Mx Female The Rose's Thorn


Jun 21, 2023
Within My Mind
Greetings and Salutations,

Come in, I've been expecting you! Don't ask me how I knew you'd stop by, just enjoy the fact that you are here; I know I am. I'd ask your name, but you aren't here to talk about yourself, you've come to learn about me! I won't disappoint!

You can call me Thorn, becuase I'm certainly not a rose, though as beautiful as one. I am a veteran roleplayer, with thirty years of experiences. I can play any role and feel comfortable in almost every genre. My forte is battle and sex scenes. I don't understand why, but anything that gets the blood pumping and the heart racing really stirs my muse. She is a beasty creature, who rends my soul spilling poetic and visceral words. I am offering to share them with you, as I believe you are utterly deserving.

I'm a switch if you are interested. I don't lean either way, but am comfortable in both roles. Now, I'm sure most people post their kinks/limits, but I hold those back. See, I am looking for partners to be friends with (only friends). I find the writing is better when you know your partner, at the very least, I want some Out of Character chat to plot and honestly to fawn over our work.

I'm a mutt in roleplay. While I will post a few scenes and pairing type soon, I want you to take away now is that I want to be your fantasy. I want to delve into the deepest recesses of your mind, swim in the fathoms of your desire, and unlock that carnal beast living deep within you. Once I find that inner fantasy, I want to wrap my hands around it, take it into my literary being, and make it my own. With my spin on your creation, I will make it something more than you hoped for and use it to send you into sensory overload. Stir my muse, and you won't be disappointed.

I look forward to you message, if you think you can handle me.

Please pardon my appearance. My Plot Ideas and Pairing will arrive shortly. Please feel free to PM me, as I am openly seeking partners, especially if you have a plot your a craving. Thank you!
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