "Afternoon, My name's Jack. I haven't seen you at any of our get-togethers before." Light blue eyes looked up to that man named Jack, who was holding out the offering of a beer.
That man was regarded for a few moments, sunglasses hanging from the collar of his shirt, the odd friendly attitude he seemed to have. None of it sat very well with Olivia. Hand moved from underneath her chin reaching out to take the offered beer and opening it herself before finally breaking the silence that had fallen between them. "Because I've refused to come, why would I come when I am not a Veteran nor a family member of one. My family is dead and maybe better off that way, so they didn't have to see this war was basically started due to a President who wished to prove himself to his father.", words were spoken with no real filter before moving to stand with beer in hand. "Nice to meet you Jack, thanks for the beer I guess..."
Away from the man Olivia moved without even giving her name. The tone of her voice should have said it all, she didn't wish to be bothered again at least not by him. Upon first appearance, she could appear pretty reserved but she was anything but such when it came to strangers, with people who were known she was cold and withdrawn. Maybe that's why Emily had dragged her to this gathering to prove that she was still alive and could speak to people. People weren't trusted, nothing was really believed in other than the war had ruined her life, and for a woman who had everything taken away in the short span of a few years it was justifiable. -
It seemed that the fates had decided to shine down upon Noelle; the handsome mystery man was in fact her date. Up from the chair, the man rose, taking her offered hand and shaking it. For a brief moment, there was a bit of excitement which quickly faded away due to previous actions of curtsying and calling the man by last name only. "Do I give off the "job interview" vibe that much?", those words were preceded by a slight tilt of the head by the man. At that moment Noelle wanted to curl up and hide underneath the table. In turn, the man walked over to her side of the table, pulling out the chair and giving a wide beautiful smile. A seat was taken, placing cell phone and wallet at the edge of the table, making sure that phone was flipped over screen side down on top of wallet wanting to give her full attention and not be one of those people who were always on the phone being rude. 'Job Interview', had that been the vibe she gave to him; she opened her mouth to try to apologize but instead she stammered before giving up and letting the silence take over; Strike One.
"So, Ms. Rhodes, let's take a look at that resume! A light blush appeared on Noelle's cheeks before looking down briefly to try and collect herself. There was no way she would ever live this down; things could only get better from here right? "I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who's a bit rusty with these things." That statement actually had her smiling for a moment, realizing that maybe they had been paired up only for that one reason; Jessica thought they both needed to get laid and that was it. Not due to the lining up of hobbies or beliefs, that did lighten things a little bit but did that mean things didn't need to be taken seriously or was she wrong completely about everything; it wouldn't be the first time. "I'm really sorry about that, please try not to hold it against me. At least you might have a funny story one day to tell a friend," she stated softly while biting down upon her lower lip for a moment. Was she really this nervous and was this man really single with the way that he looked; there was no way. Brown eyes looked over his features without trying to stare or linger for too long; undeniably handsome he was and in shape. It almost didn't make any type of sense but then again everyone had their own scars hidden or showing; everyone had their own story and shouldn't be judged for it.
"Good evening, Noelle. I'm Karim, and it's lovely to meet you. And now we can both start talking about Jessica behind her back, because she set both of us up." A smile and a slight laugh came at hearing those words; for he wasn't wrong but should it actually be done? A chance was taken with her reply as it was the only thing held against her dear friend at the moment. "It's nice to meet you as well Karim. That she did, What are you guilty of? I'm guilty of stating that 'Sex is Overrated and not needed to live a happy life. Oh and also the fact that I would love to get a cat.." Noelle caught herself and looked down at the table shaking her head slightly. Jessica had asked for her to only do one simple thing but she couldn't help herself; bringing up the two statements that were supposed to be banned for the evening; Strike Two.
