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Fx Any It Never Ends Well (Superhero Romance)


Sep 7, 2019
Jurassic Park
I can probably do a decent job of playing the Gwen from the movies all grown up now, perhaps more directly transgender, but I think I'd like a more original story that doesn't rely on unresolved plot beats for the Spider-Verse movies. This is one that would perhaps set the trans female Spider-Man Noir who's the first transgender Spider-Man around here, is a woman who takes a lot of inspiration from the original Spider-Man Noir as she slowly starts to realize she's nonbinary.





I can imagine Miles expressing normal 18-to-19-year-old confusion at a woman calling herself Spider-Man, and her getting incredibly angry and saying, "Just because you knew Peter for who he was before he died and I didn't doesn't mean you get to be the only Spider-Man. I got bitten by the same spider as him, though it didn't take for a few years for some reason. Anyone can wear the mask, anyone, right? Right?!" But this Gwen perhaps has already lost her dad, and eventually let herself get really obsessed with the idea of being Spider-Man, of expressing her non-binary nature with the power of the Web.

Meanwhile, the idea I have for Batman and Supergirl is to have Kara be the Kara from The Flash with a younger, newer Batman who's got the Keaton bravado and the power of some of the darker interpretations and the rage as well. In this tale he assists Superman in taking down the invading Kryptonian forces led by General Zod and even manages to land several good blows with kryptonite knuckle-dusters and super-strength pills on a man who can stop bullets, when Doomsday is dropped in to fuck shit up and Clark dies protecting his best friend. Superman, who insisted on coming along and only knew his cousin Kara for a day (and wasn't even the one who technically freed her from her prison in Siberia, as she had kryptonite braces on and therefore Batman had to be the one to her), now lies in her arms next to the obliterated body of General Zod (for Kara had to make a terrible choice to protect all of Metropolis from collateral damage) as Kara Zor-El becomes Supergirl.

In that moment, Batman hugs her and vows to take care of her, to train her up to be a hero in her own right, and to found the justice league with her by his side. And so he ends up accidentally giving his best friend's cousin the ol Bat-Rizz and well...she can't resist. She has to have Bruce Wayne's billion-dollar dick inside her super-wet Kryptonian pussy that's also super-strong and therefore super-tight.




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