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Freya's Curse


Primal Sex Goddess
Dec 26, 2022

Freya De'line was a sorceress of the Crown, indebted to the Queendom of Zidane for training her in the magical arts since being ten years of age. The talent hunters had appeared in her village a life time ago and she had shown the signs of being able to channel magic by being able to have a feather float above her hand and spin by willing it so. This was the beginning of her life as she knew it. One in ten thousand humans was gifted with the art of magic, and those that were talented were highly sought after by the Queen for employment into the role of service for the Queendom. A lifetime of service.

Zidane was wealthier than most nations, it had a thriving whaling, fishing and pearling industry, and jars of pickled fish from Zidane was exported far and wide, such jars as well as jars of lantern whale oil from Zidane ensured that the land prospered and gold flowed into its treasury. It imported timber and iron and grain, preferring to keep its own lush forests un-lumbered and pristine for aesthetic reasons, the nation had less underclass than elsewhere, and was situated strategically for other human lands to find conquering Zidane difficult at best.

Zidane had a sizable navy and was as modern as could be, it had a minmal army, but that was mainly because the only easy access from other human lands was by a moutain range that was easy to defend. And indeed castles bristled along major roads north to prevent such a thing, manned by veteran archers and swordsman both, ruled by knights loyal to the Queen of Zidane, Queen Fia.

It was an early spring day in the year 1136, when Freya was summoned to the throne room. This was unexpected as the Queen knew Freya was studying the arts, the magical arts, but not uncommon. For she had been summoned by the Queen before. Freya was left waiting outside the court room for about a quarter of a candle mark for the doors to open and two old sages left the Queen's audience.

"Come Freya, I have important news" The queen beckoned from her throne, seeing Freya linger in the doorway and Freya did as instructed. One could not refuse the Queen.

"As you know the elves vex me greatly, speaking how their blood is superior to humankind, and that although the gift of magic runs in humans also, that it is more common among elves. Several months ago I received a diplomat from the elvish nation of Sigara, and I was not impressed. They are so aloof, believing their ancient traditions and long lived nature, and worse still, their magical talent, makes them ones that should dictate terms to us lesser races.

I was so sick of it I requested our sages to look into any means for us to be stronger in the way they pride themselves most. In truth I didn't expect anything to come of it, but strangely sage Kiroth, the oldest and wised of them found something that could possibly make our young stars even more powerful at magic than the elves !!

It will not stop it being so rare in our kind, but for those that DO have the talent and are young, and a woman, would be able to transcend typical limitations.

Indeed you are the best candidate for this to trailed on, and if successful with you I will make it an edict for all young witches under my reign to perform the ritual.

If the ritual works it will make your talents double what they are, not only will you be a mage but also have the powers of a divine healer, yes indeed the gift of healing, the gift of life as well as control over some aspects of nature will also be at your beck and call, without looing your existing gifts. Such a thing is EXACTLY what I had hoped for, and because only human women can perform the ritual it will be a blow to those aloof elve's pride ! Any snide remark of them being so great I can rebut with this fact, but I need one living proof, this can't just be theory.

I have paid for you to be fed, clothed, trained and live in the palace for ten years, eleven now and although your talents are considerable, and your studies have helped me, I want you to be an example humans are beyond the grasp of elvish standards. There is a risk unfortunately, for the ritual is a binding statement to fuse your soul with a goddess that none know much of, however I only see advantages for this being the case as far as what the sages tell me.

So please repeat this statement, if I say it it will do nothing to me as I am not talented at magic, but if you do there should be proof immediately.

"I Freya Deline pledge my soul to be fused with the Goddess Hela for ever more, to be bound to serve her will and nature and in doing so expect to receive her gifts without limit. I do this without compulsion and under my own free will"

Freya shook her head. Such a thing sounded ridiculous, it didn't sound divine at all, and not a magical incarnation. The queen must be desperate to put her faith in such a thing. Hela ? Hmm, Freya recalled reading about the Goddess in passing. Apparently she was sought after by several gods and refused them all and was cursed by the gods. All non-sense of course. Who believed in Gods and Goddess anyway if they were so immature ? They didn't seem like anything that should inspire others - let along pledge loyalty of service. Still if the Queen demanded it of Freya she would obey. She didn't have much choice really. The Queen held all the cards, and they were all aces as far as power goes.