The man would silently take a drink from the glass of water he had before setting it back down on the table. Suddenly looking around and lifting his hand up, as if trying to call for the check; had she really been that outspoken and bad that things were ending at a glass of water only? The panic and beginning of the spiral would ease up as a waiter appeared with a glass of water, setting it down in front of her before offering a list of the wines offered. The list would be taken and looked over; honestly, it was such a bad idea to add alcohol to the mix but it was strongly being considered now. "Would you like something to drink first? Or... Should we take a peek at the appetizers?" Noelle started thinking and suddenly spoke the first thought that came to mind; "You know, you often hear about people using hypnosis or drugs or something to turn a lovely woman into a bimbo. Why don't more people try zombies?" The look on her face after realizing that thought was spoken out loud, Noelle was mortified with good reason. She was not sitting across from a friend or a literary agent where such a thought could be written off as a book idea. No, she was sitting across from a friend of a good friend on a blind date where such things were frowned upon she was pretty sure. Jessica was going to murder and skin her alive, that much was for sure now. The urge was there to get up from her seat and walk out, but she felt that might end up making things even worse if that was humanly possible. Strike Three; Game Over. -
Tender. Olivia never knew that the feeling of touching another person could be like this. Years had been spent locked within a prison of her own design, to guard herself from experiencing any more hurt from the world. Now Olivia found herself questioning every single choice that had been made, had many other opportunities, different paths to where life could have gone. Those thoughts wouldn't stay for very long, pulled back into the present she pulled by Jack. Jack, the man who had broken down walls, caused her to begin healing, causing her to reveal this side of herself. A muted whisper of his name fell from her lips, the way in which he had touched her most sensitive spot, so tender, so caring as if there had been millions of moments exactly just like this one. This was the first of millions of moments, this was the beginning of forever.
Truth. Up at his face, Olivia stared for a few moments, their eyes locking without anything being spoken. She knew the truth of the matter right then and there, Jack was the one who had awakened these feelings, awakened the possibility to begin dreaming once again. So cut off Olivia had been, cut off from the world at large and he had come and rescued her from....from the very worst version of herself. Without him, she might have still been within a box made of steel and malice. Without Jack, she might not have been of this world still, he had saved her. He was the knight which had never been looked for, never wished for. Jack was the one who made her wish to explore the truth of the matter, rather than lying to herself throughout life. That was no longer an option as a way to continue living.
Nerves. What if she didn't remember how to do this, what if she ended up making a complete and totally full of herself? Once this was done there was truly no going back, was there? Olivia was being faced with the age-old question; What happened after this, What happens when you cannot turn back the clock and have to live forever with your actions? She wondered if she could back out of all of this now, save each of them the pain that was surely waiting for them. Olivia couldn't be hurt again, she couldn't stand to be made a fool of after so much time had passed. Yet the way Jack continued to look at her, she knew that there was truly no going back, the invisible line had been crossed long ago.
It was the feeling of panties being slipped down her thighs that pulled Olivia back into reality, back into the present and what they were currently in the middle of. The fabric was kicked away before Jack's boxers followed, even when her hand was wrapped around the hardened member. Heated flesh continued to be stroked even as he moved between parted thighs, ready to take the next steps that were necessary. It wasn't known what overtook Olivia in those moments, she found herself guiding the tip to the entrance of softness. In her own way, she was letting him know that she wanted this or at the very least that she was trying. That counted for something if not everything didn't it?
Olivia's breathing had quickened quite a bit before her lips pressed down against her own, breath being taken away as hardness suddenly invaded. Against those warm lips, she gasped, by no means was she a virgin but it seemed years without even thinking of sexual relief had led to this. Hands moved to his back as she held on tightly for what seemed like dear life. Nails began digging into the flesh while eyes opened, trying to relax once again, having to remind herself this was wanted in so many different ways. At Jack she stared, no words needed to be spoken, nothing needed to be done, they seemed to know each other more than the other truly knew themselves.
Still, he had held for some amount of time, allowing for her to get used to the feelings, to all of the sensations that were being reintroduced. Finally, Olivia began to relax and that was when Jack finally began pushing even deeper into the tightness and wetness that was awaiting. Loudly she gasped, enough so that her legs moved to wrap around his waist, refusing to let him pull out and leave her feeling void. Everything began happening rather quickly after that point, lips finding her own once again, giving a kiss that warmed her to the very soul. Jack began thrusting his hips, before it became a quick pace which grew harder and harder. before Olivia could even begin to wrap her mind around everything she felt innerwalls beginning to lock down around hardness. Too soon it might have been but that's what happened when a person was out of practice.
