Primal Sex Goddess
- Joined
- Dec 26, 2022
- Location
- Fairy Land !

Freya De'line was a sorceress of the Crown, indebted to the Queendom of Zidane for training her in the magical arts since being ten years of age. The talent hunters had appeared in her village a life time ago and she had shown the signs of being able to channel magic by being able to have a feather float above her hand and spin by willing it so. This was the beginning of her life as she knew it. One in ten thousand humans was gifted with the art of magic, and those that were talented were highly sought after by the Queen for employment into the role of service for the Queendom. A lifetime of service.
Zidane was wealthier than most nations, it had a thriving whaling, fishing and pearling industry, and jars of pickled fish from Zidane was exported far and wide, such jars as well as jars of lantern whale oil from Zidane ensured that the land prospered and gold flowed into its treasury. It imported timber and iron and grain, preferring to keep its own lush forests un-lumbered and pristine for aesthetic reasons, the nation had less underclass than elsewhere, and was situated strategically for other human lands to find conquering Zidane difficult at best.
Zidane had a sizable navy and was as modern as could be, it had a minmal army, but that was mainly because the only easy access from other human lands was by a moutain range that was easy to defend. And indeed castles bristled along major roads north to prevent such a thing, manned by veteran archers and swordsman both, ruled by knights loyal to the Queen of Zidane, Queen Fia.
It was an early spring day in the year 1136, when Freya was summoned to the throne room. This was unexpected as the Queen knew Freya was studying the arts, the magical arts, but not uncommon. For she had been summoned by the Queen before. Freya was left waiting outside the court room for about a quarter of a candle mark for the doors to open and two old sages left the Queen's audience.
"Come Freya, I have important news" The queen beckoned from her throne, seeing Freya linger in the doorway and Freya did as instructed. One could not refuse the Queen.
"As you know the elves vex me greatly, speaking how their blood is superior to humankind, and that although the gift of magic runs in humans also, that it is more common among elves. Several months ago I received a diplomat from the elvish nation of Sigara, and I was not impressed. They are so aloof, believing their ancient traditions and long lived nature, and worse still, their magical talent, makes them ones that should dictate terms to us lesser races.
I was so sick of it I requested our sages to look into any means for us to be stronger in the way they pride themselves most. In truth I didn't expect anything to come of it, but strangely sage Kiroth, the oldest and wised of them found something that could possibly make our young stars even more powerful at magic than the elves !!
It will not stop it being so rare in our kind, but for those that DO have the talent and are young, and a woman, would be able to transcend typical limitations.
Indeed you are the best candidate for this to trailed on, and if successful with you I will make it an edict for all young witches under my reign to perform the ritual.
If the ritual works it will make your talents double what they are, not only will you be a mage but also have the powers of a divine healer, yes indeed the gift of healing, the gift of life as well as control over some aspects of nature will also be at your beck and call, without looing your existing gifts. Such a thing is EXACTLY what I had hoped for, and because only human women can perform the ritual it will be a blow to those aloof elve's pride ! Any snide remark of them being so great I can rebut with this fact, but I need one living proof, this can't just be theory.
I have paid for you to be fed, clothed, trained and live in the palace for ten years, eleven now and although your talents are considerable, and your studies have helped me, I want you to be an example humans are beyond the grasp of elvish standards. There is a risk unfortunately, for the ritual is a binding statement to fuse your soul with a goddess that none know much of, however I only see advantages for this being the case as far as what the sages tell me.
So please repeat this statement, if I say it it will do nothing to me as I am not talented at magic, but if you do there should be proof immediately.
"I Freya Deline pledge my soul to be fused with the Goddess Hela for ever more, to be bound to serve her will and nature and in doing so expect to receive her gifts without limit. I do this without compulsion and under my own free will"
Freya shook her head. Such a thing sounded ridiculous, it didn't sound divine at all, and not a magical incarnation. The queen must be desperate to put her faith in such a thing. Hela ? Hmm, Freya recalled reading about the Goddess in passing. Apparently she was sought after by several gods and refused them all and was cursed by the gods. All non-sense of course. Who believed in Gods and Goddess anyway if they were so immature ? They didn't seem like anything that should inspire others - let along pledge loyalty of service. Still if the Queen demanded it of Freya she would obey. She didn't have much choice really. The Queen held all the cards, and they were all aces as far as power goes.
Freya repeated the sentences word for word and initially nothing happened, and then a moment later her heartbeat increased and she felt a warm sensation flood her breast and loins, including her anus, as well as pathways from her anus and loins to her breasts for some reason. Before she could think much of it the sensation passed. Perhaps she only imagined it.
The queen clapped her hands and a servant appeared from a side door carrying a bird cage.
"This is a nightingale, but its old, if the ritual worked you should be able to restore it to its youth, and if so it will sing again. Try it please."
The birdcage was presented before Freya and indeed a bird that had seen better days was present, barely breathing, and missing feathers. Its colors were lacking too, and it had white clouds over its eyes. It was so old it should have been dead aleady, the poor thing could barely breathe. Freya thought to laugh at the suggestion she could restore its youth, but to refuse the Queen was well ... the queen had dungeons for THOSE sorts of people. She liked to make examples of anyone crossing her.
Freya lifted both her hands above the bird in its cage and breathed in deeply, willing the bird to be restored to its youth. A flood of warmth could be felt coming from her hands and there was an instantaneous change in the bird. Feathers re-grew, and its plumage became vibrant blue and green, the whites of its eyes faded away to show them crystal clear, it leapt to its feet and flapped its wings, and even began to sing !
"Excellent !" The queen shouted. "Today is a glorious day ! This will show those elves who has power - Freya you are dismissed to explore the limits of your new powers. Thank you, I will call on you again soon"