Mx Female Storytellers' Vault!


Apr 30, 2023
Hello and welcome to all!

I hope you find something that catches your attention in this message! You can call me Desande. I'm a new user in this community, but quite veteran in this roleplay thing. I'm going to allow myself to rescue some of the things I already wrote in my introduction, so I can leave a few details.

— I've been in various roleplaying environments for about twenty years. Some of that time has been in writing and some has been in tabletop roleplaying. A long time, both simultaneously.
— I've never participated in an adult roleplaying community, but I'm eager to try and explore this kind of stories.
— I'm male, cis, straight, around 30 years old. My characters don't necessarily have to share these traits with me (especially age), but surely for certain things I'm more comfortable with some similarities. I'm mostly looking for the female characters of the story, but it's negotiable.
— English is not my native language. Part of what I'm looking for around here is to practice the language and try to improve in written English. I think I have a decent level, but still...
— I'm open to pretty much all kinds of plots, settings, situations and characters. I don't mind if a story about being shipwrecked on a deserted island is actually about a barren planet after a stellar battle or a fantasy island with magic after a faceoff with a kraken, or just a regular survivor story.
— The same with kinks and other stuff: I don't like the usual (extreme gore, scat...), but I'm open to pretty much anything else.
— I'm open to RP pretty much everywhere where it's a play-by-post environment. I don't care if PMs or Open. Just not instant messaging. I'm open to share my Discord for OOC talks, though. I tend to answer three to four times a week.

I believe that roleplay is a shared exercise in which the participants must collaborate to build the story. I try to be flexible in that sense and leave enough freedom to be able to adapt. However, to make it easier, I am going to leave some story ideas below.

Most of the stories I will develop do not have a focus on smut. That's not to say that there won't be; it's just that, for many of them, how that plays out seems to me to be something that can be clarified with the partner. I've said I'm here to test and explore those kinds of stories, but my mind thinks premise and story first. That's what I've been doing the longest. Although some of them will be more explicit than others.

— Urban fantasy. Highly erotic —​

This is an expansive idea. The idea with The Succubus Contract is to have a template of stories in which we can alternate a group of characters that are part of a shared universe, and that can be developed several times. In The Succubus Contract, the supernatural world is hidden from the normal world, and only awakened people are able to see it and relate to the supernatural beings. How can someone wake up? With a contract with a succubus.

Succubi do not make these contracts out of the goodness of their hearts. They seek out those mortals who can bring the most to them, and make agreements (the titular contracts) whereby they grant them their wishes in exchange for their help with something: getting sexual energy. The people who have signed those contracts will be proxies for the succubi and will dedicate themselves to keep their bond fed thanks to sexual acts. The more depraved and extreme, the better for the succubus' livelihood.

Examples of contracts, you say? Here are a few!
- A politician in a sticky situation makes a pact to have help in his mayoral race.
- A frustrated writer unable to finish his masterpiece who finds in the succubus a muse and possible source of inspiration.
- A detective who crosses paths with the supernatural world (e.g., the victims of a vampire) in his investigation and needs the succubus' help to find out more about the creature.

— Modern. Mystery. Lovecraftian Horror —​

The Sanctuary of Eros is the most prominent pleasure house in City X. Hidden from everyone, only the truly select can go and access its interior. Equal parts a place of relaxation and a social club, the one thing that is certain is that The Sanctuary of Eros is the place everyone wants to enter, and those who hear rumors of what goes on within its walls are willing to make great sacrifices to get an invitation.

And, in the meantime, law enforcement is trying to find a way to get to the Sanctuary and try to disrupt it. Pleasure houses are illegal, and this one looks like a particularly juicy prize. Whoever manages to dismantle it is likely to get a promotion, and that has put many of the agents on the trail.

The Sanctuary is run by its mysterious matron, Madame Trevelyan. Hardly anyone has ever seen her: most of the Sanctuary's workers don't know her, and its patrons are more focused on the pleasures hidden behind its doors than on unraveling its mysteries. But there are people who don't.

