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Mx Any Kinky Cuntboy Fun, MPreg, All That Weird Shit™


Aug 17, 2011

I am Winter, welcome to my thread!

I've made something in the Uncategorized Others forum because I guess that the character I want to play falls into that category?

Basically, I'm really craving playing a cuntboy character at the moment. Specifically, I have a craving for my boy Luka, for whom I do have a reference [here]. That is... Actually the tamest reference I have, lmao. They get more extreme from there. I can provide them upon request.

Also, I also really want him to end up pregnant (I mean this should not be a surprising development, since that comes with the territory lmao). As for your character, I'm comfortable with most things-- male, female, futa, animal, tentacle beast... WHATEVER GUYS!

[I also have an F-List for your convenience]

Anyway, I have a few plots and pairings I'm down to do~

- Pet x Owner (Really Craving!)
Basically, for this plot, the setting is IN A WORLD where half-animal people really don't... Have rights. Because originally they were created as designer pets, sort of human-animal hybrids, and as a result they fall as animals under the law.

So humans keep them as pets/servants/slaves/etc. It's pretty grim.

The plot would begin with my little fox boy, a stray, suffering in the midst of his heat. He ends up sneaking into some rich dude's house/yard during his heat, perhaps lured by the scent of his guard dog, and ends up getting caught, and... Well, I have a feeling we both know where it goes from there. He could either be pregnant from the dog, or his new master saves that honor for himself! Both options are very fun!

OMEGAVERSE (Really craving)
As betas consist of most of the population, followed by Alphas, and then Omegas, its no question that certain areas who only have one or the other of these particularly rare gender types have to come up with ways to deal with the unique challenges of heat or rut.

After a disastrous first heat in which an omega both embarrassed himself and his family by being wholly inappropriate towards customers at their little shop, a solution was devised— 'the bench'. It keeps an omega in heat out of the way in a shaded spot out back, open to be used by anyone that passes by, and considered safe because the small town in which this takes place is populated entirely by betas.

... But what happens when an alpha traveling through town is attracted to this omega in heat?

... Okay the premise is a little out there, but that's just the starting point, and there are a lot of directions we could go from there. Fun smut? An adventure sort of deal? All are on the table!

I also have another plot I am REALLY craving that doesn't fall into a neat pairing like the others, so...
This is vague, and a little bit odd, but here goes.

This is a versatile plot, preferably set in a science fiction or fantasy setting. In a certain region, or on a certain planet off the beaten path, all manner of sin and debauchery is legal, including slavery. There is a specific establishment that is extremely popular, but it operates on an invitation-only basis and is known to few more than its members.

Operating in a similar manner to a speakeasy, this establishment is known for its particularly exotic wares, slaves from all manner of foreign places. They would fetch an exorbitant price in a normal market, but in this place, for a meager buy-in price, the members of the club have free use of the exotic offering on hand for nearly a year, until one of them has a chance to receive them as a personal slave.

... With a catch.

First, the slave on offer is untrained-- that job falls to the members of the club who engage in using them.

Second, the person who will ultimately get to keep this plaything for their own is determined by a lottery... A genetic lottery, if you will. For the first week or so of their arrival, the new ware is offered strictly on a 'Look, but don't touch (okay, touch, but absolutely no penetration)' basis, during which members decide whether or not they want to buy into this round of the lottery. And then, on the official 'release' night of the new attraction, they are impregnated with a cocktail comprised of a 'donation' from each entrant.

At the end of the year, the parent of the child they give birth to is the one who gets to keep them, and a new slave is brought in for the process to begin again.

... The Speakeasy makes their money on drinks, if you're wondering.

These are just a few of my ideas, and I'll add more as I think of them. I would be more than willing to brainstorm with you or hear your ideas, too!

I'd be willing to play over PM here (you'll need to convince me if you wanna do threads). I can use Discord for OOC chat as well, but I don't RP over it.

Hoping to hear from you!
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