Mx Female [NSFW] Neighbourhood Bullies


Decidedly British Dom
Apr 13, 2015

The Premise
A bullied teen reaches out to their single mother to protect them from a trio of older bullies. The mother seals her own fate by confronting them, seeking peaceful resolution, offers their child to tutor the bullies so that they don't fail class, hoping that this will appease them into all being friends. Of course, the bullies spy an opportunity to infiltrate their lives and readily agree. From there the trio of bullies find themselves engrossed deeper and deeper into the life of the family, slowly (or not so slowly) corrupting them as we explore the sordid and perverse events that unfold.

I would play all three of the bullies, whilst I would expect my partner to take control of the mother and any other female characters, so the daughter if we decide on that, sisters, aunts, whomever, and we would share control of any other NPCs as the scene saw fit.

The vibe I'm going for is very much one of a sense of inevitable "seduction". The bullies eyes are rather overtly all over the mother from the get go, when at her house, they insist on drinking Red Bull or Monster energy (with the teen knowing the implications of needing lots of energy and wary of leaving the bullies alone at home with their mother) and are ultimately charming and polite, to the mother at least. Their words are full of innuendo and complements in equal measure, whilst slinging a few degrading and bullying comments at the teen. When it comes to going home, they insist on a hug to be polite, groping the mother, which will escalate as the roleplay proceeds.

As time goes on, the bullies will demand more from the family, from confiding in the mother in a late night visit when their dates leave them blue balled, to demanding she leave hair scrunchies and lipstick in tactical locations around the house "just in case". She'll be sent pictures of how to dress for their visits and whilst I *love* including bullying and rough scenes, I want the mother's ultimate seduction to be more of a dub-con, forbidden fruit, giving her what she's never had a taste of before but always craved, vibe. The teen will protest, they're horrible bullies after all! But to the mother they're just charming, well mannered, well hung young men.

I have an F list in my signature, but I thought I'd pull out some of the core kinks to this roleplay. One thing I will note that isn't mentioned here is that I love, love, love older women trying to compete with women their daughter's age, dressing to impress like they're two decades younger. I love older women who refuse to act their age.

And additional "kink" I suppose is the love of using images in a roleplay. Whether to display a style of dress, a position a character takes, a sexual act or just some set dressing. I love to include pictures in my work and would *adore* it if you did too! Preferential treatment for those that do.​
Yes Please!​
Let's Discuss​
No Thank You​
Clothed Sex
Group Sex
Age Gaps
Size Queens
Sloppy Sex
Orgasm Control
Pet Play
Risk of Pregnancy
Blood Play

The Son/Daughter

I felt this deserved its own section, as it's a rather pivotal change to the entire roleplay whether the bullied teen is male or female and can drastically change the course of the roleplay. For example, if they are male, we can lean more into their sense of dread and looming anxiety, *knowing* what the bullies are planning with his mother, but unable to sufficiently warn her as she dismisses his claims because they're "Nice Boys". This NPC would amplify that taboo, inevitability of the plot, as the teen is used to fetch energy drinks for the cast, to tutor the bullies one at a time as the others spend some private time with the mother, being forced to watch from the bedroom window as the bullies enjoy the mother in the back garden pool. For bonus points (and a first for me) the son could have a huge crush on his own mother, to the point the bullies can manipulate him by displaying the mother dressed all sluttily, sucking them off, fucking them, as extra humiliation for the son, perhaps even going as far as letting the son eat out the mother afterwards so she doesn't get pregnant.

If we decide on a daughter, it might turn the roleplay a little darker, but also open up a huge world of new possibilities! Whilst the mother is charmingly being seduced, the daughter would be subjected to more overt demands and humiliation, We can keep that same sense of dread and looming anxiety, but where the bullying of the son would be more physical and emotional, for the daughter it might be more sexual, the occasional grope or squeeze, perhaps with the daughter offering herself to protect her mother (unsuccessfully of course). As time goes on, she'd find herself in the same position as the mother, forced to dress up and please the bullies, but where the mother is pretty much enjoying the attention, the daughter would be reluctant, even as they make her cum over and over again.
A short section, but a fun one. I adore raceplay and if you'd like to include it, I'd be happy! Perhaps one or more of the bullies is black? Latino? Middle Eastern? Perhaps the family is Asian? Latina? Whatever we like, I will be game for. When you contact me, please let me know your preferences, and what kind of level you'd like to gauge this raceplay at.


