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Christopher Walken Dancing.


Jan 9, 2009
If you know me, you know I love Christopher Walken. If you know me more, you know I love the song "Delilah" by Tom Jones. Thus, this video was a godsend. And quite heavy on the luls.
It doesn't get good until about 2:13. So feel free to skip to there.


And just for good measure, since most of you probably read the title and thought, "Hey, that's the Weapon of Choice music video..." Here it is.

I had to go through about 20 WOC videos to find one that allowed embedding, so you better enjoy this, dammit.

Enjoy a good few minutes of epic luls.

Good point.
Though, I think dancing lessons from The Walken himself might help A BIT.
But then again, you'd have to factor in the wind resistance from his hair...

I've yet to see that. Though I heard it's worth it for the sheer fact that Christopher Walken is in it and John Travolta's in drag.

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