When the taste of long-forgotten pleasure swept over Olivia, she didn't scream or yell. Hands gripped tighter onto his back and a loud gasp escaped from her lips while eyes widened quite a bit. It was always the small actions, the small things that happened which were at times most often the most life-changing. For Olivia, this was one of those moments, even more so when she felt Jack reach his peak right after. Up at his face, she would stare, nothing needed to be said for the time being. This wasn't love nor was it lust but it was something meaningful that Olivia couldn't even begin to explain. From her core Jack removed himself, laying down next to her. "Can this be undone...Should this be undone or embraced...", Olivia began thinking to herself while closing her gray eyes.
Olivia opened her eyes, swearing that they had only been closed for a moment but it seemed that she had fallen asleep. At least she hadn't been the only one it seemed, Jack awakening at the same time as herself. A kiss to her lips was gifted along with a touch against the cheek. Soon enough there was a hand upon her breast once again, daring for sensations to be felt. Actions to draw out reactions, reminding Olivia just how it was to be alive and actually living. Withdraw Jack's hand would before pressing a finger against his own lips and getting up and out of the bed, pulling her along with him.
There was a question in her eyes that would go unanswered as Olivia was just pulled along behind Jack. Slightly her head tilted as they stopped in front of the Master bedroom where Emily and Mike slept, eyes widen as a smile actually curled upon her lips. Into the room they moved, heading straight for the connecting bathroom before closing the door. Jack turned on the water while Olivia pulled off the last bit of clothing that she still wore; those gray knee socks. Quickly things began happening once again, lips moving together, the feeling of warm water while the coldness of tile against her back.
All it took was for a knee to be lifted and once again Jack was deep inside of her, invoking emotions that Olivia didn't even believe herself to even have let alone be capable of experiencing anymore. This time around the action of sex wasn't done silently, at least not on her end. Moans and whimpers fell from her lips while her arms held tightly around Jack's neck, refusing to allow for anything to break the connection. The taste of bliss was upon the edge of Olivia's tongue as Jack's name was called out over and over again, eyes closing tightly needing to feel this happen once again. Then the fucking light to the bathroom turned on.
It couldn't be helped, Olivia couldn't just turn off the feelings, the sensations, no they couldn't be turned off. As soon as that light turned on she cried out Jack's name in such a way it had never been expressed before by mere words. Her eyes snapped closed and then opened, the light almost blinding her, and then the voice was heard.
Mercer was standing in the kitchen, a smile was given to her before patting one of the stools by the island and saying simply one word; "Sit". A moment was taken, a thought in her mind ready to be turned into words; that she could just take the drink to her room for the evening and leave him alone, not wishing to disrupt his normal routine. But she kept herself from saying anything while pulling out the stool and sitting down on it, suddenly feeling guilty about the disruption that she was causing the man this evening. This only added to the need for her to do something to show her gratitude for everything he had done and was continuing to do for her.
The sleeves of the shirt she was wearing were rolled up a bit, and when she finally noticed how her arms swam in them, she looked up briefly to meet the man's eyes before lowering her gaze. A bowl of soup was placed before her on the island, the smell beyond inviting as a cup of tea was poured and added to the spread in front of her. "Tell me about a time you got close.", Mercer would ask bringing a look of puzzlement to Aruna's face before looking at him a bit confused by the question. At the moment, it wasn't clear what was being asked: How close was she to discovering herself, feeling content, or being in a situation similar to the one she was in at the time? The question could be taken in so many different ways.
His pale blue eyes would lock with her brown ones, almost the color of caramel in the current lighting. "I'm a writer with the sometimes charming habit of asking uncomfortable questions. In my experience, it's the uncomfortable ones that need answering most.", was stated but it didn't answer the question she had of what he actually meant from the question first posed. The cup of tea was pulled closer, a tablespoon of sugar and a small amount of milk was poured, and then it was raised to her lips so she could take a long drink. The warmth which suddenly flowed in, caused her to sigh softly in a bit of contentment; this had been what was needed, long-desired warmth.
"While you're staying here Indulge me in that elusive thing called truth and I'll do the same. I promise you, Aruna. It'll be the most liberating experience of your life.", how Mercer spoke intrigued her a bit. Aruna was intrigued by the man's noticeable effort to get to know her, wanting to hear her ideas and opinions; something a person of the other sex hadn't done in quite some time, even as he added; "To date at any rate." Another drink of tea would be taken while trying to still make sense of the question before it was asked once more but this time it made a bit more sense. "A time you got close to belonging."
