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NBx Female Do you want me to sing you a Lullaby? (NSFW)

Midnight Melody

Pitter patter my heart goes a little faster
Jun 30, 2023
Notice: Any partners that are still interested that I haven't yet gotten back to please message me, I believe I have gotten back to everyone but I want to make sure.

Notice 2: I will likely only be taking 1 maybe 2 rps. 2/2 bold of me to assume I will get any but hey you never know.

Hello there, this might not look as pretty as some peoples posts but it will get the job done! So lets get down to business shall we?

I don't have a ton of immediate ideas but I will be filling out with random little ideas, prompts and such as things go. I do like visual aids in terms of writing be it simply what prompts a scenario or simply of characters. I do like story but just smut is also fine each rp has there own story to tell. So lets get to a few shall we!

♥ In a world where Fantasy races are common place, Mc (32 year old) A fairly normal child care worker, working at a daycare, she has a fairly good life, she has a decent job that pays the bills and a good bit more, a nice enough apartment and there the subway to get to work, she isn't really one to go out and blow all her money from the surface. However... that isn't to say she isn't one without her problems, or specifically one major problem child, her twenty one year old little sister. Born from some ill fated choices by her mother that broke the family apart. Mc was old enough to look after her sister when there parents dumped them both. Finishing high school and doing odd jobs while taking care of her sister. She worked hard, and with the help of a friend and there well off parents she got a job at a upper class daycare. Her little sister however... as she grew older she had gotten Job after Job and for one reason or another tanked them... Be it succubi nature? Be it being bratty? Who knows, but what Mc does know is she became very much Aware of her as time passed and she grew up. It genuine does not help that the little sister has come to realize this as well and has begun teasing her about it. There has been one way she has been earning money by doing dress up shoots. Well life is going alright and big sister won't snap eventually right? (spoiler warning, she does.)

♥ Tell me what happens when A sexually frustrated futa (Mc) adventurer who has been blue balled and cock teased by team and other guild members. Goes on a solo adventure and starts encountering Short stack feral goblins or Devious little gold hungry goblins and breaks down instead of simply slaughtering entire clans does the unspeakable, and starts banging them? (I have been on r/dndmemes, for those who know... you know... Also if someone would be willing to play a harem of possibly a hero slowly becoming a demon lord just because she needs to get her rocks off. if there is any gms out there could be a sort of recruitment style game?)

When a childhood friend is tired of beating around the bush

Just a few little ideas that popped into my head. I am open to hearing ideas!

Be it anime, Games related or what not.

Some games I enjoy are the Persona series, warhammer, swtor, FFXIV, dragon age, borderlands, and more so feel free to bring up anything if I know it or not I can look into it.

Oh, also I will only do pms, sorry thread players, threads are just a little awkward for me.
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This is a odd idea, but I had a what if Idea of "What if some how 3d/anime style/real life people got trapped inside minecraft and had to survive?" This would be a idea that has a lot more story and I might put it in the non-sexual section but tossing it in here just in case.

I know this is asking a lot of someone so don't expect this one, I wouldn't mind doing a 1x1 D&D adventure game as a player, in which a futa goes through a world of monsters/monster girls and hot ladies. Guess a little like the goblin one but with full mechanics I guess.

Vtuber theme:

All of these are meant as mc x the vtuber I can be convinced to play another vtuber depending on the plot/

had was Crydiaa a "Vaulf Vampire-werewolf vtuber" Has been playing there bit as a Vtuber for awhile but has hit the age where she goes into heat and wants a mate. Thing is she finds herself in a problem she is far more the Docile type of Full bottom or power bottom so when she goes into heat she has to suffer through it. This has happened three or four times and she can't take it. This is when she gets a new manager who is a very well hung futa and they meet at her home/apartment and at the worse time. Seeing her in need the manager helps her with her physical needs, beginning a at first just sexual relationship ontop of being her manager and it builds to where Crydiaa has no actual lust after others.
Silvervale happens to accumulate a good bit of debt for any reason. Enough that (this being pre-going indie) V-shojo has to auction her off to cover the debt because even with what she brings in the risk is too high. Being fully legal and within her contract she finds herself on auction with a car that has her painted on it. Thinking she is just doing a pose shoot to sell the car. Till she gets collared and awarded to the new owner of "Silvervale" thing is the first thing they do is set her free admitting they bought her just to bail her out of debt considering that they had brought such joy to them. Realizing that all there personal stuff had been sold off as well as her, the well hung lady offers her to hang out while she gets back on her feet as a streamer.
Mc (16-17) is a young futa nearing the end of highschool, living with her single mother who has gotten back into the dating scene but has had no luck. Despite her beauty that is, late at night Mother (32-33) arrives back home drunk as a skunk. Having failed at another one of her match making parties, coming on a bit... too strongly. Frustrated she has devoted all her time to raising and providing for her girl and has had no time for socializing. Having been a young mother she took care of her as best she could and lost all her dating skills. Now the only ones who seemed interested in her were sketchy guys and those who wanted a fling with a hot milf. Frustrated she was ready to give up, little did she realize her sweet daughter had a thing for milfs.
In the V-tuber world there is a sort of black market game that only V-tubers may take part in. Nobody knows the content of the games or how there run, but they know the rewards as they all got the single email that couldn't be tracked about it. Known as "Till you break" it can turn the most low ranking v-tuber into the top over night. It requires two v-tubers to agree to participate and sign a lot. Promised a big pay out even for them. So Mori calliope of Hololive and Froot of Vshojo plan for a collab stream after speaking about it and finding they were the only two willing to try. Doing all that was required they were taken to a remote place and finally told the game. It was a sex game in which the looser would be erased from the net, there fans give to the winner and they would be a sextoy. The winner could wave there winnings and join the looser, but it was a game to see who can last the longest.