Freya repeated the sentences word for word and initially nothing happened, and then a moment later her heartbeat increased and she felt a warm sensation flood her breast and loins, including her anus, as well as pathways from her anus and loins to her breasts for some reason. Before she could think much of it the sensation passed. Perhaps she only imagined it.

The queen clapped her hands and a servant appeared from a side door carrying a bird cage.

"This is a nightingale, but its old, if the ritual worked you should be able to restore it to its youth, and if so it will sing again. Try it please."

The birdcage was presented before Freya and indeed a bird that had seen better days was present, barely breathing, and missing feathers. Its colors were lacking too, and it had white clouds over its eyes. It was so old it should have been dead aleady, the poor thing could barely breathe. Freya thought to laugh at the suggestion she could restore its youth, but to refuse the Queen was well ... the queen had dungeons for THOSE sorts of people. She liked to make examples of anyone crossing her.

Freya lifted both her hands above the bird in its cage and breathed in deeply, willing the bird to be restored to its youth. A flood of warmth could be felt coming from her hands and there was an instantaneous change in the bird. Feathers re-grew, and its plumage became vibrant blue and green, the whites of its eyes faded away to show them crystal clear, it leapt to its feet and flapped its wings, and even began to sing !

"Excellent !" The queen shouted. "Today is a glorious day ! This will show those elves who has power - Freya you are dismissed to explore the limits of your new powers. Thank you, I will call on you again soon"
When dismissed by royalty, alacrity is a virtue, so Freya made her way from the audience chamber at a quick, but polite pace. The strange, almost-fizzing warmth that had bloomed at the exercise of her new, and alien power, faded quickly. But it was replaced by something even more odd. It was like a hunger, like a space had been opened in her abdomen and that it begged to be filled. It was a dull ache, easy to ignore, but always drawing her attention back as she made her way through the labyrinthine expanse of the Royal Palace, passing the statuesque, liveried guards and armies of clerks, servants and messengers who ran through it's halls like the kingdom's lifeblood.

She'd need help, if it was her task to explore and test this new Source, it would require experimentation and study... Gods, the ache in her stomach was hard to ignore.

Brinerri! He was her best bet. The sage who, due to his ornery personality and general lack of decorum, was kept out of the way and apart from the haughty heights of arcane academia; He'd always had a soft spot for Freya, and was more learned in the secrets of magic than almost anyone else she knew. He was in the city, too, which helped. She could ride out today and drop in unannounced, he was a man who hated surprises, but loved a challenge.

Buoyed by this formulating plan, and perhaps driven a little by the novel appetite tickling her psyche, she bordered on a jog as she hurried to the stable yard. She would have access to a horse there, and a quick talk with a rough featured, thick accented stableman had her heading to one of the stalls where a tall, beautiful, chestnut stallion eye'd her suspiciously. He was more a warhorse than a riding mount, but he was what was available.

As she moved around his side, the heat of him pouring off in waves, her breath was snatched suddenly. The hunger melted and spread, washing through her and coming right to the surface of her skin in a blush. Without wanting to, her eyes were inexorably drawn to the heavy, smooth orbs hanging between his hind legs. The Stallion, named Curniros according to the stableman, turned his long head so he could fix the redhead with one big, brown eye and knickered curiously at the females odd body language.

Freya's eyes fell immediately on to the stallions undercarriage and she noticed that she was breathing heavily. She had never really looked at that part of horses before, but for some reason it's presence was all she could focus on. Its balls, its seed-orbs were magnificent, and it just occurred to her - quite emphatically how appropriate it was for male mammals to have their undercarriage exposed and proud.

She reached out with both hands and cupped the closest testicle of the stallion lovingly. Immediately she was rewarded with a feeling of "righteousness" for doing so. Freya then contemplated what they were, they were seed for a new generation of horses, for foals to grow into stallions which will fuck fillies making them mares, and for seeding fillies to be fucked. Everything was just that simple, the purpose for life became startling clear. She rested her eyes closed for a moment just taking that fact in and felt - strangely the sensations of her own hands on his testicle - as if she could FEEL the sensations the stallion felt there as if it belonged to her own body ! Gods ! Whatever was this ??? !!