Brown eyes would watch the man's face while setting down the cup and reaching for the spoon in the soup, gathering some, and taking a bite. The creamy richness tasted wonderful and another bite was taken before setting down the spoon. "..I don't think that I ever have.." was whispered looking away from the man. Soup would now be focused upon while thinking again on the question, half of the bowl eaten in silence before pausing once again setting the spoon down.
She didn't know what it was but Aruna thought hard about things like she had been asked to; about to reveal things that even her closest friends didn't know. Those thoughts were never given a real voice but buried deep down inside away from everything and everyone except herself. In almost a whisper she began to speak; "Two years ago, I thought that I was loved, I thought that I was in love. I bought into the belief that maybe I would get married, make a home, create a life with someone else, and have a family of my own but in the end, I was a fool to believe in such delusions of grandeur. He didn't love me, he didn't really want me... I was an option kept around if what was truly wanted didn't work out. The side piece.. the one kept in the shadows and called for dinners and movies.. for sex then not spoken to for days until asked to do it all over again.. all the while trying to work things out with an ex-girlfriend... and still I keep thinking that someday he'll reappear in my life... Tell me why I'm waiting for someone who couldn't give a fuck about me...", the handle of the cup was touched quietly as eyes stared down into the brown liquid which was almost gone.
Her tone grew even quieter if possible, not caring if Mercer could hear her anymore or not; if he even could in the first place with how quietly she was speaking. She hoped that he couldn't hear her at all honestly. "I did everything right, I gave all that I could... But it wasn't enough... it's never enough... To always be told that you will never belong because of who you are... because you are neither black enough nor white enough for either world... My parents found one another but didn't have those beliefs; or those predetermined thoughts because they were different races, they simply accepted one another and fell in love. But maybe that's the thing that isn't real at the end of the day... only those super rare special people seem to find that thing; Love. Am I a fool for wanting just a taste of it someday... to have someone look at me.. touch me in a way like I can give them everything they could ever want and need. Maybe I wasn't meant to ever have love.. maybe I do not deserve it due to something I've done in this life or in a past one.. maybe but at least I have my art... I get to see beauty every single day and craft my version of it to share with other people.. maybe that's enough.. it has to be enough.."
Aruna would stop speaking, starting to blink back the tears which were forming before giving a small shake of her head and finishing the soup and then tea in silence. Suddenly wanting to forget that this conversation had even taken place, she didn't like opening up as she just had. It felt like she revealed a piece of her soul that had been buried for good reason, hiding away the darkness and damage that could possibly take over everything and leave her as an even worst version of herself. It was hoped even more so now that Mercer hadn't heard a single word she had whispered. -
It was astonishing how easily one could lose themselves in thought once silence had taken over. But it wasn't simply the absence of noise that had taken over for Clarissa; it was also the fact that she had been ordered to remain silent until further notice. For the time being, she was completely under the man's control and unable to do anything without first being instructed to do so or risk punishment. However, the looming prospect of disobeying Gaius, showing disobedience, and testing the limits had Rissa wondering what the man's punishment would look like. Could it be him lifting his hand and bringing it back down against her ass, delivering a slap that caused an appropriate amount of pain? Would it be denying her the pleasure she was pursuing? The mere consideration of these things stimulated Clarissa further, causing her to wonder if perhaps this aspect of herself had always existed but remained untapped and hidden secretly begging to be exposed and acted upon.
Rissa experienced an unusual exhilaration that moved through her entire body as soon as she heard Gaius call her a "Good girl" once more. She had no idea what it was; whether it was the satisfaction that comes from knowing that you provided happiness to another person or some other, as-yet-unidentified feeling. There was a sense of freedom one felt when surrendering it for a while; perhaps this was due to her decision to entrust Gaius with her welfare. Clarissa had a conviction that he wouldn't do anything to inflict permanent damage. But there was still trepidation, a sense that all could change in an instant, and this beautiful dream turned reality could become her greatest nightmare.