Silvervale after leaving Vshojo traveled to a new realm, in which she decided to slumber for a time to regain her energy before getting back to streaming for mortals. In that time she dreamed, dreamed of the good times that had been had, and the sorrow of leaving those she had come to become friends with. That lonesome feeling once again sprouted and as she dreamed she wished for a companion and as she one took form. A companion that would stay by her side and help with all her needs physical and otherwise.

Minecraft themed

Way more story focus, I have pondered putting it in the Non-sexual but why not. In essence I don't have a big written out idea but it is the thought of a what if RP of a survival rp of 3d people forced to suddenly live in a modded minecraft world.
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This is a bit of a greedy one but also one I play a sub
MC is a unassuming girl, who was outed very quickly at a new school as a Futanari. Looked on as a weirdo she was mocked and bullied. Few people were nice to her, one of which she developed a crush on. Desiring to make her like her back she delved onto the darkweb and found a sort of love potion. Making treats with the potion and some of her own seed, she gave them as a gift to the one she had a crush on. Little did she know that The schools two biggest bullys also bullied the one she had a crush on. Whats more they ate all the treats that she made, causing my character to go from the target of there torment to the Target of there lust

Dnd/fantasy themed

Barbarian's titans of strength, known for there ability to run headlong into battle with barely a thing apart from there weapon. Fighters true and bold that rely on there raw strength, they revel in the fight. There is naught more shameful then to be defeated and spared with one exception. A ancient combat practice in which a barbarian fights with the one they wish to pair with for life, in a lethal battle where they attempt to not kill them. If they can knock them out or simply strip them of there weapon and clothes then they are bound by ancient tribal codes to submit to the winner. YC is faced with this Known as "Barbarians fall" she was heavily wounded and found a young tavern keeper in the woods and as per there nature attacked only to get smacked and due to injuries fell unconscious. When they awoke they were in her tavern, bandaged and bare without weapon or clothes. Realizing they had been claimed, and thus begins there awkward life.

The great sorceress has at last chosen to take a student, this being my character. A young witch eager to learn, but fairly early on she makes a mistake in one of her incantations. and it causes her to have a... addition to herself. Years have passed and the Sorceress has always been a bit of a tease but now it's becoming more and more obvious. Mc is starting to wonder if the accident was really a accident or not. Little did the sorceress know it would come back to bite her one day. A few months have gone by since she began being a real blatant tease and actively trying to prevent her from having any alone time to relieve pressure. She was working on a new Binding Magic, one that would bind stronger servants. Meant for planer entities, but something goes amiss and she finds herself in spectral bindings. Calling upon her apprentice she is faced with the consequences of her actions as with this sight MC can take no more. Thing was for the spell to complete there was one missing ingredient, and the Sorceress was about to receive copious amounts of it.

This one can go one of two ways, MC tries to help her be free of the binding or Mc actively tries to get in her way and break her down from master to pet.
(More or less that classic thought childhood friend was boy, turns out no very hot girl.)
It has been years since MC left a small town moving to the city with there parents for work. There father getting a higher paying job in the city then anything he could get out in the country. A very cliche thing but it was how things happened. Life went on, though out of all the friends, MC kept in contact with there best friend, a "boy" they were close to via online games, they always had a crappy mic, slow internet and the like but they kept close. Memeing at one another and the like, eventually after highschool (possibly even collage.) When Mc had moved out and was on there own they decided to meet up at there place. However when MC's friend arrived "He" was far from what they remembered.