Freya gasped. But then realised she could feel the stallions sensations of its entire undercarriage, phantomly, spiritually somehow. Freya couldn't help but trace her finger along the bottom part of Curniros' phallus and sure enough she could feel the sensations her fingers gave as well as the sensations the phallus, or what the stallions undercarriage was feeling.

Totally shocked, Freya though to test this to be sure. And she pinched part of the stallions phalluses sheath with her forefinger and thumb, and her body twitched in pain briefly, and the horse shifted its weight slightly in response. It was as if her soul hand bonded with the undercarriage of a horse ! Feeling that the pinch was inappropriate, Freya rubbed her hand about where she did that and also noticed that she could feel the wind and cool air on its surface, touching its privates. She also felt a new and intimate but powerful sense of pleasure coming from it. At the same time she felt her own growing arousal in her loins grow, making her wet. Strangely also she felt a strange sensation from her anus, whatever could that mean ?

The stallion began to form an erection, quickly too, pulse by pulse of its impressive heart, and sure enough as Freya stepped back to watch its magnificent phallus grew, and she could FEEL it ! Feel the blood pulse into its member, FEEL what it felt there ! And it felt WONDERFUL !

She could smell its cock too. And the smell also was enthralling ! Freya leaned towards the tip of the stallions cock and breathed in deeply. A strong scent of musk. Similar to the smell of wholegrain mustard. The smell washed over her, and Freya smiled and shivered. It made her feel alive, excited. Divine even. She then had another sensation ... love. Her heart was a-flutter, just like it had been on her first crush years ago.

"I um assume you have chosen Curniros as your mount my Lady, I will leave you um be to um bond with him." said a man's voice behind her.

The stable hand ! Oh gods ! She was so taken with the stallion she had forgotten that she wasn't alone with him ! Freya blushed and looked away and when she was about to say something in return the stable hand had already departed. Freya calmed her breathing and tried to assess what was happening objectively.

Surely this wasn't happening ! She had never heard of such a thing before ! I couldn't be real surely !

Freya then felt the stomach and side of the stallion to check something. Indeed she didn't feel more than the sensations of her own hands on it, but still felt the sensations of the undercarriage, all of it, even though she wasn't giving it attention. Cool wind on the stallions balls, and the wind and growing arousal of the phallus. Whatever bond had formed was distinctly with Curniros phallus, scrotum and testicles no less, but no more either. It was so strong it was impossible to think or focus on anything else other than disembodied sensations from it.

The desire to touch it anywhere there again was growing, but part of her mind snapped ! She wasn't herself, this obviously was the result of that ritual ! "Oh what is happening to me?" Freya tore herself away from Curniros's privates, but doing so felt like going against her heart and soul, away from what was right. These feelings further confused and terrified Freya.

She needed to seek Brinerri the Sage and tell him what was happening, perhaps he would know more.

Freya purposely went to the second stables where there were just mares, and even a walk away from Curniros, she could still feel its semi erection, and the wind on his undercarriage, even at a range.

Freya quickly set about riding away on a mare, which she did, and only around a minute or so fast trot away did she stop feeling the out-worldly sensations of the stallion. It seemed the bond faded with distance, whatever bond it was. She couldn't stop thinking about it though. The curse of the Goddess !

For whatever reason she didn't experience the same bond or connection with any of the mares when she entered the mare stables, which Freya was thankful for. Then with determination she spurred the mare into a gallop and made haste towards the Sage Brinerri abode. Although the ritual indeed had done this to her, done something fundamental, something spiritual to her soul, it was incredibly embarrassing, but she would have to tell the sage all of it, for she needed to know what price she had to pay for what she had done. As she approached the sage's house she thought of one thing, the stallions undercarriage had its own soul, separate to the stallion. Its undercarriage had its own scent, its own nature, its own moods, its own personality, its own needs, its own soul.

And Freya's soul had bonded too it, just by being close !

It was the only explanation, for she didn't care about the horse at all, but the undercarriage she did. Deeply. Even now, miles away, from just a brief period of being close.

