Hello there stranger! And thank you for clicking my request-thread!
My name is Baka! 26-year-old person from the World Wide Web! And as you might've guess this is my handy and dandy request-thread, from which you can (hopefully) find everything you need to know about me as a roleplayer and all that cool jazz.
This is just introductory bit to myself. so feel free to skip this if you want. Honestly all you need to know about me is that I am a hopeless weeb, music-nerd and a gamer. I also play guitar and bass, and have some know-how how to make and produce music... So I guess amateur musician?
Now that that's out of the way we can move to roleplaying stuff!
First impression - Is extremely important, so please put at least some effort in your first message. I ignore every low-effort pitch that doesn't address anything from this thread or tell anything about you and your preferences, cold-calls and the likes.
Planning/brainstorming - I expect my potential partners to be able to keep brainstorming/planning flow going. If you constantly just nod head and agree with everything, don't bring anything to the table and generally just seem disinterested I will most likely bow out. Would you be thrilled to do collaborative writing with a person who is hard to collaborate with? I doubt it.
Platform(s) - BMR, either PMs or threads. Discord is maybe an option, but not the first preference.
Post length - 2+ paragraphs. Not too strict about it. I always write 2 paragraphs minimum. My preference for partners post-length is also 2-ish paragraphs minimum.
Posting frequency - 1-ish reply a week. Sometimes I can post multiple replies a week, others none at all. I will keep my partners updated if I have prolonged delays!
OOC gender - Does not matter to me, however please specify if you wish for me to use certain pronoun(s) of you.
Story vs. smut - I am looking story-driven roleplays with smut included. I don't really do ratios, but to give a good picture 50/50 split is a good start, and the more you favor the story the more interested I more likely am. Some stories I do can be more smuttier, but I won't really do only-smut stories or roleplays where story exists only to give a reason to smut and nothing else.
Faceclaims - Anime/manga/manhwa/manhua/webtoon and related art only. Real-life faceclaims are a hard limit (includes realistic drawings, renders and AI)
AI-images - AI-images are also a no-go with me.
OOC - I love OOC-chatting, friendly and comfy chatting is always a plus in my books.
Ghosting - Ghost-friendly. If you ever want to try something again feel free to poke me again.
Doubling - I won't double. Only had bad experiences with it. More open to other pairing within a same fandom etc.
Harems - I won't play harems, except if there's a REALLY good plot behind it all (generic harem anime-plot ain't one)
NSFW-images - If you want to send me hentai as refs or scene ideas feel free to do so... But remember that singular, or even a batch of hentai images is not a plot, like a kink for me is not a plot idea.
Writing sample(s) - I don't require one, but if you want to see mine feel free to look my public roleplayhere, here or here to get some kind of picture of how I write.