Mx Female Is there a true Princess in the house ?


Aug 21, 2011
I am looking for a real Lady, one who knows that real power isn't demanded but expected and enticed. She is confident but unassuming, and her true beauty exists first in the eyes of her Prince, whom she possesses more than he possesses her . She has a lock on his heart , not on his hands . She knows what she wants , and how to get it , and would rather be rescued and protected than be a heroine and because of this possesses far more real power. She is a seductress not a doormat , and neither a slave nor a tyrant .

While this seems to be at first blush a request for a fantasy story, and it certainly could be , the possibilities are endless , and if you are such a Lady or think you truly could be, let's craft a story together, and live in a world that seems long forgotten. If you seek a believable story that draws you in and an oposite character that you will know and understand before he becomes a romantic interest or a partner in sex this your chance. Lets build a slow burner together.

I disdain of lists of rules, so I wont make one. If you can truly be such a Lady it won't be needed.

Your Prince awaits you.
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