Without realising the moments in between Freya then came back to herself as she knocked on the door of the sages house. When he answered she immediately told him everything. It call came out in a rush - talking desperately like a lost fool - even in the doorway to a very surprised looking sage Brinerri.
Brinerri, or 'Brin' to those he considers friends was more than a little taken aback as he listened to the outpouring of strangeness coming from the young magi. The man was older, though still sturdy, with broad shoulders and a thick thatch of grey beard. His head, usually covered with a neat little brimmed hat is bald and his wrinkle-wrapped eyes were a pale, stormy blue. He blushes a little as Freya's explanation begins to wander into the obscene nature of her interaction with the stallion.

She wasn't aware, but the wide eyes and near-manic pace of her speech made her excitement very clear to the old sage. After, standing in his doorway, she finally came to a breathless finish and all Brin managed was, "Oh."

He shook his pale, weather-beaten head and waved her in. The house was a modest one, considering his status as a pre-eminent and well-respected (if not much liked) magi, but it is cozy and well-appointed. Dark, worn-smooth wood, thick fluffy rugs, and old paintings of various scenes of nature filled the spaces and created a dignified, humble, and inviting atmosphere. He led her through to his kitchen and leaned against the counter as he waved a hand and muttered some arcane words under his breath. A small flame sprouts to life beneath a shiny, old teapot.

It was a casual use of magic, one that subtly displays a level of mastery rare among humans. When his tugging on the Weave is complete, something poured from it invisibly and tickled at Freya's new, gnawing need.

"Well, Freya. This is certainly the strangest and... Most unexpected thing I've heard. Which is saying quite a bit, at my age. But, if what the queen said is true, and this power is accessible, it could, indeed, revolutionize magic." He said the words evenly enough, but his shoulders slumped slightly. When he turns about, a crease of worry marks his wrinkled brow.

"Though... Such power should not be used willy-nilly. If it is truly as new to our order as it sounds, we must proceed carefully." He said once the tea was brewed and he'd handed over an eccentrically vibrant cup of the odd smelling, but not unpleasant, steaming drink.

The old sage makes Freya go over it again, this time more methodically, halting her and asking pertinent, insightful questions at various points. Once done, he lapses into a thoughtful silence, idly tugging at his beard. There is a palpable relief in Freya's heart, knowing she'd come to the right man. His unorthodoxy meant that he'd not judge too harshly, nor react too rashly. His expertise meant that he could help her feel out the shape of the changes made to her. And, perhaps most importantly, his caution would temper her excitement.

"Well. There is only one thing about it. By the sounds of it, this new Source requires a... Certain energy must be drawn from males, and it is unlikely that it will work with humanoids, at a guess. Our soul stuff is far too bound up within the weave. I suspect your sense of hunger is simply your body's way of presenting your need to renew the Source. So... I suppose... You'll need to- Ahem. You'll need to do something... Well, you know, Freya. Something, coital. To draw power before we can begin to understand what limits there are on this new magic." The old man was clearly uncomfortable with the idea of discussing the sexual element, but he was not going to allow that to stop him from helping the young woman. That, and the fact that he'd just listened as a beautiful, full-figured young lady had just spent minutes telling him, excitedly and flushing, about fondling a stallion's sack and growing wet as she did so.

"With that in mind... My yard. If you go out there, I- You'll find Horomdore, my lazy 'guard dog'. Oh, and there's a goat too, I purchased him for an experiment, but it never materialized. You are free to... Well, you don't need me to tell you. I shall go to my library and see if I can dig out anything that might guide us." Brin ran a hand over his scalp and indicated the rear door, beyond which was a wide, well-cared-for patch of grass with high walls around it, a well at the center, and a pair of small sheds.

Freya listened to sage Brinerri or just Brin as he preferred to be called. He was an old man, and all things being equal Freya would have preferred to talk of this to another woman, not an old crone but someone young like herself, but alas life didn't always provide easy answers to things.

What Brin deduced about the ritual and what happened to her soul confirmed a lot of thoughts and assumptions Freya had from her experience with the ... stallion.

