Closed Vivid Requests [mxm edition | Sub seeking Dom | NSFW]

Closed - no longer seeking
Jul 20, 2022
pm me if you're interested

💜Introductions —

Hello! You can call me Violet, Vivid, or VV.

I am looking to play a submissive male character opposite a dominant male character (your actual, real life sex/gender isn't an issue). The scenarios I have in mind (that I'll list below) tend to involve dubcon to noncon and may include some BDSM-like elements. I am also looking for semi-lit (~400 words) to lit (~1,000 words) replies. NO ONE LINERS.

As a warning, I sometimes go through phases where I reply a lot and times where I might take a bit longer to reply, so I would kind of like the RPs I do to be episodic and to the point.

Before you PM me:
  • Please tell me what you want, I'm not here for small talk or to chat about the weather.
  • I would prefer that you approach me out-of-character.
    • I'm not interested in a cold call RP.
  • Don't PM me just to advertise your request thread.
    • If you clearly weren't interested in actually reading mine... then why would I read yours?

💜 Kinks and Limits —

Kinks —
  • Dubious Consent
  • Non-Consensual
  • Kidnapping
  • Sex Slavery
  • Gangbangs
  • Bondage
  • Sex Toys
  • Maid Kink
  • Penetrations
    • Anal
    • Oral
  • Multiple Penetrations
    • Spitroasting
    • Double Penetration in a single hole, etc.
    • Literally stuffing every orifice with something.
  • Forced or Arranged Marriage
  • Forced Body Modification
    • Piercings Mostly
  • Forced Prostitution
    • Either as an actual money-making method OR
    • For added humiliation.
      • Like the money isn't important, the goal is to embarrass MC.

Never, absolutely not, don't bother asking —
  • No Underage (all MCs will be 18+)
  • No Scat, Watersports, Toilet Stuff, etc.
  • No Snuff
  • No Bestiality
  • No Necrophilia
  • No Cannibalism/Vore
  • No Biological Incest
💜 Misc. Information —
  • I don't want to RP offsite, I am okay with RPing over PM onsite or in a thread onsite.
    • I like having a PM conversation for out of character discussion and one for the RP itself.
      • Like {OOC} Plot Name and {RP} Plot name is the convention I've been using.
  • I prefer to handle the starting post for my plots.
  • I'm okay with animated or realistic images for characters.
    • I do tend to have images included with my plots.
      • Sometimes I'll include YC suggestions based on what I envisioned, but ultimately YC's look is up to you.
  • If it has been a week or longer of radio silence, I'll probably leave the PM conversation.
    • This is mostly to keep my inbox tidy and organized.
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Daddy's Boy

Levi (MC) is a young (18 year old) boy who has it all, looks, money, and popularity.
The only not-so-perfect thing in his life is his step-father (YC ~ 30-40 year old), an entrepreneur and social climber who (mostly) has Levi's mother wrapped around his finger. For the most part, Levi has always been protected by his doting mother, only all of that will change soon.

Days before Levi's 18th birthday, and his high school graduation, his mother is called away on business. With his mother overseas and traveling Levi is left at his step-father's mercy for the remainder of the summer before college.

On the evening of his 18th birthday, Levi arrives home late after being out with friends. YC is at home, waiting for him, and as soon as Levi walks through the door YC grabs and restrains Levi before dragging him up to Levi's bedroom. While raping Levi, YC makes it clear that because he refuses to act like his son, then Levi will be his sex slave until Levi learns humility and respect.

Malibu, CA
Start: Levi comes home from school after her last day and is immediately assaulted by YC.
End: Over the summer, Levi is broken down into a polite, docile sexual partner for his step-father. However, the step-father and Levi had slowly started to bond and have grown fond of each other. With the lesson learned, the step-father decides to cut Levi's punishment short, but Levi insists on carrying on a discreet relationship.

Style Points:
🔥Levi is forced to serve and sexually service YC's friends at a small get-together YC hosts.
🔥Levi is forced to dress up as a maid (or other feminine clothing) while cleaning the house.
🔥Levi's humiliations are all filmed to blackmail him into keeping quiet.
🔥Levi is forced to attend graduation nude under his gown with a plug/vibrator inside of him.


Levi Ashford
Sex/Gender: Male | Cis
Age: 18
Hometown: Malibu, CA
Location: Malibu, CA
Orientation: Bicurious
Relationship Status: Single
School: Julliard
Academic Year: High School Graduate/Incoming College Freshman | 1st Year
Major: Music Theory and Comp
Extracurriculars: Music
Goals: Have fun, excel in school, and avoid his step-father.
Fears: Fearless to a fault.

Levi Ashford is the only child of the late Cyril Ashford; a famous composer known for his film scores. Cyril died in an accident several years ago and while his wife was able to remarry and go on with her life, this event has had a profound effect on Levi. Sharing his father's musical talent, Levi of course wants to follow in his father's footsteps. Aside from the tragedy of losing his father, Levi has lived a charmed, nearly perfect life. He's generally well-liked at school, maintains good grades, and is terribly spoiled by his doting mother. However, in spite of all of this, he detests his step-father and since their initial meeting has been either dismissive or outright antagonistic towards.

