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Mx Any Creating dreams and nightmares

Dreams and Nightmares

As the lantern flared your role was cast
Aug 31, 2021
Hello there, thank you for stopping on my post and taking the time to read this first sentence. I've been roleplaying for years now and although I did slow down for a bit, I'm back now and I'm looking to satisfy my creative cravings. While I don't care much for length and prioritize quality, please be at least literate. If you're interested in smut, I also have to warn that i only roleplay as submissive males when it comes to that. I have a few plots that I can share, most revolving around fantasy. While I don't enjoy slice of life as much as I used to, I do love a good romance, but it's not a prerequisite. My first love is worldbuilding, and as long as the story is good, I will be having a blast. If you have any plots you'd like to try out, feel free to share them, I'd love to read about them. My timezone is EST, and while I can be very active, there are some days where I might not roleplay at all, and if you want to check in you can always send me a message, I will not ghost you. I think that's all I need to say in this post, if you're still interested then shoot me a DM so we can talk.

Under this is a link to a list of kinks of mine. It's old, but I think it's still pretty accurate.

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