As the discussion continued it became more and more embarrassing and Freya felt more uncomfortable. This was about as personal as things got, but everything happened so quickly and the changes so startling and overt, Freya knew that seeking the sages advice was the most sensible thing she could do for the moment. At His suggestion that she see how his dog and goat behaved around her Freya flushed and blushed. Brin was likely right though, this change, her bonding with the stallion's undercarriage was a direct result of her fusing her soul with that of a cursed goddess. Likely it was due to a new need she had from being likewise cursed. Was it just with stallions or other mammals was something that had to be explored for reasons Brin made clear.

Freya agreed which blushing furiously and made her way to the back yard bidding Brin farewell for the moment. She had walked outside to see a beautifully manicured garden, and straight away a Very large dog bounded up to her with its tongue rolling out of its mouth. IT must be Horomdore.

Freya made to pat the dog but it ignored her and sniffed her loins. At the same time Freya could feel the cool wind on the dogs undercarriage as if it was happening to her personally. The sensations of its balls being jogged about - and a growing erection. Argh ! So it was mammals - or at least more than male horses this bonding our source need entailed.

Freya knelt down and had a good look at the dogs undercarriage. Already a few inches of penis was protruding from its sheath, and for a dog it was very well endowed. THe dog seemed like a mix of a few breeds which Freya didn't recognise but to be honest and fair, Freya didn't focus on any other part of the dog other than its manhood.

Instintively Freya cupped the dogs balls with her finger and sure enough double sensations rippled through her body. Freya also felt her own wetness and personal arousal grow, and strangely the same sensations occurred from her anus. It too was becoming wet. ! What ? Huh ?
Freya then stood up abruptly.

"This can't be happening ! I am a magi ! An academic, a proud follower of the arcane. What the fuck is this ! I am a virgin too, and have saved myself for my prince and what does life give me ? This has to be a cruel joke, a nightmare I will wake from any moment ! "

Freya began to cry, it was so humiliating and embarrassing. Her life was completely changed if what was occurring would continue. While sobbing she could feel the dogs erection quickly grow, blood pulsing into a healthy cock, engorging it in readiness. Readiness for intimacy. Readiness for Life. Readiness for Love. Readiness for a woman. Readiness for Freya. Readiness for Freya's privates. Well it was too much. Freya wasn't going to let that happen ! A part of Freya refused this change and she began to walk away, fighting herself for what remained of her will.

As she turned about and strode two steps she felt a weight suddenly crash into her back, knocking her to the ground, to be on all fours. The dog must have leapt up and jumped to push its forelegs into her back ! Regardless she was on all fours now, her rear facing the dog. She gasped as she felt the dog nuzzle her rear - pointing it snout under her silk robes and fasting its teeth on her knickers. A moment later a tearing at her underwear parted her loins of her underclothes shortly followed by a weight of the dog mounting her back, her rear.

At the same time the dogs cock was thrusted not into her vaginal but into her anus ! It seemed the combination of her anus magically lubing itself and the lubrication male dogs naturally had on their cock was enough for smooth entry to be possible, although it was incredibly tight. She was losing her precious virginity to be anally raped by a dog within a minute of meeting it ! She cried out and screamed her frustration and at her humiliation but at the same time she felt enormous pleasure coming from her anus, and from the dogs cock itself.

The dog panted loudly in her left ear while it mounted away, its rear thrusting its cock in and out of Freya's butthole. As disgusted with herself and with life as Freya was, god it felt good, and arousal wetness fell from her snatch onto the ground. As the dog fucked her arse with reckless abandon, Freya panted alone side the dog in deep gasps. She felt completely humiliated. Thinking that her own humiliation could just be the start of it Freya looked up to the window overlooking the garden and saw the sage Brin looking out of it at her.

The mounting deepened and grew faster, and she felt a bulge of the dogs cock pressing up against her anus and knew it was a dogs knot. A heart shaped part of their cock that locks into the female, ensuring they can finish their business. It felt huge, but her anus so far was responding to the attention as if this was natural. As if this was supposed to happen - like its prime purpose. Suddenly Horomdore thrusted viciously into Freya's arse, forcing its dogs knot into her rear with a savage intensity. Freya screamed, not because the stretching sensations really hurt, but because of what it meant. The humiliation of it all. Doubly so because she could feel incredible pleasure from the cock, reducing her to a dogs bitch - sexually. Her prime role for the moment, and perhaps more. Her anus squeezed around the shaft, trapping the dogs knot in her rear - she had no choice now, she would be locked on until he was done. And sure enough the dogs mounting increased in tempo and urgency.. God it was tight ! But omg did it feel good ! Freya felt a release in arousal from her anus, as she seemed to climax ANALLY from the sensations, but Horomdore wasn't finished....

