Archmagos Issac
Sir Ser Issac of Clarke of Chad the II
- Joined
- Apr 6, 2014
- Location
- The Forge World of Mars
- About Me
I s s a c
Male x Female
10+ years writing
Paragraphs to Novella
Click here for my F-list - About You
I'm looking for partners with a love of writing and story telling. Perhaps most importantly I would like my partners to be willing to communicate with me. What I mean by that is if something comes up, if you can't post, if you can't continue the RP for any reason, let me know! I'm not gonna get bent outta shape, I'm not gonna hound you, I understand completely. Take your time, say good bye, do whatever. Just please tell me so I can stop eyeballing my inbox in the hopes that I'll get a reply.
The last thing I ask of my partners is to please be patient. Understand I work a job that has me working 12 hours a day, 5 days a week, and bouncing back and forth between a 6am-6pm shift, and a 6pm-6am shift. I can be a bit busy sometimes and sometimes outright forgetful either because of work or my own brain chemistry keeping me distracted. If I don't reply, give any indication of what's going on, whatever, please feel free to reach out. Most likely I need a gentle nudge and I'll be back at it immediately.
Communication also means planning, brainstorming, talking with me about the story and it's characters. I LOVE partners that want to plan and have ideas. This is our story after all and I want us to have our own touches on it all. Don't be afraid to suggest something, ask questions, anything. Worst I'll do is give the equivalent of no and that's that but you'll find I rarely outright say no. I want this to be our story and most of the time I'll either compromise or I'll just outright love your suggestion and start discussing how we incorporate it in.
- Nightfall
For as long as we have known, we knew the warnings of the Nightfall. Stories of a time when the sun was ripped from the sky and the shadows would rule. Of men becoming monsters, monsters becoming kings, of horrors beyond measure. For many they were just that; stories. Things we told ourselves weren't true and were just meant to scare us. Some though thought better; that the warnings were just that. The time would come when the sun would fade and monsters would rise up and when that time eventually comes; someone needs to stand up to the darkness. Someone needs to stand for the light.
"We stand in midnight clad. With steel in hand, we guard the light. With zeal in our hearts, we challenge the night. We are the Raven Guard"
The brave members of the Raven Guard rose from the shadows like the monsters they hunt when the night fell. With swords in hand, with black armor guarding their flesh, with the will to stand when others would fall, they rose to fight. To hunt the monsters and to guard the innocent. Any can join the knights in midnight clad if they so choose. It isn't a job of glory though, or riches. It's a task that requires an iron will to do what is necessary, to fight when others would run, to be monsters to the monsters. It doesn't matter if you fight with a sword, a staff, or if you duel with your words and wits. All that matters is that you stand against the night and avenge the light - The Morticians
You can be forgiven for not hearing of "Hobb's End", not many are aware of the town's existence aside from the locals of the small island and the residence of the Massachusetts mainland. The sleepy town holds a population of nearly 650 people. Many families have lived on the island for generations and can trace their roots back to the pilgrims in fact. Many aren't aware of the secrets hiding on the island. Not anymore anyway. The pilgrims of old knew though, knew that while the waters were rich with fish and the ground fertile; a bit too fertile in fact. It seemed no matter what seeds you planted into the dirt of the little island, life sprung up. It seemed that wasn't entirely restricted to the fruits and veggies either. The oldest families knew once though, knew the powers of Salem and the mysteries that dwell within the depths of the island. For it seems the island has something of a problem with the undead...
As you can likely tell, this story will follow the tale of a pair of hunters who live on the island of "Hobb's End" and deal with the undead of the old island. Your character is the apprentice of one of the inhabitants the island, the mortician Andrew Chapman. Your character has their reasons for apprenticing as a mortician; whether it be they simply are trying to make money and are unaware of the supernatural things occurring on the island while living a normal life, they've seen the supernatural and feel alienated by the world and work with Chapman and are unsure if what they encountered was real, or they are fully aware and want to help Andrew from the get go. In either case, you are the mortician's assistant and the odd man has every intent of teaching his apprentice all he knows. After all, the dead outnumber the living and someone needs to keep them from rising from their pine boxes... - Sunrunners
Not much is known of the time before the Exodus. What is known is that the forefathers of Man, Fae, and Dwarf were forced to leave by monstrous threat our ancestors called the "Shyr Polaes" or in common "Blood Drinkers". The creatures spread like wildfire, wanting nothing more then to kill and multiply like locusts. Our ancestors were powerless to this enemy and were given no choice but the to leave the lush world they once called home. The fae called these lands "Jhyr Jhal" or in common speech, "The Lost Lands".
