A Restless Request - Now in HD! new prompts!


Leader of the Cardboard Cult
Jan 20, 2019
Texas CST
I do not have kinks or an F-list. How I feel is more dependent on the story and the flavor we are writing. My fetish is creativity, interesting stories and settings, and communication.​

What I want
A story. Be it evolving over time or a fleshed out plot that we both strive for. I want to look forward to the story thats being told, express my feelings on whats happening, and always get excited whenever I see an update.

:coffee:= Craving Level


Twisted Sister :coffee::coffee::coffee::coffee::coffee:

She was always a little weird. A little too clingy, a little too open and honest. But she wasn't a bad girl. Not really. But it always felt that way, like with the right push she'd go along with something... crazy. Sister, Stepsister, best friends sister, GND, anything works and anything goes. I want to play a girl who's just a little stranger than the others, and you can't tell if she's flirting or not.

A lot of ways this could end up, but yeah, lemme know what you think.

My Hero, My Villain :coffee::coffee::coffee:

He was a Hero, she was a Villain. but they both found each other outside of the masks. In a world of lines drawn in the sand, they often find themselves crossing over both ways.

A cute story, bad girl meets good guy. They get together over time and keep their "business" separate. A lot of flirtatious teasing on the field, but they never go too far. Other groups? They might. Would love to look into the drama and the taboo of a villain falling in love with a hero.

It's Just a little Writers Block :coffee::coffee::coffee::coffee:

We find the writer/artist in a bit of a rut. Can't break the writers block to save their life. In comes the Assistant. They try everything to help out. Eventually, things fall appart and in an act of (possibly) drunk desperation, the assistant commits the taboo: They sleep with the writer. And, miraculously, the next day they are SUPER focused and actually getting work done! Horay!

This is played up for laughs, but at the same time the struggling artist and their muse is a fun idea I've toyed with but never wrote. I like the idea of the muse trying different things, turning them on in different ways, all they can to keep the creativity flowing. And, sure, its JUST for the job... right? Theres no actual feelings... are there? Lets find out.

Could play either the artist or the muse, in either gender.


idk, hit me up with a new idea



5'4, ADHD, Goblin energy

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What I Avoid
No cheating, noncon, bio, dark endings, or underaged. This list is liable to change. I'm open to a lot, and if you can sell me a plot or kink, I'm interested.

What I'm looking for
Someone who is passionate about writing. Maybe not someone who's focused on every word, or the number of words, or some other arbitrary thing that you hold others to. I have my standards, and you have yours if we can meet in the middle, we'll be fine. I'm looking for something... fairly often. Like I've only ever waited weeks in between posts for all of 2 people, and while I'm open to being that invested in the story, I dont want to start out playing the once-a-week game.

What I desire
Story! Smut! Taboo and Twisted mixed with Wholesome and Domestic! I have a LOT of genres I enjoy. My likes far exceed my dislikes. A simple back and forth or even a system based game like DnD with rules and stuff. I would do unspeakable things for a dedicated DM.

Sci Fi
New Adventurer in a world of Lewdness
Victorian Steampunk Detective Stumbling into Eldritch and Dark matters
Super Heroes and Villains!

Let's make something fun.

What I crave
Come at me with a story or an idea. I'll fill this out as things go on.

Not a fan of fandoms per say, unless its in a world/setting I'm somewhat familiar with and we are both OCs. Fan pairings never really did it for me, short of an Isekai scenario.

Seriously, let's have a go at this. I don't worry about word count as long as you dont do single lines outside of dialogue.
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