After graduating as valedictorian, Levi is eager to attend Julliard in the fall to fulfill his dream of being a famous musician. He is less eager about dealing with his step-father all summer after tragedy strikes yet again. Shortly before graduation, Levi's mother is in an accident and slips into a coma, though the doctors are optimistic that she'll recover with time.

Plots: Daddy's Boy

FC: There are three FC options, you can choose which one you'd prefer. The only difference is the brunette is a guitarist, the blond is a violinist, and the redhead is a vocalist.
Despite studying hard and being well prepared, Levi was nervous about his final exams. Sure, his teachers had assured him that his grades were practically perfect and the finals would be a breeze, but that did little to settle his nerves or alleviate his anxiety. So unsurprisingly, he'd been rather short with his step-father that morning on his way out. Out of habit and hope, he sent his mom a quick 'good morning' text, though he knew she wouldn't be able to read it.

Ultimately, the exams proved to be easy and the day flew by uneventfully. Final grades still needed to be submitted and commencement was a few days away, but for all intents and purposes, Levi and the rest of his class were essentially free for the summer. There was, of course, university to contend with in the fall, but that was a problem for future Levi.

After school, Levi had beelined for his car, pausing only to converse with a few friends. He had, unsurprisingly given everything going on in his life, forgotten it was his birthday and hastily made plans to go out with his friends. With his mother in the hospital and his rocky relationship with his step-father he saw no reason to head home right away. Pausing only to silence his phone, he left with a number of his friends to spend the day around town.

Late in the evening, after a long day of shopping, a movie, and dinner, Levi's car pulled into the driveway. Obviously tired from an eventful day, he wearily went about collecting his backpack, his violin case, and gift bags before trudging to the front door. Perhaps, he should have anticipated what would happen next as he tripped on the front step, stumbled forward, and dropped everything.

"Ow, fuck," Levi hissed as he moved to try to pick himself up off of the ground.

On his knees, he let out a tired, exasperated sigh as he searched for his house keys amongst the mess of upended bags. In that time, he'd made more than enough ruckus in front of the door - and the security camera - that he was sure his step-father already knew he was home. Frantically, to spare himself further embarrassment, he tried to stick everything back into their respective bags before standing up.

Keys in hand, Levi took a step to the door, intent on getting inside without another disaster.

The Sultan's Slave

Atticus (MC - 18 year old) has joined his father (40 year old), an ambassador, to visit Qurac for the summer. The Sultan (YC ~35-45 year old) is good friends with the ambassador and is immediately infatuated with Atticus. Initially, the Sultan gets Atticus to open up to him and they begin what seems to be a slow burn friends to lovers romance. However, all of that changes one night.

An attempt is made on the Sultan's life, as well as the lives of his family. The following investigation yields evidence implicating Ambassador Albrecht and Atticus in the plot. The father and son pair are arrested and interrogated in the dungeon below the palace.

Fearing this fiasco may cost him and his father their lives (and set off a series of international incidents), Atticus begs the Sultan for leniency and insists they are innocent. Rather than execute the ambassador and his son, the Sultan agrees to a compromise and imprisons the ambassador while enslaving Atticus.

Dhabar, Qurac
Start: The Sultan enjoys a night of breaking in his new slave.
End: Evidence is discovered by the Sultan's intelligence department that Atticus and the ambassador were framed. Seeking to make amends, the ambassador is freed from prison and Atticus is likewise released from slavery. However, during his enslavement Atticus had grown to love the Sultan and wishes to remain with him.

Style Points:
🔥Atticus undergoes sex slave training and learn how to belly dance.
🔥Atticus is chained to the sultan's throne and shown off to visitors.
🔥Atticus is forced to engage in throne sex with the sultan.
🔥Atticus is forced to publicly service the sultan's guests as punishment.
🔥Atticus is given to the palace guards for a night as punishment.

Atticus Albrecht
Sex/Gender: Male | Cis
Age: 18
Hometown: NYC, NY
Location: Dhabar, Qurac
Orientation: Bi-curious
Relationship Status: Single
School: Oxford University
Academic Year: Freshman | 1st Year
Major: Anthropology
Extracurriculars: International Travel & Travel Vlogging
Goals: To one day become a doctor in anthropology with a specialization in Quraci culture.
Fears: Very little, he is fearless and confident to a fault.

On the surface, Atticus appears to be vain, selfish, and spoiled, which is partially true (his social awkwardness comes across as arrogance), but expected given that he is the only child of a wealthy family. Despite these perceived flaws in his personality, he is passionate about traveling and has been accepted at Oxford University and plans to study anthropology.

Atticus has it all, a charmed childhood, money, looks, and intelligence, but under that he has a strained relationship with his parents. His mother is concerned because he seems disinterested in dating and spends too much time studying. His father supports his goals, but also thinks Atticus could benefit from more socializing. In an effort to urge Atticus to meet people, his father brings him to Qurac one summer.

Plots: The Sultan's Slave
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