Freya had read about male mammals trying to mount females anally. Apparently it was a sign of dominance and would be done naturally. They did it to make the female assume a role of sexual servitude to the male. As sexist and unfair as it was it apparently worked with female mammals, and was working on Freya now. Indeed Freya felt dominated. Completely dominated and taken with the sensations of nine inches of thick knot-locked dog cock raping her tight arse - both from what her body felt - and what the dogs undercarriage was feeling too.

In shame, Freya cried in earnest. This is what she was reduced too, a dogs bitch. A dogs ANAL bitch. As the tears of utter humiliation flowed, her body again betrayed her, sending shivers down her body with another anal orgasm. This was accompanied by a loud deep womanly grunt of pleasure. Something even Brin would have been able to hear and understand - much to Freya's shame. Anyone hearing her would know her body was loving what was happening - despite what she was thinking. Despite her entire world and self of self collapsing.

But still the dog - the mungral - wasn't done ... With even more frantic mouting pounding his cock home, Horomdore contined for another ten minutes, and each minute or so resulting in Freya anally climaxing AGAIN. After ten minutes of dominating the woman Horomdore finally thrusted his cock in deeper than usual and kept it there and exploded a pint of hot come deep in Freya's bowels, this triggered a final but even more potent anal orgasm in Freya and her body shivered, her panting deep and heavy. Not only did she anally orgasm again herself - she felt the incredible climax the dog had too - and it wasn't done doing so.

Horomdore came in bursts, more and more come filling Freya's bowels, he came ALOT more than what she head men could, but was this much natural for a dog ?

Freya didn't know, but five minuets passed of more come filling her, before Horomdore leapt off her back, but his cock was still knot-locked in her anus ! And turned about ! She heard dogs do this. So rear to rear the dog and her touched but to butt facing the other way, and still his cock pulsed more come in her. As the minutes in this pose passed, Freya looked to the window and sure enough Brin was watching wide eyed. The shame. To be witnessed by another locked anally with a dog so !

As the pulsing of deposited come slowed down so did Horomdore's erection lesson. Three minutes passed with things winding up before Horomdore tried to unlock by pulling away, but Freya's anus had clenched his knotted-cock tight in her anus, and the knot was large also, likely she still would be knotted even if it didn't do that. Freya started to cry again. So this what it was like to loose her virginity.

But before she thought it would be over she felt the cock swelling in size again, with each pulse of Horomdore's heart, his cock grew again to a full erection in her - all the while without leaving her. When it was fully erect a second time Horomdore leapt back on her back, and the anal rape continued its second chapter. This time Horomdore had a second wind...

What Freya experienced next was hearing a crashing sound come from somewhere to her left - quite some distance away. Looking to where the noise originated she saw a goat that had obviously been trying to approach her for a while and was barred by a fence that it was fighting against. It seemed its efforts had paid off however as it had broken through and was running towards Freya - not only did it seem hell bent on her but it also had a raging erection - making its running gait awkward and comical.

Freya could feel the sensations of its cock also from here and it was NEEDY.

It was running as quickly as it could with an erection and when it approached closer to Freya it didn't stop and ran at her face. Then it leapt over it - ramming its erection deep into Freya's throat and immediately began to pound away with reckless abandon. It was a freaky manovoer that surprised Freya as much as it shocked and offended her. Freya's mouth was full of goat cock without warning and breathing was difficult and had to be done in long deep breaths. Although this action was indeed offensive to Freya, the sensations she felt from the goats cock brought her great relief.

Meanwhile Freya's arse was being pounded with a new second energy from Horomdore. Both cocks in her from both ends kept her braced in position and even being limp forced her to stay in place, receiving their very male attention and ministrations.

All Freya could smell was goat cock, which smelled similar to horse cock and dog cock. It had more of a salty tang to it. Where dogs were slightly more mustardy, and horses more earthy. Omg what kind of woman was she who would know such a thing from experience !

