Mx Female Escape the Red Dungeon! A dark fantasy RP

May 22, 2023
Escape the Red Dungeon! A dark fantasy RP

Who am I?

Hello I'm Victor, just a late 20s man who likes to write some dark smut, and chat about it too! As intense as I can be in RP, I am very laid back and light hearted outside of it.

My Posting Frequency:
Posting from 1-2 times per day, but can often go on hiatuses for weeks. Keep in mind that every day is a little different for me and my job, and at times I may post much more or less. I understand more than most how chaotic life can be, so if you want a laid back writing partner look no further. If you need to ghost me that's more than fine, and if I disappear for a week or longer. Its nothing personal, you are doing great, it's not you, it is me ha.

My Vibe: Quantity and Quality:
I tend to write multiple paragraphs focusing on detail, if you are a stickler about word count, its about 200-400, but I will aim to match my partner. I generally give my partner as much to work with as possible, without it being completely overwhelming. Its a group effort after all! While I don't require you to match what I write, I expect it to be around the same effort at least.

My Writing Style: Gm/Partner
My preferred writing style is a bit less common, "though I have noticed it picking up traction" It is what I would describe a GM/Partner writing style. Where I control the world around your character, giving you plenty of people and things to interact with, while you control your character(s) completely. Think of it as a truly interactive choose your own adventure. I am flexible however, so our story does not "need" to be this writing style.

The Prompt: Escape the Red Dungeon!

How many woke up in these crimson walls? Was a thought that many would have as they wandered the most terrible of catacombs. How many went insane searching for a way out, or became a play thing to the things that lurked in the dark. How many actually escaped?

Stories about the red dungeon were common throughout the lands, no matter what kingdom one hailed from, there was always stories of those who woke in a mysterious ever shifting subterranean hellscape filled with traps and monsters. Some cultures tried to give it a positive twist, that only those who harboured some ancient sin would find themselves subjected to that sudden fate. Others tried to explain it away rationally, for even in a world of magic how can one explain how young maidens from across the realms were pulled into this terrible place for no reason at all. Just to be toyed with, and used. They said it was a lie made up to terrifying the gullible. Though, it hardly explained the few who stated they emerged from it, with all manner of gold and magical artifacts to back their claim.

Because yes, while nearly all who found themselves in that place of red walls were never heard from again, some bold and lucky individuals did survive, did thrive and did escape! With treasures unlike anything that could be described. Some fools even hoped they find themselves awakening in the Red Dungeon, believing that their abilities would surely allow them to easily succeed and emerge with untold wealth. They were fools for a reason.
So who are you?

Who is your character?

The world is a generic fantasy would, but that doesn't matter. What matters is the dungeon below ground that has all kinds of monsters and men.

Things that would ravage your character should they get a chance. Send me a message for further questions, and we can brainstorm some further plot going forward.

If you want to have multiple characters that's fine as well, and if you want to include some light dnd like mechanics just let me know! In anycase I hope to hear from you all!

Second chances
Vocal Partners
OOC Chat
First Times
Story - I really prefer when things aren't one off scenes.

Anything against the rules basically
Toilet play
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