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Mx Any The Complete Peter Pan Overhaul (Steampunk, Dinosaurs, Actual Native Americans, and More)


Sep 7, 2019
Jurassic Park
I remember a few Peter Pan school plays, as well as so, so many filmed adaptations. My personal favorite being Hook, with the Disney animated film being a close second despite its MASSIVE problems, all of which combine to make it a problematic fave, because I was five and didn't know any better lol. And my personal least favorite is the Warner Brothers Pan from 2015. And now, more than ever as Disney remakes it into Peter Pan and Wendy on Disney+ (which I admit, I will totally watch because I'm a sucker for anything Peter Pan related) it's important to confront the problematic roots of Peter Pan.

So, how do we deal with this? Well, I could lay out for you exactly how I would do it, but it's always more interesting when people who are both interested in such a gigantic property and able and willing to change it for the sake of a better, more inclusive story (such as what I'm currently doing by suffusing queerness into my Hogwarts Legacy fanfiction, Hogwarts Endowment, with the legendary @MsBloom) come up with something together. Still, I want to play an androgynous looking pirate on Hook's crew, and possibly...


  1. Make a new setting entirely but still with the themes and characters (like how Treasure Island was elevated by Treasure Planet.)
  2. Ground the Native American/First Peoples culture that ended up in Neverland in real people and give Tiger Lily more to do (like how Peter Pan and Wendy is trying to do it.)
  3. Make the crocodile into a Deinosuchus- crocodiles so freaking big they ate dinosaurs for breakfast. (I also wouldn't be remiss to have dinosaurs and pterosaurs- after all, Neverland is a place where many different anachronistic things survive, from pirates so if we do have a The Lost World-style enclave of dinosaurs constituting the majority, how would the Amerindians and the mermaids hunt them?
  4. Invent an entirely new polyglot native Neverlandite culture to avoid any implications altogether. I don't really want to if possible, but if I can't find any Native people to consult with or who want to roleplay here with some random White person, we may have no choice.
  5. Add steampunk planes and airships, such as the below. (NOTE: These are AI generated. I understand having a problem with that, but I used to spend a lot of time researching images before I would write a single word of a story only for them to not fit what I wanted, and I just don't have the time as much anymore, while I'm handcrafting my very human story with expensive commissioned artists.)


Also, here's a Deinosuchus. You're welcome for the nightmare fuel.


And who would my pirate get with? Well...

* A woman from a nomadic society that is something you and I created whole cloth to replace the whole Tiger Lily business.

* A fairy

* Another rival pirate

* An isekai'd girl but not by my pirate, oh no. By an immortal little shit who keeps attacking a perfectly peaceful airship.

* A mermaid

Maybe a few of those at once. Depends on what you want. Maybe the Peter Pan in this situation jealously guards a harem of Lost Folks he violates repeatedly, (so he's eviler than even Once Upon a Time's take on Peter Pan, which I'm also fine with borrowing) and my character can only save one of them.

If any of this these intrigues you please PM me! I'm fine with PM or threads depending on your preference. I also generally tailor my kinks to the story, so will brainstorm what we can include privately.
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