Comments made by the man about how Clarissa's ass would be ideally suited for anal kept her from losing herself to thought and brought her back to the moment at hand. Gaius continued, bringing up a term that she had never heard of before; 'free use', and stating how he would train her to be an anal-only toy. Since only the most basic knowledge about BDSM had been explored over the previous week, she questioned what the phrase 'free use' actually meant. It wouldn't be thought of further, and Rissa hoped that the term could be recalled and investigated later; it appeared that she still had a lot to learn and needed to be a quick study to ensure that someone didn't take advantage of her naivety in the lifestyle. He didn't seem to be taking advantage of her at the time; rather, Gaius was only demonstrating to her how lovely life would be once she had found herself and allowed true freedom to shine.
All thoughts would cease as soon as she felt his nails digging deeply into the flesh of her ass, slightly bruising her. Pain that unlocked more untapped pleasure. "You may speak, though whilst you wear the collar, I am your Master, addressed as Daddy alone. If I snap my fingers, you are to kneel in your submissive pose, to stop whatever you are doing and place your attention on me.", Gaius' voice would state in a meticulous tone, making sure he was fully understood. Clarissa would draw in a tremulous breath, taking a moment to collect herself before speaking with permission granted. "Yes, Daddy." Two simple words said gently to indicate that everything stated had been accepted and understood at the most fundamental level. A soft moan would escape her feeling pressure against her anus, the plug deep inside being tugged and played with sending a shiver running down her spine before it was left alone. Fingers were felt against her clit, grazing over it teasing her rather than providing her more pleasure. Clarissa couldn't help but to try and press back against the fingers wanting more and longing to feel his cock deep inside of her once again. "How long have you been fantasizing about being owned, used, and controlled by an older man for?" The statement caused her to moan once again, eyes opening and closing slowly at the images that came to mind. "Daddy. Daddy, Only for the last week, since you fucked me so good. You can do whatever you want as long as you keep fucking me, keep that cock inside of me.. gifting.. painting my insides with your cum.", Clarissa would moan out, not dwelling on the fact that she didn't want to be owned, used and controlled or rather wanted clear terms of all that would entail but she wasn't thinking or over analyzing every single word being said to her currently.
"Get ready, my little princess", was the only sort of warning that Rissa would receive before being picked up and lifted from the hardwood floor and tossed onto her bed. The comforter was still in place and smooth from when she had made the bed that morning. She would fall on her stomach, face down against the soft fabric, and ass exposed with thighs slightly parted. Clarissa was about to move into the position of doggy style on hands and knees but Gaius was over her pinning her down to the bed. Told to lift her ass up she would be, doing such without hesitation while extending her arms out in front of herself. The heat radiating from his cock was felt against a thigh before one of his hands moved around her throat, around that collar tilting her head back so she was looking up at his face. "Daddy", was whispered before it turned into a moan, feeling the man pushing his hardness into her spent cunt. "Daddy, you feel so fucking good. Deeper.. please go deeper... I love the feeling of you stretching me, making me your cum loving slut..", Clarissa would state as he began thrusting into her starting a pace for this new round of fucking.
Gaius repeatedly pushed deeply into her cunt before pulling out a bit and repeating the action again and again. Every time his hardness reentered, inner walls quivered as the mixture from their first round of fucking began leaking out from her eager cunt. Rissa instantly became greedy wanting to feel as much as she possibly could, so her hips lifted upwards a little bit more and she tried to push back against the man. Her body lunged forward with each thrust the man gave as her hands would close around sections of the comforter that had begun to rise up. Shivers ran up her spine, as her breasts were firmly pressed against the bed and her nipples were dragging against the fabric of the comforter slightly. The sensation of that buttplug deep in her ass elicited sensations she had only felt once before, during that fateful threesome. Cock, gliding in and out pressing against that toy from the inside had Clarissa close to screaming. "Daddy yes, right there, that's right fuck your little slut...I can't wait for you to train me.. to stretch my ass further with bigger plugs. Oh, Daddy Yes. Yes..", Rissa would call out while gripping tighter to the fabric bunched in her hands.
The pleasure she was currently experiencing was imprinted on her face while brown eyes looked at Gaius' face as moans and whimpers continued to fall from parted lips. A mixture of exhilaration and anxiety would rush through her body as the hand around her throat would slightly tighten its hold. Clarissa's eyes moved and stared into the man's, a low whimper coming forth while being commanded suddenly to stick her tongue out. Such would be done without a thought, tongue pressing forward and hanging out over her lower lip. A magnificent soundtrack was formed in Clarissa's bedroom by their combined moans, heavy breathing, her panting, and the slapping sound of their bodies coming together. Never before had this height of passion been experienced, not even during the threesome, this was something completely different, new to her. This feeling; the pleasure, the freedom, being pushed to find out what was hidden in the depths of her soul could never be given up. Rissa would need to keep looking for it until she found the ideal match to bring these things to the surface once more and feel entirely whole. But that was a task to be dealt with in the future, not in this moment when Gaius was giving everything she ever wanted and so much more.
