Mx Female Dark Desires Ahead! One on One fantasy Roleplaying Adventures!

May 22, 2023
Who am I?
My Posting Frequency:
Posting from 1-2 times per day, but can often go on hiatuses. Keep in mind that every day is a little different and at times I may post more or less. I understand more than most how chaotic life can be, so if you want a laid back writing partner look no further.

My Vibe: Quantity and Quality:
I tend to write multiple paragraphs focusing on detail, and giving my partner as much to work with as possible, without it being completely overwhelming. Its a group effort after all! While I don't require you to match what I write, I expect it to be around the same effort.

My Writing Style: Gm/Partner
My preferred writing style is a bit less common, "though I have noticed it picking up traction" It is what I would describe a GM/Partner writing style. Where I control the world around your character, giving you plenty of people and things to interact with, while you control your character(s) completely. Think of it as a truly interactive choose your own adventure. I am flexible however, so our story does not "need" to be this writing style.

Settings and Pairing
- Fantasy: Adventures and Villains or Monsters:
My preferred setting and prompt at least to begin with. The idea of a naive adventurer or a group of them partaking on some great quest only to be perversely taken advantage of by all sorts of being is a guilty pleasure of mine.

Prompt: Rise Heroes
You have gathered your party, your friends. Your loyal companions. No more will your town suffer at the hands of the marauders, the bandits, the opportunities that have made the lives of everyone in village terrible. Today is the day that you take all of your training, all of your defiance and put it towards the goals of good! And lucky you, a god is smiling at you... though it is a chaotic one who will want to see you fail before they help you succeed. The Gods are fickle after all.

- Science Fiction: Survivors and Raiders
If you know fallout, or the walking dead, or really any post apocalyptic setting you know that the monsters of the world are human at the end of the day. When we discuss this story it will be about how you, and your characters survive a hellish world to try to reclaim hope, and maybe keep hold of your sanity.

Prompt: To Rebuild
You have been wandering for so long, but now... you found someone. They are hurt, but they aren't trying to hurt you. They need help, and wouldn't you just be as cruel as the world if you didn't help them. Maybe with a simple action of kindness you can begin to rebuild the world around you. Rebuild society on the back of selflessness. Quite the hope... when there are so many horrible things lurking in the dark around, ready to prey on you and your new charge.

- Fandoms: Ask Away!
Souls Games
Warhammer (40K)
Dungeons and Dragons
So much more!

First Times
Story - I really prefer when things aren't one off scenes.

Anything against the rules basically
Toilet play

(Keep in Mind!)
I will only write here, and I am very flexible when it comes to the prompts! Give me a friendly hello and we can discuss things further!)

Anyway! I hope you all have a wonderful day!
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