Mx Female Peni Parker x M Reader


Jun 22, 2023
Much older student, 21 y.o, tall and attractive, but an affiliate of an 18 y.o Peni grows aware the situation shes in, they suddenly bump into eachother outside of a convenience store she often visits. Shes not feeling the best mentally due to the recent death of her Aunt may and friend, the whole city hadn't liked her since the mass destruction.
Bumping into eachother, she doesnt know who it is until she looks up to see her only closest friend, vincent.
He asks if she needs help heading back home, but she shakes her head and nods, assuring her safety but before she heads off, he invites her to the skatepark, it was well into the nighttime but what these 2 had in common was staying up longer than usual.
She declines, or at least thats what he thinks, bored in her bedroom for hours, she gives in and heads over there to meetup with him, the only guy, friend, that she ever had left.*
From there they conversate before he offers her a drugged soda, she dazes off, giving into his power it makes her completely fall for him sexually, turning everything into a risky sex scenario,
Given that my character smokes cigarettes, she could ask him about the ones in his pocket- she feels out of character about it but claims its just to cool off from being so tired with life , inspired by his smoking habits,
Then asking if she can teach her how to use them.
I seek a roleplay with strong dialogue and a darker take- nothing short and sweet, I figured inspiration from another users post and the character, my plot would work.

Im limitless on this one.
Have yourself a damn good one!
Have a yourself a damn good one! 51B2CA21-CEB4-4D3A-9C8C-483F18BE7C74.png
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