Mx Female Male Psychologist/Psychiatrist who gradually uses his knowledge to persuade/manipulate a woman into becoming an Empowered Criminal Nymphomaniac (NSFW)


May 4, 2023
32 year old Male. This is an idea I have, but if you're interested in roleplaying with me after hearing this scenario, I'm open to hearing your suggestions.

I am inspired by Hannibal TV show to make this. I love the idea of a woman or multiple women coming to me broken or low self esteem, or needing counselling for whatever reason, and I build their confidence, but also subtly unleash something inside of you, sides that I am aware that are dormant in you all but you are not aware.

I will make you fall for me, become obsessed with me, I will make you want to do so many things, and empower you through them, but it's all, in the end, an attempt to make more people like make me...

But obviously lesser versions, as no one will be as great as me, and I will always end up being in control.

I will unleash parts of you you didn't know existed. I'll make you a killer, a thief, and, of course, the perfect sexual mate for myself.

I don't have many limits, so message me to discuss further :)
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