Back And Looking To Play! (Storyteller Looking For Players)

Good Times With Matt

Apr 10, 2020
The Netherlands
Hey hey BlueMooners! It has been a hot hell of a while since I've been around on here, but it's good to be back.

The name is Matt, I've recently come back from a major break due to mental health reasons, and I'm hoping to meet up with some new folks interested in playing fun and unique stuff.

In my absence from the site I haven't been entirely without roleplay, and that rather ties into what I am here to bring today. I have really gotten into tabletop games, a particular game called Vampire: The Masquerade in specific. This thread is entirely focused on that system, if that is your kind of thing, please read on.

For those unfamiliar with the system, VtM is an angsty, lore rich game in which you play as a cursed creature of the night; a Vampire in specific! The game has a strong emphasis on personal horror, angst, political intrigue and general early 90s edginess.
The setting is also rather Sexy, because vampires are sexy. There, I said it. Seduction, power struggles and temperament are major themes in the game. All in all, the game I like to run is rather adult.

Here is a little list of what I'm offering as a storyteller:
  • Open world story telling. (See the bottom of this post for a description of the plotline.)
  • Patience, time and attention to help you pick up the system if it's not something you have a lot of experience with.
  • A fun, responsive story open to player decisions and actions.
  • Freedom for your character to make good or bad decisions.
  • Kinks, desires, limits and general wants as per discussion.
I can provide things like a rulebook, character sheet and whatever else you might need.

And here is a little list of what I'm looking for in a player:
  • Understanding, patience and attention.
  • Open-mindedness and maturity when it comes to the game, this game is meant to be angsty and edgy, but we can handle those things as adults.
  • Creativity throughout the game.
  • Generally, I'm just looking for someone that vibes well with this kind of thing, vague as that may be.

The game is set in the city of Heidelberg, Germany in the year 1991. You will start the game off being a mortal, some kind of event will happen, and you will be embraced into the vampire unlife. I, of course, can't quite spoil what that thing is, but you'll see. The game starts off on April 30th, a Friday.
Heidelberg is a city with a ton of students attending the local universities, and I want the player character to be of this kind of circle too. Perhaps a student, perhaps a dropout, whatever you pick, you are between 18 and 28, and in contact with the student scene in town.
Other than that, I want my player to give me a list of a couple of NPCs that they interact with in their day to day life.

If this post made you at all curious, please feel free to sent me a message!
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