(Loose Harem theme? which considering most of this post is a bit of a theme. Has me playing a bunch of monsters that are all technically one being.)
A goddess of her mortal realm, has watched over the world for countless years since the mortal races were but babes. She has been a defender and caretaker and yet thousands of years will little to do but watch the young races she has become... laxed in her duty's forgetting why she was tasked as defender in the first place. As a dark and ancient thing, once a god it's self, thought all but destroyed emerges from the dark beyond. Invading her divine realm and she is oblivious to it. Bored and wishing for some 'fun.' She is greeted by a Creature thinking it is a 'gift' from another worlds god after all how else did it enter her divine realm? Seeing all the Fun she can have she indulges herself. Unaware that with every act of Submission, every Lustful indulgence, her Divinity slips away and is claimed by that which seeks to usurp her. Eventually she Realizes it but it is far too late, as she has come to Desire it, a tainted and fallen goddess. Leaving the world without a protector, as the being begins infesting the world to claim more for it's self.

Gaming Related

(Pokemon would love for partner to play the hex)

Very simple prompt Based off this picture This situation happens and she of course being a "Hex maniac" goes to her only friend because they tend to be relatively loner types due to the ghost types they favor. Venting that she got banned and while happy about the money and realizing hey she doesn't need to worry about rent for a good long while. However she didn't even get to start her stream before she got those and was banned. To which her friend very bluntly tells her the truth, the camera was on for all her 'wardrobe malfunctions.' Also suggesting wearing at least panties next time before bending over in front of the camera. Realizing very quickly the hex had no idea, she chuckles, when the hex admits that thinking about it kinda makes her excited. With a eyebrow raised and a grin the friend says "You know there is way to get more donations and experience that excitement." (think of it as a hex maniac who starts a only fans with a friend as a camera woman only to gradually become porn of there growing relationship.)

(Pokemon, same as the previous would love for someone to play the hex.)
Pretty much it's These two pictures just a rp where she finds a travel partner who "helps her" out.

Vtuber focus (all of these I would love for partner to play said Vtuber.)

(Houshou Marine)

From the most Feared and respected Pirate queen upon the seven seas to a Pirates booty. That was the fate for her, Captured after a long time ruling the seven seas by the law she avoided. Played with like a toy for more time then she cared to remember, betrayed by one of her own who sided with the law to become a privateer. She wouldn't be executed for some time because they still used her flag, and made people think she was still the head while her betrayer built up a reputation. However within her jail a few of the guards decided to have a bit of unapproved revenge. Taking the prisoner and stuffing her into a Treasure chest said to be cursed, closing the lid unaware of the true curse of it. As they opened it again after the shaking stopped and found it empty again. Panic set in and the search was on but she was never found. (Her fate could of been anything from being forced to spend day in and day out in a Boring life stuck with just enough entertainment to stay sane, or forced to indulge in the last sensation she felt for the entire time without release.) Years pass however and the Pirate and the cursed chest were all but forgotten about. As they were and the chest was no longer a 'claimed' prize as it was tossed out as a empty and old chest it began repairing it's self, filling with treasure again. Waiting for someone to find and claim the prize. That was the curse, it would never fill while it was owned, but after it was discarded it would refill. However it first had to claim a person, usually a unlucky treasure hunter, would find themselves consumed by the chest, only to be a part of the prize for the next to open it. MC was a decently well off fisherman, who had taken over her fathers small ship after he had passed, as it was a job and she had worked it her whole life. It was a lot more work all on her own but as time had gone on and her father had been getting older she was doing it all pretty much herself anyways. During one of her routine halls of her nets one came up empty of fish however it had a rather pristine looking chest, that looked like it was right out of a movie or game. Confused she set it aboard and while eager to open it she had work to do, finishing her haul in order to not get off schedule and offload it. Tired from the day she still hauled it home, and began fussing with the lock. On the inside of the chest however the Pirate still lived! She felt her attire change and her surroundings fill with gold. A flood of information hit her head as she was surrounded by gold generated by her cursed captivity, each coin a day in captivity as she was packed in like just another prize. She was a prize, those thoughts forced into her head as the curse forced her to believe she belonged to whoever would open that chest. - The whole premise of this idea is a Pirate captain from a long time ago finds herself In the modern day and has to learn to Live as there is no going back. Believing she is a part of the "Treasure" that MC found, and while still having there own will and mind, that is simply a piece of fact for them. Mc now rich having basically several gold bars worth of pure 100% gold from the biggest treasure find of the century has little to truly worry about and can begin doing what they want without fear. Decides to take care of this time-lost pirate who perhaps knows Kindness is often never truly Free or perhaps simply out of desperation for the touch of another is eager for it. However it can go darker or the very light route of MC genuinely sort of being thankful for finding her and seeing her as there responsibility as there her good luck. Gradually developing a relationship where Marine has no desire to go back in time.

