Mx Female Mother daughter gangbang


Aug 2, 2018
Central time zone
The city of Sioux Falls in the breakaway state Pretopia (previously known as South Dakota) holds an annual lottery banquet for women sixteen and older.

One lucky woman selected at the gathering will receive a $100,000 prize, if she will endure a gangbang by anyone in the banquet hallwho cares to participate. Or she can pass, and still get $100, a nice dinner, and the entertainment of watching the show when someone else gets picked.

Jill and her sixteen-year-old daughter decide to go. Free chance to win $100 bucks, right? And they'll just say no to the gangbang. They could use the money but

Mainly, they'll go for the five star meal and show. Jill sees it as great sex education for her kid and a hot voyeuristic evening for herself.
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