"Who owns your pleasure?", the statement coming as thrusting from the man would come to a complete halt with him still deep inside her cunt. Clarissa was so close to tasting bliss, an orgasm right there ready to be coaxed out. She needed it almost as much as air was needed to breathe at that moment. "You do Daddy. Please...Daddy, You Do. Only You", she would beg, almost as if her life depended upon it, and in a way it did. His free hand would reach underneath her and begin to lightly stroke at her clit, once more teasing her and bringing forth a sense of desperation. Back she tried to press against Gaius, inner walls quivering around hardness ready to milk him for everything he was worth and seek out another load of his cum to paint her insides again. Thrusting his hips down against her ass would begin again anew, harder than before. "Oh fuck yes Daddy, yes... Harder...", she would cry out. That high chased after would appear once more an orgasm overtaking her like a wave rolling forth from the ocean at high tide. Clarissa felt her body tensing and beginning to tremble while starting to scream and holding on tightly to the comforter in her hands while clenching down around his cock and coating it with the rush of her juices that rained down.
Even while that orgasm high had such a solid hold over Rissa, warmth flowed over an ear in the midst of this as his breath and whisper called out to her; "Tell me what you need." She was helpless to the spell that was being placed over her, ass rising once more and hips wiggling just a bit, trying to draw out all the feelings she could at the moment. "Daddy. I need you, Daddy... I need to be filled with your cum..need to be fucked harder and faster so I never forget my place. I need you, Daddy. Please... I need your cum deep inside of me... I need to be your hungry little cum slut", the answer was given to Gaius between moans. It almost seemed as if the reply given spurred him on. Harder and faster thrusts would come, driving her back to that edge so quickly, screaming out once more as another orgasm ripped through Clarissa. "Fuck.. yes... Fuck Daddy Yes, Cum in me... Cum deep in me.. give your little cum slut what she needs.. please... Oh fuck, Daddy... Fuck..", she would cry out, eyes closing tightly while clenching down harder around his cock than she ever had before.
It wouldn't be known if all of the things that Clarissa had voiced that evening were hidden desires or what came to her during intense moments of passion, the one thing known without reservation was that she wanted him to cum again deep in her. She wanted to give him as much pleasure as she had been receiving. Give and Take, it was only fair, wasn't it? "Fuck", was whimpered while starting to lean her head forward a bit. Another thing that was clearly known, was she was going to have one of the best nights of sleep ever, whenever Gaius had his fill and was done with her for the night. The consequences of this whole evening could be dealt with in the morning, this was just a raw need that they both had and meant nothing; nothing said this night had real meaning. They would both see and understand that in the light of day, which was hours away. -
Mirabelle was becoming consumed by thoughts not understanding why this was happening to her currently but did anyone ever understand when something unexplainable happened to them of all people? The sound of the rain which was once such a comforting thing was now being twisted into something that could trigger thoughts and memories of what James was doing to her; having sex without permission or clear consent given and trying to make her body respond to him the way it inadvertently had before when he had taken her before in the kitchen downstairs. Tears were falling freely without care or shame from Mira's eyes even as they remained tightly closed, trying at the very least to block out the image of him moving over her again and again. It wasn't understood why James was doing this to her if something had been done on Mirabelle's part to make it appear as if she was enjoying this act to some degree. Sure her body has responded before, betraying her at the worst possible time but now such a thing wasn't happening and Mira was simply laying there trapped underneath the man due to his hips keeping her pinned down as his massive cock moved in and out of her spent cunt dripped James' cum freely. There was no use in trying to fight, this battle had already been lost and Mira was just trying to make it through this, knowing that sooner or later the man would grow tired and get his fill once more. Yet Mirabelle was completely wrong with her train of thought regarding James and that would be proven with the next actions that were taken.
