Closed Craving - Cyberpunk future

Closed - no longer seeking


May 27, 2018
Rhode Island, USA
Howdy everyone. It's been a hot sec since I've made a request thread and I've never been good at that whole fancy formatting that I often see on here so I'm going to keep this simple. I'm doing a short cyberpunk one-shot with another partner but it has me craving more in that genre. Cyberpunk 2077 was my first introduction to the genre and as disappointing as the game was, the world and concept are perfect for storytelling. So let's see if we can get something worked out.

F-List It's been a while since I've gone through and updated so it may be out of date but it'll give you a good idea of what I'm into.

So one idea that I had, which admittedly is based of an old rp that died, is a fantasy cyberpunk future. Where all the fantastical monsters are still around but had to adapt to the world just as humans had to. Vampires now work on Trauma Team to get the blood they need. Dryads are eco-terrorists trying to go back to the pre-industrial world. Centaurs are Nomads out in the Wild Lands. Etc. Etc. Etc.

I don't have a concrete idea of a story but that's the kind of world I want to play in. I'm up for playing pretty much any role against anyone, though gender is very fluid in this future. I prefer to be a more sub role but if there is a good enough idea I'm happy to switch or dom.

So yeah. That's kinda it. If you're interested hit me up. Super friendly, happy to chat OOC. Ghost-friendly but will be disappointed.
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