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General Broadcasts (Ongoing, Not Time-Specific)


Fuck Donald Trump
Dec 30, 2020
Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Who: Anyone who needs to broadcast a message to all colonists
When: Anytime that is relevant to the situation

This is a thread that is meant to fulfill a specific purpose: if any colonist needs to broadcast a message to everyone else. Certain formatting can be used to indicate whether or not the message is in text or audio format, in-character. For example, use italics for text only, and quotes for audio. If this is stepping on anyone's toes, I apologize, and will certainly remove the thread upon request. I also suggest that a level of priority or urgency be added to headers in this thread, for obvious reasons.
Who: Nate Drake
When: Week 2, Day 1
Priority: Medium

Attention everyone.

This is Colony Security Specialist Nathan Drake, for those who don't recognize my ID code. I would like to take the time to remind everyone that it is in our best interest to keep at LEAST one Jupiter space-worthy, even going so far as to not disassemble any part of it whatsoever. If this has already been achieved with all three available Jupiters, I strongly suggest that the most intact Jupiter be restored as fully as possible, as soon as possible. If there is anything worth salvaging in the debris field of the Resolute, we will need a ship to go up and get it. I realize that this may be obvious to some of you, but for those who need a reminder, there it is. Thank you, and stay safe.

Nate Drake
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