The face-rape by the male goat, the name of which she still didn't know, and the arse-rape of the dog happening at the same time continued for a few minutes, to be accompanied by Freya experiencing anal orgasms at a increasingly more frequent rate. She felt the goat and the dog awkwardly find their position on top of her with each other in the way, but all the while their cocks were rammed home with masterful precision and fanatical intent.

How dare the goat do that ! Freya thought ! Freya though to try and teach the goat a lesson by biting down on its cock, causing it to withdraw and allowing her to breath properly again but a force prevented her doing so, and kept her mouth in a state to please the goats cock. Involuntary sucking of the cock possessed Freya's mouth. As if possessed by a divine being. Or a demon, hell bent on seeing her used and abused ! Her entire head then angled itself to best please the goat's cock's thrusting - all against her will. Her mouth sucking down hard, and her tongue pushing against the underside of its cock to give it increased pleasure. That was it ! Freya thought. Not even having the ability to refuse or bite down was ridiculous, it seemed her body had a mind of its own. A purpose to be a slave to animals cocks unnatural desire of her ! All against her will !

And indeed it did. For when she anally climaxed and not only then but while being taken anally her anus acted involuntarily as if it had a mind of its own. It clenched tightly around the cock and unclenched just a little regularly, as if to give the cock more pleasure and keep its knot firmly in her.

That wasn't the only change she had noticed though, for slowly she felt her body absorbing the dog's come present in her bowels to flow her body with warmth, divine mana. It seemed to flow from her bowels about her body, focusing in her breasts for a while before returning to her bowels an anus and strangely her mouth.

Between bouts of increasingly frequent and more powerful anal orgasms, Freya stopped supporting her weight - but the cocks in her kept her in position for her, completely dominating her options and removing any capacity to resist or be uncooperative.

Then she noticed that the divine mana she had absorbed from absorbing the dog's seed, the power likely stemming from the cursed Goddess Hela, did something else it flowed into the two cocks doing her, increasing their cocks and ball's size, their length and their girth especially but their testicles too. She knew this was a permanent change and knew instinctively it to be a blessing the cursed goddess gave male mammals that raped Freya. Rewarding her for raping her ! Freya her cursed Avatar ! This caused both animals to fuck more forcefully - feeling an additional, unnatural and unexpected reward of pleasure for their raping efforts !

The scent of goat cock and the manic thrusting and sensations of cock - both from her own personal body and from the two undercarriages of the dog and goat was all she could focus on. This was accompanied by considerable pre-come coming from both cocks, and Freya had to swallow regularly to stop being cocked on goat come.

Freya's nipples were rock hard and her pussy, for all it was worth was dripping arousal fluids on the ground. As it did strange flowers appeared and grew at a unnatural rate at where those drops fell. Freya didn't notice this but Brin certainly did.

As the dual-raping actions continued Freya cried tears - shame and disgust mixed with frustration for not being able to prevent it. It seemed to be fate. Her body had betrayed her utterly, and she still could feel the pleasure and all sensations from both the dogs and the goats undercarriage, especially their cock's pleasure, but even the swaying and bouncing about of their testicles as their frantic actions worked their genitals hard.

Although the pleasure was incredible and anal climaxing happening more regularly, Freya did her best to focus on breathing. All she could hear was the panting of the beasts above her - the dog to her left and above, the goat to her right and above, and the slurping sound of cocks raping her, and the dull thudding of the base of their cocks hitting her teeth and her anus. Their mutual weight shifting on her back occasionally, but their cocks rammed home to keep her in position.

"Hello Brin ? It's me, Its me your neighbour Jan, I heard a crashing noise an just came over to see if your ok. And oh my god ! Whatever is happening here ?" A feminine ladies voice sounded from some where else in the back yard.

Freya's head was tilted to the side to give the goat pleasure and firmly her mouth was wrapped around its increasingly girthy cock. For reason that may be lucky to some or unlucky to others Freya could see a woman visitor had appeared in the garden and was wide-eyed n shock staring at Freya and the two beast raping her. It seemed Brin had a neighbour, and one that felt she could come into the backyard any time she liked.