To ensure the survival of not only themselves but future generations, the ancestors pleaded to the Makers for aid, a means to survive the horrors that threatened to consume their servants. The Makers answered in kind, leading those seeking to escape to what the ancestors collectively referred to as "The Conduit", an ancient structure believed to be constructed by the Makers themselves. With the combined efforts of the old magic, the most powerful of the ancestors shamans and mages awoke The Conduit, opening a portal to new and unfamiliar lands, a place seemingly inhospitable to the threat that followed.
"Aezoli Jhal", The Exiled Lands. A place of sand and stone, seemingly comprised only of shifting deserts and rocky canyons. A place seemingly inhospitable to any form of life. Little is known of that time. What is known is that our ancestors forced those creatures that followed into the Deep Deserts where they would perish, from there they began spreading out in search of places to call home. The dwarves took to the mountains, digging deep and thriving despite the harsh world. Many fae took to the deserts, becoming nomadic tribes that wandered the shifting sands. Some tribes of man took to the deserts in search of more hospitable lands, others settling on the first sources of water they could find, and others settling on in the ruins of what were once cities of the Makers that were teeming with powerful artifacts.
The deserts are a cruel and unforgiving place. Scorching heat, minimal water, dangerous terrain, sandstorms so powerful they can shred the skin from your bones in minutes, and that's just the elements without mentioning the deadly creatures as well. Despite all these things, there are still those who endure it all and those people more often than not place their faith and hope into the hands of those who are willing to travel through hell and back: Sunrunners. Mercenaries, caravaners, heroes for hire, when someone needs something taken care of in the deserts, they recruit anyone from the Sunrunner's Guild. Were it not for them, many would have suffered or died long ago.... - Behind the Pines
"We do not own these woods.....they do"
Pineborne, Virginia
Population: 1,329
Welcome to Pineborne. A town smack dab in the middle of Jefferson National Forest that just one wouldn't know existed unless they were blessed (or cursed depending on your point of view) with being born there. Outsiders tend to end up here when they take a wrong turn off the main road. Many continue on their way and never turn back. Others become some of those unfortunate enough to get lost in the woods. Or that's what the residents say to help themselves sleep at night. No one wants to admit the truth.....well ALMOST no one.
Pineborne is home to the Hewitt family, a clan that is nearly as old as Pineborne itself and has a proud but shrouded history within these woods. The Hewitt family know the secrets of the forest. They know that Pineborne sits in a place where the veil of reality is thin. So thin in fact that something has been coming through for centuries. Some are harmless and go mostly unnoticed though are occasionally spotted by the odd hiker or driver. Some are simply territorial and cross the wrong person at the wrong time. Then there are some that mean to tear into this world. Creatures that are attracted to our world like a cloud of piranha to a child in a river. The Hewitt family ancestors swore an ancient oath that many still uphold today. They will stand at the threshold of the night and fight back those that would seek to destroy. They will stand and fight or die trying. Many Hewitt's take up the mantle of hunter, others simply turn their backs on it and pretend it's just a myth. A family story to thrill the kids. They close their eyes and pretend as though they don't know the truth. That the Wolfman doesn't roam the woods every full moon, that vampires don't tear people open like Christmas gifts, that creatures that don't even have names come streaming through to devour light where they find it. Like Elvis said though:
"Truth is like the sun. You can shut it out for a time, but it ain't going away..." - The President's Vampire
In the year of 1867, President Andrew Johnson pardoned a man from a death sentence he had rightfully earned. His crime? The murder of two fellow ship mates at sea. Their bodies were discovered in the grasp of their killer and their bodies completely drained of blood. Many historians question this act of kindness. Conspiracy theorists on the other hand believe Johnson had a motive.