The idea of this story is that we both play with various characters who are intertwined in the story of the Sanctuary of Eros. Customers and workers in equal parts. Little by little, some weird things will be dropped into the story; both in management and administrative decisions as well as some of the events that happen inside.

What is going on inside the Sanctuary of Eros and what is the real goal of Madame Trevelyan? Could it have something to do with a spree of strange dissapereances and ocurrences throughout the city? And where do the even more VIP guests go when they are allowed in the secretive down the stairs lounge? What do they do there?

— Urban fantasy. Mafias and magic. Prohibition —​

In the roaring twenties, Boston is a powder keg waiting to explode. The city is dominated by families of sorcerers who wage war on each other in mafia-like groupings with a single rule: they cannot reveal themselves to mortal society. This rule forces them to use deception and subterfuge, to dissimulate with their magic... and it is the only thing that has prevented this powder keg from exploding into the air.

A and B work for one of the different families of sorcerers, although they remain oblivious to reality. For them, their employers are nothing more than gangsters and alcohol dealers. Somewhat mysterious, perhaps, but no more so than the rest of the weird stuff going on in Boston. But to the bosses, A and B have enormous potential, each for their own reasons, and it's time to put them to the test.

So begins the story of A and B's rise in Boston's criminal underworld over the years. They will discover the reality of the world around them as their employers demand more and more from them, and, in return, seduce them not only with riches, but with power and knowledge so they can be more than they were. They will have to face forces they didn't even know existed years ago and commit atrocities simply to survive.

And, who knows... it is said that power corrupts and is addictive. Perhaps the awakening of their arcane powers is enough to encourage them to become the next kings of the city. That only they will know.

— Action. Criminal world —​

A is the best at what he does, and what he does is kill. He has become the most celebrated figure in the world of murder, someone whose name is whispered amidst night terrors; the monster who terrorizes the other monsters. Efficient to a fault, he has never failed an assignment, and has never been less than excellently professional.

Until he met B.

B is his target. Why he doesn't know; he never asks, as a personal policy. But when he observes her from afar, when he investigates her, he discovers something that terrifies him much more than walking into a fortress packed to the teeth with mercenaries and armed hitmen: he begins to feel something he has never felt before.

What will the best assassin in the world do when put in front of the only thing that can make him fail a mission? He can't help but be drawn in and want to keep getting to know B, more so with each passing day. But he has bosses who have given him an assignment and will push to see results. Or, who knows... maybe to make A the next target.

— Spies. Supernatural horror —
In the late 19th century, a visionary spymaster of the British intelligence service had the brilliant idea of recruiting the perfect agent: a vampire. The intelligence service contacted Vlad Tepes, the famous Count Dracula, at his castle in Transylvania. A meeting was set up and held. A safe house and a headquarters in England were arranged. Then, everything went to hell.

Dracula betrayed his advisor and betrayed the intelligence service. Strangers, possibly other foreign spies, became involved. British intelligence ordered a sanction: they expelled Dracula from England and hunted him down in his homeland, where, during the great eruption and earthquake of August 31, 1894, they finished him off, with extreme prejudice and at great cost.

Or so they thought.

But they were wrong. Dracula lives.

A and B are a duo of spies belonging to different organizations who, on a crusading mission, come across two parts of a priceless resource: a book. Dracula is not a novel. It is the censored version of the report that Bram Stoker, the visionary spymaster, made after the failed attempt to recruit the vampire in 1894. The found book is actually a version with the deleted sections restored, and with annotations and clues left by three generations of MI6 analysts. It is the definitive clue.

A's agency wants only one thing: to hunt down and finish off Dracula before he can carry out a nefarious plan. Agency B wants something else: to infiltrate the search and recruit the vampire where others have failed. A and B, each with one half, will have to get close to each other and trick each other to get what the other has while feigning collaboration. But how much will they be able to keep secrets from each other and opposite goals when the most dangerous creature in the world puts them in its sights?

That's it for now. I think this kind of stories do not fit a lot of what is posted here usually, but let's hope some of you find it interesting enough to send a PM my way.

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