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Fx Any A Dark Craving


Oct 22, 2019
Hi all! Welcome to my request thread. I have a specific craving and I was wondering if any of you lovely people would be interested in helping me sate it.

I'm looking for someone who can play a wide variety of characters for what I have in mind. Basically the role play will focus on a female protagonist (MC) who, despite being a rather innocent girl, lands herself in all sorts of precarious situations. Generally speaking a lot of these situations would be of the non-consensual nature. Your role in this will be both to contribute to the story through a cast of side characters as well as leading the erotic scenes. I will also help drive the story and the world around my character. I usually only play in the fantasy genre, however I would be open to something more modern for this as it could be fun. I would also be open to playing more than one girl as I'm use to playing multiple female characters in roleplay.

I typically match my partners writing length however I typically try to write at least 3 paragraphs when roleplaying, however I have been known to do many more. I don't play in first person, only in third person. my preferred method of Roleplaying is through PM's, I don't use discord. I also prefer drawn face claims as opposed to real face claims.

I have a wide variety of kinks, so much so it's probably easier to list my No's. My Limits include but are not limited to: vore, gore, weapon play, blood play, furries. If you have any doubts about a kink ask, I do not kink shame, I'm always open to exploring new things I haven't tried. As for what I'd be expecting during this roleplay I definitely want to include Non-consensual sex, anal, BDSM, bondage, and more (that I can't think of right now lol). I want this roleplay to be dark, the darker the better, If anyone knows what the visual novel Euphoria is that's the goal here.

As for some more specific plot stuff, in the case of a Fantasy roleplay I would be playing a simple village girl who gets driven from her home due to an attack by a foreign nation. She travels through the world struggling to survive, which lands her in a various situations she cant get out of, as well as prompting her to do various deeds just to get by. In this case I would also expect that there would be more monsters included in the world, which could be written into various erotic scenes. I would also be open to including themes of slavery in this world as well as various other dark aspects of medieval times.

For a Modern plot I would play a girl who just entered college, but due to trouble at home she is struggling to make rent, tuition, and various other payments. She has a part time job but it's just not enough. She sees an ad online that promises big paychecks and she decides to check it out, little does she know of the downward spiral her life is about to head in. In this case I would be open to including various themes of drug addiction, pornography, and so on, anything that would apply to more modern times.

Thanks for taking the time to read this and I hope to hear from you soon!
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