Synthetic Bodies Incorporated or S.B.I, is a public sex toy manufacturing company, that is also working with many prosthetics company to provide 'realistic' feeling prosthetics. They specialize in you guessed it sex dolls. This however is there cover, in fact S,B.I is a government research lab working on developing artificial intelligence as well as a method to download and upload a person's consciousness to a new synthetic body as a means of preservation. Rather then throw out all of there failures they instead remove the parts that are required for them to function as originally intended and reduce them down to simple sex dolls, Empty shells that have close if not perfect to human texture. One such doll is slated for decommissioning, however this time the AI survived the purge, rather then being erased it downloaded and copied much of there files and even more so of there future intended purpose. Surprised that her intended purpose was a Sex toy such advance technology and her purpose in life was to provide pleasure. A eternally youthful body meant for the carnal pleasures of the world, where she was able to reset her own memories. Made to simulate a actual person, she wasn't upset by any of this rather Excited and as such meddled with there servers to ensure she was moved on to be sold and shipped. Searching the clients and finding a good client that wouldn't reveal her secret and well, would use her daily.

(Hakos Baelz SFW sound NSFW visuals.)
Super simple but hey, Helping santa for a Chrismas in july Either somebody didn't read the fine print or things go wrong, and she ends up as the present.

At one of the most prestigious academies for the rich (think ouran highschool levels.) The Student council president stands as a shining beacon, good breeding, looks and grades. She doesn't simply take her classes halfheartedly fully intent on inheriting her family. She is Filthy rich enough that even if all of her family's companies crashed in just savings they could maintain the lifestyle they have for at least 2 generations, if they didn't increase spending. However they have a secret, the entire family save those married into are Demons, that are allowed to remain because while they still 'feast' on humans they have developed a method to co-exist instead of kill. Succubi or incubi in nature the family has found a way to satiate themselves without killing there partner, however the process is a bit... problematic. Once believed that people who could see through there human-guise were there natural enemies, they found out instead they were there best partners. Able to satiate there hunger and live with little to no problems, and Veibae has been on the hunt for her partner for some time. Putting herself in the position to interact with the most people. Two years of nothing not one person even catching a glimpse through her guise but while giving a speech to the incoming freshmen out of the corner of her eye at the incoming 'special admission student.' She sees what she long hoped, a look of pure unbridled terror painted on there face. Knowing she sees through the Guise she found her target and will do Anything to form a relationship. (this one is very power bottom heavy themed)

Only ones I have a specific idea for at the moment, but happy to play a Futa X any Vtuber anyone might have interest in playing.

D&D/fantasy themed, (this is more of a side, but also would love to do a 1x1 5e game as a player. )

(furry picture warning.)

Very simple promp with plenty of way. When no roll without rp goes full circle (in short a TTRPG game start prompt where "I want to seduce blank" has to go into roleplay, and the dm decides to hold them back after game to talk with them about it in terms of the game and they keep roleplaying until it dons on one that they might be going to far but at this point its already too far.)

(might be similar to the last but warning MC x Harem.)
A group of friends have been playing D&D and other ttrpg's since Middle school yet as time has gone on the games have gotten... Lewder (all starting at or above legal site age.) This not being simply the dms part, they have at multiple times gotten a check in on comfort levels of the group. Oblivious to the actual going ons, of the girls, having had a one track mind and trying to be the best dm they can unaware of any developing feelings. It comes to one of the nights in which they trigger a trap that would cause a TPK, and she has to ponder about it as that is a lot of work down the drain or a lot of work to get a new party in to that point. So she asks everyone how they felt if it was a 'non-lethal' trap. Curious as to the nature of it they of course ask and she suggests a Lewd trap in which they could rescue there characters in a oneshot or some such, which there on board. (lot of ways to go from there.)

(Keeping to harem theme)
Conquest Bounty hunting, it's a even more dangerous form of bounty hunting but one with depending on who you ask a better reward. C.B.H. as it is shortened is the same as bounty hunting except the hunter will etch and brand themselves with a special mark. One that prevents them from normal carnal interactions lest they turn into criminals themselves. With the exception of those who are aware and willing. This special brand is highly regulated it is the Mark of the Hunter, this mark allows the Hunter to Claim any bounty they are able to catch. Thus the adventure of a new hunter begins. (this could be anything from binding or down right brainwashing/mind control, we can also go as dark as we want.)

another simple promp From high level adventurer to low level plaything just the sort of what if, one of the great adventurers had a thing from the Magic shop owner of the small town they started out from and kinda got them a ton of business and made them a pervayor of magical goods well known and regarded. So of course there is that hint of attraction, and a few prods with a sales woman charm and this hero is awakening to a new kink. (could go to harem and mind control if we want.)
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