Mx Female A Work In Progress, As Am I.


May 9, 2022
Hey there.

Glad you could make it.​

I'm SordidDreamer, and this is my lovely little home. It's a little barren as of right now, as you can see, but I think we could decorate it together. I'll likely find myself putting my own furnishings here or there, or perhaps I won't.

You never can tell with these sorts of things, can you?


I'm not looking for anything special. Not right now, at least. I'm looking for someone I can simply vibe with, shoot the shit with, and talk to while we write a story of our choosing together. I won't go on and on at length about my experience, nor will I require that you have an obscene amount of experience under your belt.

All that I ask is that you love writing as much as I do.

This post doesn't make a very good case for that, but I promise. I do.
I'm into all sorts of things. I enjoy stories of grand adventures. I enjoy tales of unrequited love. I enjoy the roughest fuck, the heaviest groan, and the most tantalizing whimper, spilled from swollen lips. I enjoy it all. Dark themes, light themes, and the beautiful gray that stretches between the two.

For now, come to me with your ideas. Your thoughts, your plans, your wildest fantasies. Whatever you want, I'll gladly hear it out.

Come to me with something that always makes you laugh, no matter how embarrassing it is.

I'm asking a lot, so I'll share first.

Cats walking on two feet, for some reason, will never fail to tickle me.

All they need is shoes.

And right now, all I need is you, and your ideas.

I hope to hear from you soon.​
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