James would release the hold that he had upon her wrists that had gone limp, moving his hands to her shirt and pulling it up and over her head and arms. The same course of action was done with her bra which would be ripped in the process of it being removed, revealing her breasts to the slight chill in the air. It couldn't be said if Mira was herself aroused to some degree or the other or if it was a mixture of the chill and fear but her chocolate-colored nipples stood hard and firm. Suddenly James would lean down and take one of those nipples between his lips, sucking at it slightly before lightly biting down and pulling it a bit with his teeth. A bright flash of light would envelop the whole room, enough so that the brightness could be seen even if a person's eyes were tightly closed such as Mira's were, it was followed by the sound of thunder which Mirabelle could've sworn had rattled the cabin but it might have just been James increasing his pace as he continued without pause over her. Oddly enough it was as if the storm was mirroring the man in some way; it now seemed that the storm was directly over their location and unleashing its fury without control or much care about the damage it inflicted in the long run. But then again why would a storm care, it didn't have feelings it simply went wherever it pleased and to some degree, Mirabelle thought the same thing about James; liking them as one and the same.
Slowly Mira's thoughts were becoming jumbled and hard to keep track of, she began allowing herself to simply start drifting away as the sound of the falling rain against the window became even harder. "Look at meβ¦LOOK AT ME!!!"; the sound of James' voice crashed down over her without much warning just as the sound of thunder overtook the room for a few moments as if mirroring the man once again. It seemed that he was not content with her trying to disassociate herself from this whole situation and was pulling her back into the present; right where she didn't currently want to be. Suddenly James' warm hand would move over her throat squeezing causing Mirabelle to open her eyes quickly and hitched breath, her head would be turned back towards him so that their eyes would meet; green against brown. Mira's lower lip would start to tremble as fear began to take over once again, as if on autopilot one of her hands would move and grab a hold of his wrist tightly as a tear fell from her eyes and rolled down her cheek. After all of this was James going to kill her or cause her some other type of harm that could be worse than what he was already doing to her? That unspoken fear could clearly be seen in her eyes but there was something else there as well, something that Mirabelle didn't even know but James seemed to.
His voice would break through all of the different sounds in the room, James' voice speaking with purpose; "I know you're trying to run from me. If not physically, or mentally. I understand." If Mirabelle hadn't been in the current state that she was in, a laugh would've been given to the man for how could he understand anything that she felt given he was the one raping her once again. A low moan would leave James' lips as he pushed back inside of her once again, seemingly feeling another wave of pure pleasure throughout his body while Mira wasn't feeling anything close to that currently. James's forehead would come to rest against her own as his own eyes closed as his hand moved from her throat to her cheeks holding her head in place. Warm lips were placed over her own, stealing a kiss that told of his passion while Mira didn't react trying to remain still even as that 'fight or flight' feel started once again deep within her. James would continue to move against her, pressing hard against her clit which was slowly starting to feel a tiny amount of pleasure once again even as Mira tried to demand that the feeling passed so her body wouldn't betray her once again.
It didn't seem to matter how determined Mriabelle was for her body was slowly beginning to react to the mere action of the sexual act being performed, even when she wasn't anything but a willing participant. The feeling of James' balls against her cum coated anus was sending chills moving up throughout her body, it was something never before experienced but the sensation made an odd kind of heat never before felt begin to build. Green eyes looked down into her brown ones once again, as if trying to search the very depths of them for an answer to an unspoke question before lips pressed hard against her own once more. "What do you want from me...?", Mirabelle thought not giving voice to the question which honestly seemed pretty important at the moment. What was it that James wanted from her; was it to be in this moment with him? Did he want her to give him all the pleasure that he desired before disposing of her when he was finally finished? Another tear would fall from her eyes, rolling slowly down her cheek as a bit of frustration set in wishing that she knew what James wanted; if Mirabelle had known, it freely would've been given in order to put a stop to this whole thing.
