Fuggtastic Fantasies


May 20, 2023
Hi everyone, and thank you for checking out my request thread. First off, about me and my expectations:

• I've got a job and a budding business that both require significant time commitments from me. That said, I will generally post replies at least once/twice a day. If I'm coming up on a block, or a scheduling constraint that doesn't allow me to write at the effort I want, I will let you know ahead of time.

• I'm looking for quality rather than quantity. Sometimes it's difficult to fill space with prose when two characters are having a conversation, I get it. I will usually post  roughly 2-3 paragraphs per response, sometimes more, but I'm not usually going to throw a whole book at you. All I ask is that you don't hit me with a one liner.

• Communication is key, and it works both ways. I will never introduce a kink or potentially contentious story element without consulting you, because this is going to be a two-person effort, and I expect the same courtesy.

• I don't mind a few spelling or minor grammar errors here or there. I know that English is not everyone's first language (and it's a disgustingly inconsistent language to learn if you're not a native speaker). Everyone makes typos and everyone leaves hanging participles. Whatever, it happens. That being said, consistent, blatant errors do have a tendency to break my immersion in a story, and I like to be immersed. As long as you can write a coherent couple of paragraphs, we're good.

• I will play any gender, and pair with any gender. I've never placed much significance upon my gender irl, and I'm definitely not going to limit myself here. That said, use whatever pronouns for me, I don't care too much. I also love playing multiple characters. You want a harem? I'm your huckleberry.

Now let's get to the stuff you really came here for. I don't have a k-list yet, but here's the gist of it:


• Sci Fi or fantasy settings: whimsical, grimdark, low-magic, high-magic, space adventures or dystopias. I love them all. Especially when they involve...

• Pairings for humans and non-humans: Monsters, aliens, fae, devils, orcs, merfolk, lizardnen, werewolves, vampires, goblins, androids. Whatever gender in each category. I love all sorts of pairings.

• Unique biology: Those aliens and monsters got SOMETHING going on that sets them apart from humans in the bedroom. Pheromones or venom that entice and seduce? Multiple cocks? Long, prehensile tongues, or tails? Psychic links that let each partner feel the other's pleasure as well as their own? The ability to alter one's perception of time or enhance sensations? Heat cycles that make them aggressive or lose control? Whatever! Let's talk about it.

• Romance, con, dub-con, social taboos.

• Role reversal: dominant women conquering submissive men. I also enjoy forced feminization.

• Things that alter perception and inhibitions. Drugs, pheromones, magic, psychic influence, curses, whatever. Not necessarily everyone's thing, I know, but I like it.


• Non-con
• Piss play (I like it as a vehicle for humiliation mostly, but I'm still iffy on it)
• Violence, harm, death.


• Shit. In any capacity. No. Sorry for all you scat fetishists out there, I'm not doing it.

Some barebones plot ideas (roles can be played by either party)

1. A freak cosmic storm or wormhole jettisons an astronaut's spacecraft into deep, uncharted space, far from Earth. Floating in space, with fading power and limited life support, lost in the cosmos, all hope seems to be fading fast. Luckily (or not), a strange ship has taken notice of the derelict shuttle and safely brought it into their receiving bay. Is this a civilized group of aliens, willing to help a lost traveller find their way home? Are they mercenaries or space pirates with a cruel streak?

2. A young adventurer gets stranded in a jungle when their helicopter crashes, leaving them as the only survivor. Injured and vulnerable, they are soon horrified to find a monster closing in on them. Thankfully, this strange creature takes pity on the poor injured human, and takes them in to help them recover.

3. A college student finds a strange book that details how to summon an infernal succubus/incubus, forcing them to fulfill the summoner's most carnal desires. But while the demon seems to perfectly obey their new master, one finds that deals with devils always come with a price, as they are slowly corrupted and manipulated into doing the demon's bidding.

4. A priest sets out to slay a fearsome creature of the night, unaware that their impending fate is to be that fiend's newest toy.

5. Harem of goblin girls? Harem of goblin girls.

Feel free to reach out if you want to develop a story with me! Thanks!
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