Mx Female Quiets NSFW Search Thread.


Jun 13, 2019
RT Layout by Jumbled

Welcome to my lewd little corner!.

Thanks for taking the time to swing by and take a look~

About Me
I go by Quiet
I am a 33 year old straight male
I consider myself fairly literate, albeit slightly out of practice when it comes to roleplay due to a year long hiatus.

What I'm Looking For
A literate, well spoken female roleplaying partner.
Open and honest communication about the roleplay.[/I]
Consistency! I know life gets hectic but do please tell me if something comes up so I'm not left hanging.
I prefer at least paragraph play. If an RP gets to the point of getting one or two lines its either time to call it quits or back to brain storm!
Well spoken, classy and playful degenerates are a weakness!
If Ive caught your attention continue on!

Plots/Pairings I enjoy.
FFXIV ((Both players using OC characters as the preference but I dont mind pulling in characters from in game.))
Western/Medieval/High Ren
Post Apoc/Fallout
Skyrim/Elder Scrolls
Monster Ranch ((Think Cloud Meadow. Don't know the game? Check it out! Its not half bad~))
Pokemon ((Myself as a trainer.))
Monster girls in any fashion are a love <3
Feral on Feral ((Big craving for this))
Breeding farm ((High fantasy, Modern))

I'm also open to suggestions! Feel free to shoot ideas my way!

Some Rules
I tend to be fairly laid back when it comes to rules but the basics are simple. Avoid ghosting, be consistent, abide by the sites tos and respect personal boundaries. ((No asking for pics, location, etc.)) Please have a decent grasp of the English language, I don't want to try and translate as it tends to be a turn off. I also ONLY roleplay with cis women. Personal preference and no judgement to those who aren't but anything else isn't for me.



Extra Info!

Almost done with the reading I promise!















A word on kinks!
I consider myself a bit of a degenerate when it comes to kinks and therefore, I don't tend to do well with partners who are 'purely' vanilla. I have a few taboos I'm into, as well as a slew of other more 'vanilla' kinks. I am dominant by default but don't mind being caught off guard. Detailed smut is my jam! All the better when I have a partner who is just as much of a horn ball as myself and enjoys the play as much as I do. I feel it gives more passion to the roleplay. I am also all for making friends! Normal chit chat is more than fine, as is discussing kinks! I tend to do well with equally carnal, but well spoken partners. I don't however deal well with the overly shy types of characters. Not totally against them but I've never vibed well writing with them. As for a dedicated list of kinks, Ill eventually post one as I will probably consistently be updating this search thread over time. Updated Kink List!

You can contact me here or through discord! I would say discord is the preference due to the fact I have my phone with me almost all the time so responses are a lot quicker. Even if its just to tell me you posted here. If you do add me on discord tell me who you are in Bluemoon, or link me your search thread so I'm not totally lost! Thanks for reading and I hope to hear from you soon! ((Also! The art is by Loputyn, all credits to her!)) Also as a note, I very, very rarely RP in threads. I tend to loose track of them.
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