James' forehead would pull away from hers, those haunting green eyes moving away from her line of sight as Mira slowly inhaled, allowing her eyes to close for a few moments to try and gather herself. Mirabelle would be caught off guard by the feeling of his lips closing around one of her hardened nipples while his hand moved from holding her face in place back down around her throat, once more holding it in a way that came off as possessive and controlling. The man's tongue was flicking against her nipple before slowly circling it with the tip gently, Mira didn't want to react, didn't want to feel the pleasure that suddenly was building deep within the very core of her being. Lips suddenly parted as a faint gasp escaped her, James continued his actions and it caused Mirabelle to moan softly while trying to pull her hips back and away. Suddenly there was a feeling of panic beginning to set in for Mira as she realized that her body was coming alive once again and couldn't help but react to what was being done to it. She tried to tell James 'no' but the only sound that left her lips was a low moan while her back suddenly arched up off of the bed just a bit, inadvertently pressing more of her breast into his mouth sending a giant chill moving down her spine.
It was almost as if the lightning that had struck outside had also touched her directly, every nerve in Mirabelle's body suddenly tingled and felt alive. Inner walls were starting to close around the hardened member that had been penetrating it again and again, finally reacting as if it had been flint striking against steel trying to create fire. Mira was aroused and she didn't understand why, her mind becoming lost in a completely different way than before as whimpers and moans continued to escape parted lips while her eyes closed tightly. James' massive cock would find itself suddenly gripped by her pussy in almost a death grip as Mira's body began to tense out of nowhere, her throat pressing up into the hold the man had around it. "...James Please...", slipped from her lips but it wasn't known to even Mirabelle if she was begging for the man to stop or for him to give her body what it surely wanted as an orgasm started. Her breath would hitch once more before her thighs began shaking almost uncontrollably, the hand upon his wrist would tighten its grip while Mira's free hand moved to James' other arm, grabbing hold tightly of his bicep with nails digging into the skin as the wave of her orgasm washed over her fully.
Every single nerve within Mirabelle's body felt as if it was suddenly touched by electricity; she moaned loudly before simply crying out as tears fell from closed eyes before they slowly opened with a look in them that was pure pleasure mixed with a bit of fear. More into the skin of James' bicep, Mira's nails would dig in as his thrusts didn't slow down as other men she had been with in the past would have as she experienced an orgasm. James seemed to be spurred on by her pleasure, by the feeling of her inner walls trying to lock down around his cock hard enough so he couldn't move; the man's pace would become a bit faster and harder as he seemingly pressed on through it without any type of mercy. It was almost as if his body was telling her own; 'You like this, let me show you what I can truly do; soon enough you'll be begging me for this.' Mirabelle didn't understand what was happening, only that as this increased pace continued another orgasm began for her right on the heels of the last one. "...James...", was screamed in a voice that didn't sound like her own while her whole body this time around began to shake underneath the man as he continued to fuck her.
Mira's body had betrayed her, and now her mind was beginning to slip away as well falling victim to all of the different sensations felt through the body as inner walls moved between quivering and clenching at James' gargantuan cock. Her legs felt like jelly while the very tips of her toes tingled, tears started to fall from the corner of her eyes, unsure if it was from the shock of pleasure or from the situation as a whole. Mirabelle had never experienced an orgasm like this before in her life, was this how sex truly was supposed to be? If that was the case then why did such an earth-changing thing have to happen with him of all people, perhaps it was simply a fluke and the mind was creating things that surely were not real in order to cope with everything at the end of it all. This was the type of sex that a person expected to have with someone who was their other half, their soulmate so to speak and James wasn't that for Mirabelle; she barely knew the man firstly and secondly, this hadn't truly been consensual in the first place, even if he had given her this gift of truly life-changing orgasms.
Heavier Mira's breathing would become even as the feeling of her heartbeat was once again being felt throughout her still quivering cunt. She didn't understand even as the storm outside raged on, before feeling James' forehead pressing down against her own once again and those green eyes staring into her brown ones as if he could see her very soul at that moment. Lips once again pressed hard against her own and Mira couldn't help but to react and kiss the man back with everything suddenly felt even with the confusion and anger felt deep down inside. Into his mouth she would moan before his lips pulled away, suddenly feeling James cock begin to jerk and twitch for a few moments. That action triggered another orgasm albeit smaller than the ones before yet still intense, Mira's eyes opening just before it had begun and then widening in surprise and confusion as it took over her once again. A whimper fell from parted lips as nails dug hard into James' bicep and wrist, trying to hold on for dear life while her whole body began to go limp just a bit even as her thighs continued to shake due to being overloaded with all of the different sensations and also from exhaustion starting to set in.
Thank you for taking the time to read and I look forward to hearing from you.
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