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Fx Male Searching for literate writing partner for some historical/fantasy story-driven adventure ~ !


Feb 4, 2010
It's been quite some time since I've been to this site for a roleplay, but I've found myself drawn in once more. :)

I'm in search of a literate writing partner who enjoys playing a more dominant male character opposite my own female character who lay somewhere in between those parameters. Currently I am looking for something detailed and story-driven, with a focus on developing the setting, characters and plot. The romance/smut aspects of the story should feel organic and be allowed to naturally progress with our story the more our characters interact. Let's just put it down to 70%/30% plot to smut ratio to keep things simple!

I'm able to respond relatively expeditiously, but I'm perfectly happy if you are able to post at least once a week if possible. I prefer for our posts to be descriptive and at least a couple paragraphs in length to give us each enough to work with. I would like to play only over PM.

I am a huge history buff and I really enjoy historical and/or fantasy based roleplays. I will roleplay in a variety of fantastical and historical settings, so if you have something in mind please let me know! As for what I'm currently craving, I really would like to come up with a story for the old American west, perhaps set sometime in the 1880s. I do have a generic base idea or two for it we can certainly build up together.

Again I do apologize for my haphazard post, and if I have piqued your curiosity, I would love to brainstorm a story with you! Please shoot me a PM if you're interested.
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