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Mx Female Da'at: A request thread of Fate/, Monsters, Fantasy, and more! Updated: 6/13/24


Sep 14, 2022
Hello kindly people of BlueMoon! I haven't been too active lately but I am looking to start up a roleplay or two. I'll give a brief 'about me' here. I write in the third person, my replies tend to range from 300-600 words, and to me it matters not what your gender is behind the screen. I like some OOC chatter between a partner and myself but I also have no objections if it's kept to a minimum (Not every detail of life should be shared between writing partners after all.). I try to reply every other day or so abouts and if it takes me longer than 4-5 days to reply I will try to inform a partner of such. I prefer using artistic imagery (Preferably anime, and I am not keen on AI art but it's not a deal breaker) for faceclaims and such, and overall I feel that I'm a pretty easygoing and laid back fellow. I'd be happy to provide writing samples if one wants so as to show my writing skills, but I probably won't ask for one by a partner as I don't want a partner feeling pressed to impress!

Kink wise, I'm generally open to kinks and whatnot with the exception of the following: Vore, toilet play, excessive gore, 'hard' noncon, and gross details. I won't go heavily into kinks as they are on a per-RP-basis and I like to work them out with partners which I understand might sound a little lame but I would like to keep this roleplay request succinct and focused rather than rambling which I can get into very easily.

Now, a few of my RP's are going to be fandom based, with some original ideas as well. Obviously it's a bit selfish to have someone writing canons for an OC so I will usually make an offer of doubling up or working out something for that partner to otherwise scratch their own itches if possible. As you can surmise by the prefix I am looking for female characters opposite my male ones. I won't do an RP that doesn't interest me, and I will be upfront but polite about it so as to not be a jerk. I am ghost friendly as I understand that everyone has their own wishes, whims, wants, worries, etc and if a muse is lost or a spark fails to ignite, such is life! With all of that said should I lose interest or the likes I will again, try to notify you so as to not leave you hanging.

OK – I admit I am pretty awful at request threads and as such I realize this doesn't look all that pretty, and maybe doesn't tell a ton about me, but I do hope the following is of interest to at least one person.

Fate/: Fate/ is a fandom I am exceptionally keen on, having played Stay Night in the early '10s and being a Fate/Grand Order player (No judging!). There are many lady servants in the setting I'd like to write opposite of, I imagine we could either do a simpler slice of life in Chaldea, or perhaps use a servant from the Fate/ setting at large in a more dramatic and actiony Grail War setting. I have a list of ladies I'd love to play opposite of, but I would prefer to hear who interests you to write as of course. In turn there are some fate males or even fate females (I know I said I'm looking to play males mostly but I assure you I can play ladies too) that I would be happy to write as.

Monster Girls: I technically consider this a fanbase, even if monster girls are a nebulous concept. There are too many monster girls to list that I'd love to write with, and I would prefer to hear what a partner likes to write, too. This can be anything from a fantasy setting with monster ladies, to a modern thing ala Monster Musume. Adventure or slice of life is always an interesting decision I would think!

Idol life is hard: This one would be a modern setting. Simply put, I like the idea of a japanese Idol singer perhaps having to hide a relationship with someone. A manager, a fan, perhaps a male idol, something along those lines. Simple romance, some comedy, potential for drama. Perhaps the stress of the Idol lifestyle is what drives her to want a simpler life?

Fantasy Farming: I've been playing Sun Haven as of late and this is inspired by it and Rune Factory. Simply put, the idea of an idyllic farming life with a fantasy flair sounds fun. Perhaps it's a male farmer who hires a non human farming hand, or a female farmer who might have to wrangle with a monster boy or something along those lines. This could be more slice of life oriented, but I also really vibed with the idea of there being some sort of looming threat over such a quint life. Maybe a demon lord. Maybe the Demon Lord retired and became a farmer and has to deal with an even worse demon lord. Who knows!

Shonen style story: So a bit of a silly idea, but I do like the idea of a slightly more action packed RP - one taking after manga tropes and the ideas of flashy fighting and heroics/villainous things. I'm quite happy to play someone who learns they have a rather unique power and get thrust into the spotlight alongside YC - or perhaps I play someone a bit more villainous than not, someone who can range from slightly wicked but not evil, to someone rather evil altogether who seeks his own security and comfort. It's kind of a really broad RP idea, and not one well thought out but it's one I am certainly happy to plan out! Whether it's rising up the ranks of a hero's guild to becoming a demon lord, I'm down.

6/13/24 update: Added 'Shonen style story'
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