The truth is that since it's founding, America has been at war. At war against an enemy that humanity couldn't believe existed. A war against creatures from a place voided of light and life. A war that we were losing. Despite his failures as a President, Johnson made one good decision whilst in office. In order to fight monsters, one must have a monster of their own. Johnson saw an opportunity to give humanity a fighting chance against this enemy, all he needed was a weapon to fight them.
With the help of a powerful spell from Marie LaVeau, voodoo queen of New Orleans, the vampire was enlisted into the warm against the Other Side. The blood oath was simple enough: protect the United States from all threats (natural or otherwise) and serve the President loyally for his unnatural life. This vampire has fought in the shadows of history for nearly 200 years, keeping the forces of the Other Side at bay and protecting humanity itself.
Cut to "present day" America, your character is a federal agent of the United States (CIA, FBI, Secret Service, whatever you like) who has just been given a new assignment, one shrouded in mystery and met with pursed lips. All they know is that they are in an SUV going to an undisclosed location and are being told they have been given a new assignment directly from the President. What they don't know is they have just been given the job of the vampire's handler and liaison to the President. - Monsters and Motorcycles
So, this idea was inspired by the idea of a pair of rival motorcycle clubs that each have their hands in a hidden urban fantasy world. One being a motorcycle club known as the "Riders of Selene" and the other known as the "Lords of Avalon". Now the Riders of Selene are a gang of weres; we're talking werewolves, cats, hyenas, bears, possum. Doesn't matter. All that matters is the ability to change from a human being to a half-human creature to be a full fledged member. They make their money primarily by acting as bounty hunters and through the occasional crime that they can do and still fly beneath the radar.
The Lords of Avalon are the same but they're a group of monster hunters with their roots being traced all the way back to the mythical King Arthur. In fact, the leader is typically a direct descendent of Arthur and wield the mythical Excalibur. Now these two gangs have been butting heads for as long as anyone can remember and have had a shaky truce for a while. They pretty much agree that if they keep to themselves and not bother one another, they can remain peaceful. That however is fixing to change when both clubs are simultaneously attacked with fingers pointing to the other club as the culprits.
Now, we would be playing prominent members of the club who find themselves trying to figure out what the hell is going on who did the shooting. Hopefully before all out war breaks out and the streets begin to flood with biker blood.....

Distant Worlds █ Space Aliens █ Beeps and Boops!
- Retribution
- seemed so long ago when in reality it was perhaps only 2 years ago. 2 years ago when humanity as we knew it was given an answer to the age old question. Are we alone in the universe? No. Now however, we wish we were alone. The outer colonies began going dark at first, communication suddenly going quiet, ships stopped returning. People thought it was just piracy, by products of civil war. The last thing ANYONE thought was extra-terrestrial creatures. Let alone that these creatures were invading human controlled planets. They were developing worlds, sure. Worlds that often had spotty communication till Alliance forces set up proper channels. Then they attacked Thora. A world that bolstered a population at one point of 10.6 billion people. A world that the Swarm completely occupied in less than 3 days.
Day One, they made contact over the city of Ember. The sky darkened, Crickets in the billions swarming and infesting the city; killing everyone and everything in sight.........
By day two, the Alliance set up defensive positions and tried to push the Swarm back. A battle that lasted less than 7 hours and ended with a crippling defeat for the Alliance's troops.........
By day three, planetary evacuation began. What humans remained abandoned Thora. A population that had once been almost 11 billion people was barely 2,000 people now. Thora was infested and humanity had been dealt a terrifying lesson. Humanity was not only alone, it was also out gunned horribly.
That however, was 2 years ago....
The Massacre of Thora had been a message, now humanity is sending it's own message. Retribution.... - Infinite Anarchy: Smugglers and Thieves
The Void is a massive place and there are only so many ways to make money in this chaotic place. Some people make their pay working with private military corporations, some make it through mining resources from distant planets and asteroids, and then some make their money by doing a job almost as old as humanity itself; smuggling and thievery. With war beginning to brew between the Terran Federation, the Dominion of Man, and the Solarians, it's a good time to be a scoundrel of any sort.
Among the Smugglers, the Thieves, and the Morally Impaired, the most notable is the ship and crew of the Jericho. Known for as many successful missions as they are unsuccessful ones, the Jericho is known for being willing to go just about anywhere and do just about anything so long as the money is good. Though every so often, the Jericho needs to stop on the closest planet they can find to restock on crew mates. Whether the old crew died, abandoned the ship, or simply found better work elsewhere, every so often they need to hire more crewmen and conduct what business they have.
