- Joined
- Aug 1, 2016
- Location
- In my happy place.
1328 Kernodle St. Friday August 13th, 1993

"Theo! Please wake up!"
The shaking more than the panicked whispered roused Theo from his sleep. Squinting in the darkness he did his best to make out Lydia's face. She was sitting up in bed, on her knees in fact. "Theo baby wake up!" She hissed at him shaking him harder. "I'm awake Lyds." He grumbled at her noticing how scared she was now. "What's wrong?" Suddenly Theo found himself wide awake and sitting up in bed. Taking hold of Lydia's shoulders he held the shaking woman still. "Lyds love, I need you to calm down and tell me what is going on." Lydia started to glare at him for telling her to "calm down" but he was being reasonable and asking for an explanation, not brushing her off. Taking in a shake breath she collected herself. "I heard something downstairs." She said looking him right in the eyes. "Okay love, I'll go down and check it out."
Just as Theo went to get out of bed Lydia grabbed his arm. "Theo baby, please be careful." She sounded so scared for him, and for some reason that made him smile. "I will be. I promise." Leaning in Theo kissed Lydia on the forehead and got out of bed. He was wearing only a pair of loose pajama bottoms Lydia had gotten him as a joke, but he wore all the time because they were the most comfortable damn things ever. Never mind their hideous orange color with green rubber ducks.
Moving as quietly as he could Theo crept to the closet first and pulled out his baseball bat. He smiled down at the familiar object, finding comfort in it's weight. He had never used it as a weapon before but Theo had played baseball in some capacity since he was able to swing a bat. He even played for his company's yearly team. Turning back to Lydia he gave her one last reassuring smile before opening the door just enough for him to slip out of and closing it behind him. Once in the hallway Theo listened careful for any sounds. At first he didn't hear anything, but after about two minutes of waiting he though he heard something moving in the kitchen downstairs.
As carefully as he could manage Theo crept down the hall, thankful for the thick carpets Lydia had insisted on. Easing down the stairs Theo started to hear more sounds, like someone trying to quietly shift things around. The sound was coming from down the hall in the kitchen. Making his way to the source of the sound Theo raised his bat in preparation, pausing at the corner where the hallway wall opened up into the kitchen and dining room. Peaking around the corner Theo saw the back of someone opening drawers and rummaging through them quickly before moving to the cabinets above. It was clear they had done this for half the kitchen already. A fury Theo had never felt before burned in his chest, who was this person to break into HIS home and try to rob from him? Without a word of warning Theo swung his bat like he was trying to hit a Grand Slam. The crack of wood on skull echoed through the house followed right after by the sound of a body hitting the floor.
Theo stood in shock over the now limp body of the burglar his heart racing, pulse rushing in his ears. "Bad move." Theo whipped around at the gruff voice that came from behind him. His eyes immediately fell to the greatest threat facing him. Time seemed to slow for Theo and everything sounded far away from some reason. The ringing in his ears was telling him that he had just heard something very loud, and the sudden feeling like he couldn't breath concerned him. Reaching up with both hands Theo realized he had dropped the bat somehow. Pressing his hands to his bare chest he felt something warm and wet. Looking down he discovered the source of the wetness. Four holes were in his chest and stomach, each bleeding freely. As if seeing the wounds was the trigger, Theo collapsed to the ground gasping for air but finding he couldn't get enough.
Sound started to return as the pair of legs left Theo's view. Theo wished dearly the ringing would have stayed. As everything started to fade to black around the edges of his vision, and a comfortable numbness began to take hold of his limbs Theo wept. "THEO! THEO! WHAT'S HAPPENING!? ANSWER ME THEO!" The screams of his love were momentarily drowned out by the hammering of a body against a door before a splintering crash and renewed screaming. "THEODORE BABY HELP M-"
1328 Kernodle St. Friday November 13th, 1998
Theo stared at the front door of his house. Well it used to be his house. "Five and a half years and I still remember every detail but her face." The words were for Theo himself. Nobody was around for him to talk to, and even if they were, the dead couldn't speak to the living. One of the big rules and all that. Theo never did find out what happened to Lydia. He died on the kitchen floor and when he opened his eyes it was two years after and he was standing outside much like he was now and she was no longer living there. No one was. To him though it had only felt like a handful of minutes had passed. "I guess time isn't so important anymore." Shrugging Theo finally moved from his place after over three years of standing watch.
Walking through the front door, literally in this case, Theo stepped into his previous house for the first time since he died. "Hmm. I thought I would feel different." Theo didn't feel much of anything being in the house again. Wandering around he stopped in each room, noting how the furniture was different and the walls had been painted a new color, but it was all a set up for show. The For Sale sign out front was a dead giveaway.
Theo unfocused his attention and the world seemed to move like it was in a time lapse, days whipped by in seconds, and he watched as people came and went making offers on the house until it was bought finally after two years.
1328 Kernodle St. Friday October 13th, 2000
Theo came out of his fugue like state when he realized the house was now purchased. He was a bit excited to see who the new tenets would be but was quickly disappointed to find it was some rich man who was buying properties to rent them out. He did approve of the renovations to the house, having accepted long ago the world was moving on around him even if he was stuck in place. Over the next two and a half decades Theo watched over the house, never interacting with the residents, but always taking the time to get to know the new people that moved in before slipping back into his time eating fugue. During those years Theo also discovered he could slow time to crawl from himself, making seconds last days if he so desired, but he could not completely stop the passing of time.1328 Kernodle St. Friday June 13th, 2025
The house was being sold again, not rented this time. The curious thing to Theo was it was a single young woman who was buying the home. It was a nice sized 3 bedroom house, a family home, but it appeared she wasn't in the market for making a family from what he had observed of her during the walkthroughs and talks with the realtor he listened in on. She was the most curious tenet yet as she didn't seem bothered at all by the report of his murder in the kitchen. Something they had to disclose when selling the house for some reason or another. The shady man who rented the place never did.
Theo spent the rest of the week watching her move in and get settled. He was genuinely curious about why she chose this place and he had all the time in the world to just watch and learn. "Who are you and what brought you out here all by yourself?"