I've put together a little visual gallery of examples, these do not have to be used, but I thought they'd sufficiently show the sort of style I'd love to see, and of course add some eye candy to the thread, as it's been sorely lacking so far. I've tried to add a few different details and examples, so please, enjoy my indulgence! When you message, I'd love to see some profiles like this to really set the foundations for the RP. I'd love to see extra family members/women brought in as the roleplay grows.

I have PLENTY of alternative face claims if you're interested, just tell me what you'd like to play and I'm sure I can supply something, though I love to see what my partner can bring as well!​

Mother [Mrs Cox]


Faceclaim: Lauren Phillips

Faceclaim: Bridgette B

Faceclaim: Kalina Ryu

Kalina is from a second generation immigrant family and struggles keeping the reserved and conservative traditional values lined up with her accustomed life. Always eager to be seen as kind and friendly, No is rarely in her vocabulary and fitting in is of the utmost importance. Can the bullies persuade Kalina that the best way to fit into Western society is to relax her inhibitions?

Bridgette is recently divorced, as a devout Catholic the idea was abhorrent, but she simply couldn't stay married to that lazy lout of a man any longer. Freshly freed and at a loss with what to do with her spare time now she gets child support and alimony, Bridgette is settling into the quiet life of a stay at home mother, trying to keep the dark thoughts of "Am I too old to date? Who wants to date a single mother?" At bay. Luckily, the bullies are around to remind her that she's most certainly still got it.

Lauren is a career woman. Or was, she recently moved from full time to three mornings a week, effectively stifling her progression. A driven woman with a desire to succeed and be recognised, will she be an easy target for the bullies who know just how to give her the recognition she needs and provide that sense of full satisfaction in life she's craving?​



Faceclaim: Finn Wolfhart

Faceclaim: Strawberrytabby

Faceclaim: Lucy Mochi

Tabby was an early bloomer and a prime target because of it. As school progressed, she simply continued to grow, now out competing even her mother for the award for best rack. As well as dealing with the lecherous advances of teachers and creepy students alike, Tabby has to deal with a trio of bullies that body shame her to no end. She knows from their hungry looks that it would be game over if the bullies ever managed to corner her alone, so is telling her mother the safest option? Or will it make things worse?

Lucy is a geek, the hot kind admittedly, but her nerdy interests have pushed most of her friends away. That's fine, she's more content hanging and chatting in the discord servers than with real people anyway. The three bullies are more of a problem, constantly teasing her, tugging on the choker she wears most days and tripping her in the hall. It's an endless cycle of bullying, but can her mother break the chain?

Kevin is your classic nerd. Rarely washes, rarely changes clothes and has next to no social skills. He's prime target number one when it comes to being bullied, especially once the other kids get a sight of his stunning mother. How could the apple fall that far from the tree? Post PE shower sessions led to the accurate moniker "Smallcox" a play on his last name, and Kevin spends most of his time after school and during lunch devising new ways to hide from the bullies and find a safe way home.
Gaius [Main Bully]


Faceclaim: Jake Gyllenhaal

Faceclaim: Sean Teale


Faceclaim: Donald Glover

Gaius is large and in charge. Standing over 6" tall, broad shouldered, he's certainly the kind of school bully you do not want to mess with, especially with his cronies for backup. But Gaius knows how to play it safe. He's constantly skirting the line of being caught, but his charming, personable and well mannered demeanour means he gets away with shit anyone else would be expelled for. Cunning and especially sadistic at times, Gaius is the worst enemy a teen could have. It'll be even worse once he realises there's a way to get the neighbourhood MILF into his clutches too.

Anton [Side Bully]


Faceclaim: Idris Elba

Faceclaim: KJ Appa

Anton is the brawn of the operation. A distinct step down from Gaius in terms of charm, Anton is the knock em out, ask questions later kind of guy. Never hesitating to get physical, he acts as Gaius' lackey whenever physical intervention is required. His dad is on the schoolboard and donates generously to keep the powers that be sweet, meaning despite being caught red handed on several occasions, he's never been more than put in detention.

Mike [Side Bully]


Faceclaim: Matt Lanter

Faceclaim: Nolan Gerard Funk

Mike is the perverted one. He's the kid that used to pull girls skirts up on the playground, the one that groped the teacher in the busy hall, the one who gets rather graphic when describing his date nights. He's smart and loves to show it, enjoying the mental and emotional domination of a target over the physicality of Anton. It was his idea to target Mrs Cox and he's keen to see what a MILF like that can do.​
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