A Malicious, Voracious Thing
- Joined
- Feb 4, 2023
- Location
- California

Deep within the chambers of Caulitoch keep, the master of this place, and of the entire barony of Caul was gritting his teeth in a foul mood. His jaw clenched tight as he poured over documents and reports from all over the kingdom, with all manner of news. None of it brought him what he'd desired to hear. Since the fall of the nation's cunts into absolute and universal servitude, things had greatly improved for both himself and his cohorts in the peerage. They had not only supplied themselves with an inexhaustible supply of fuckmeat, but also through the great magical forces that had provided the preconditions they had found themselves in possession of whatever worthwhile skills and power these females had foolishly tried to lay claim to. Some had benefitted more than others, and Baron Gaius Aratus felt that it was possible he was chief among them. And yet he could not find it in his vast abilities and power to root out the cowardice of the other nobles. They were comfortable, fat fools to a man. Ready to rest on their laurels as the rest of the world still foolishly kept to the old ways of treating cunts as if they were somehow deserving of respect or decency. This burned him. To think any of these spineless curs held higher title than he...
He'd brought his two most interesting slaves with him into the room in case the reports of pushback to his proposals had been as obscene as he'd feared. Currently, he'd placed the one he'd called his half-sister under the table and she was serving as his footrest. Her carefree, uppity attitude had always offended him. He'd always known women shouldn't be allowed to have pleasure that didn't come from serving men directly. Of course, it didn't really matter if they found any of this pleasurable or not. He felt the footrest shift slightly and his face contorted in rage. "Excuse me, you collection of worthless appendages attached to fuckholes...did you just have the fucking nerve to shift my feet?" He forcefully planted his heel in her side and shoved her over. He couldn't see her down beneath the table, but she might have bumped her head for all the whining she was getting up to. Searching with the toe of his shoe for a moment, he found what he was looking for and delivered a short of harsh kick into the plug. A kick directly to her essence, and driving it into her rear fuckhole. She may have been screaming into her gag. He'd stopped paying attention after applying justice and was looking elsewhere.
The second slave had been so haughty before as to lay claim to so much raw magical power...power that was his by right. That should have always belonged rightfully to men. He turned to her. She'd been left standing to his left side. She had truly been everything that was wrong with the cunts of this world. Even now, he hadn't had nearly his fill of punishing her for her sins. Women like her were the reason they needed to press their advantage. To expand their borders and bring all females to heel in their rightful place. He reached out with the power of Forces that he had justly confiscated from her and commanded the enchantments of her nipple and clit piercings to ravage her sensitive body with electricity. To make her writhe and fall to the ground for him. He'd let it go on for about a minute or so as he prepared to take out his frustrations on her. Maybe both of them. He wasn't sure.
He peaked his head under the table and saw the blonde thing down there weeping. Her forcefully reached down between her ass cheeks and yanked the plug free. "Clearly you didn't like that one being in there. Try this instead." He gripped the scroll that had most offended him and pressed it against her sphincter through weeping and pained, agonized whines. He pressed it in quickly. He was done with it for now. Then he turned his attention back to the other. He allowed the electricity to stop, and reached over to remove her gag, and wiped the saliva that had been on the thick fake cock planted in her throat all over her face, smearing it. "I'm not in a very good mood, cunt. Tell you still remember what you believed your name was? What you had the arrogance to call yourself?".