This time around, the Jericho has landed on the planet Hyperion in the center rim of the Milky Way Galaxy. The Jericho promises transport, adventure, trouble, and even pay for those who want to stay - Distant Horizons
What lies beyond the horizon? It's a question that is built into human kind it seems. What's beyond our forest, our shores, our vast plains? It is a question that has shaped our very society since the first Neanderthal took their first tentative steps out of their cave. We explored, we expanded, we continued chasing that horizon and moving forward to answer that age old question.
Mankind has expanded across the Earth and even begun settling the very planets and moons of our solar system. Man has stepped off the lands of Earth and conquered much of it's own solar system but now mankind looks to the edge of it's domain and asks what is beyond? The answer is Soras. A distant horizon in a distant system, an opportunity for mankind to take it's steps on a new an unexplored world. Not much is known of Soras outside of the preliminary scans; the planet appears to be rich with oxygen thanks to the massive amount of forests and jungles that cover the surface. It stands to reason that there may be sentient life on the planet but until we can get a colony established, we won't know for sure
Though the time is ticking to reach Soras first. While Earth's government has begun efforts to send colony ships to Soras, the Riya's Corporation has set it's own sights on the planet....

Zombies █ Survival █ Doom!
- Blood and Fangs
People always assume that when the world ends it's going to be fast, loud, spectacular in fashion. Truth is, the world truly didn't go out with a bang but a whimper. We heard the news for months and we were given ample opportunity to prevent it all from happening but before anyone knew the true scope of it all, it was scratching at our doors, crashing through our windows, and killing anything it could. Even as the world began tearing at the seems, as it became so obvious what it was that was killing all of us. Humans are stubborn though, even with overwhelming evidence right in front of us, so many of us just cling to the naïve hope that it wasn't true. It couldn't be! By admitting what it is, we admit to things that can't exist.
Not the love sick romantics, not the misunderstood heroes, not these thing aren't what media portrayed. No these aren't any of these things. These are monsters, vicious killers, cunning predators that see us as food and nothing more. True, they looked human once but that's how they get to you. Like the stripes on a tiger, it's camouflage so they can get close and end your life. The world fell to them in a matter of years, now the world doesn't look anything like it once did. The weather has gotten colder, the days darker, and now it's their world; not ours anymore.... - Columbus Day
"If aliens ever visited us, it would be much like Columbus landing in America. Ask the Native Americans how that turned out...." - Stephen Hawking
Much like the Native Americans more than 500 years ago, human kind awoke 5 years ago to terrifying and life changing news: mankind is not alone in the universe. Before we knew it, mankind was pulled into a fight we didn't want, didn't prepare for, and didn't have any chance in Hell to win. That's not to say we didn't fight, humans across the world took to the streets with anything they could use to fight. All in all, mankind was only able to fight the invaders for a mere 2 weeks. 2 weeks undid mankind's progress and drove us to the bottom of the food chain. - Cataclysm
It was nearly 10 years ago since the San Andreas Faultline slipped. When it occurred, there were certain things that followed we were aware would occur and were at least prepared to do something about: fires, landslides, water shortages, destroyed buildings and infrastructure ranging from ruined roads to ruined power. The earthquakes lasted for days and leveled portions of the area. These were things we were aware would likely happen and would effect the area. What we didn't account for was what the fault would unleash on the world. By day 7, a power was unleashed that caused the world to go black. Cellphones, computers, radios, cars even. Anything with electricity simply winked out for a time. What we know now was that the fault opened a rift in both space and time and unleashed something from a world unlike our own. A world filled with magic and monsters. A world we weren't prepared to face. An arcane apocalypse.....
Over the years, the arcane world spread and laid it's claim to ours. What was horror soon became mundane, soon enough we adapted. Things took a strange turn. It was like Mad Max met Lord of the Rings. We fought back for years, holding the line as long as we could and slowly retreating until the surviving governments retreated to their own safe zones. Many would begin rebuilding their lives as best as they could behind the walls of the safe zone. Those that were fortunate enough to get in that is.....