Freya felt another wave of shame accompanying her other more primal sensations. As if experiencing rape by two male mammals wasn't enough, it was witnessed by not just one but two others. One a girly girl lady, a complete stranger.

The lady, Jan apparently, took steps closer to Freya and her wide eyes moved about the scene taking it all in. Meanwhile more pre-come was spurted into Freya by both cocks, and Freya had to focus on timing swallowing with her deep breathing.

Jan didn't leave, but seemed enthralled enough to watch the scene, an evil smile forming on her lips. Totally mesmerised by what she was witnessing.

Freya was raped for an age that felt surreal further before both beast climaxed at once. Her body experiencing the most powerful anal orgasm to date.
And ALSO experiencing an incredible waves of pleasure she felt from the beasts cocks.

Come from the goat flooded Directly into Freya's stomach, meanwhile the hound again came to refill Freya's bowels. Freya couldn't breath for a while as the goat thrusted deep in her gullet emptying its unnaturally large load. And was about to pass out through lack of air before the goat withdrew abruptly. Freya gasped for breath, but Horomdore needed longer to finish filling her with his seed.

Jan was crouched down beside Freya and looked delighted at Freya's predicament, meanwhile the goat had walked a few steps away before lying down, its errection still present but lessening, its cock glistening in the sun. Freya could still feel its sensations though. Especially the wind that cooled it.

The sun ! Judging by the light, the rape had continued for perhaps three hours ! That in itself was proof this was unnatural, and likely the curse of the goddess. A few minutes passed with Jan just looking at Freya crouched before her speechless, looking at Horomdore pulse more come into Freya's bowels. Freya worried about something else, now that Horomdore's cock was larger, its knot included, and was made magically larger when it was still in her - was it possible it COULD come out ?

Freya then felt something she was dreading, she felt another wave of warmth come from her stomach and her bowels to fill her body with divine warmth again. Seemingly absorbing the beast's come to again convert it into mana.

As this happened Horomdore leapt off Freya's back, but again like before Freya was locked on him, and him locked in her anus. They both where in the familiar pose of being rear to rear butt to butt, with rears touching but facing in opposite directions, Horomdore's cock tightly locked in position in Freya's arse. Then what Freya was dreading indeed happened, the divine mana she had accumulated flowed into Horomdore's cock, making its diminishing erection larger, not aroused but naturally larger - including it's knot, which was already increased in size since it entered her.

Both beast's were panting heavily and obviously spent. Horomdore tried to move forward and pulled Freya backwards, the locking even more secure and pronounced than before. Then Horomdore couldn't stand any longer being so exhausted and fell on its side, pulling Freya down with him. And both anal-raper and victim lay rear to rear - locked together in an intimate yet very unromantic state.

Freya was utterly spent physically and emotionally. This was about as an undignified pose as she could think possible. Horomdore's cock occasionally came more seed in Freya's bowels but at a rate that slowly grew less, meanwhile its erection lessened.

About ten minutes later Horomdore's erection was completely subdued and gone, however his cock and knot had experienced two unnatural but significant growth spurts, and were too large to be able to come out of Freya's arse. They were locked in place. Freya knew it too, she was trapped on Horomdore's cock anally. Freya closed her eyes, and darkness overcame her.

.. time passed and when she was awake again she awoke to see Jan and Brin walking about the locked duo that were both on their sides on the ground rear to rear, talking in hushed tones. Horomdore was asleep, but still locked in place. The shame and humiliation it seemed had not ended for Freya. Brin seemed to be studiying the new white flowers growing about where Freya's privates were - they resembled orchids but definitely were not their before the rape, strangely Freya noticed they radiated divine magic of some kind. Jan's attention however was firmly focused on where Freya's privates were locked on Horomdore cock. Her smirk staring at the two was indeed evil. Freya just knew she was one to take delight in Freya's unwanted humiliation and utter shame. She could almost feel Jan's mind scheming something Freya no doubt will learn to hate, she felt this almost as acutely as a eleven inch thick knot-locked dog's cock firmly locked in her arse... both from sensations of her own bowels and anus, and the now familiar feelings of what male beasts undercarriages felt when close by. In this case in her in the most shameful and humiliating of ways ...
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