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Request Thread 8: This time, it’s personal.


Jul 22, 2018

1. I have no set posting length for a partner. I tend to do 2-3. As long as you give me something to work with, we're good.

2. While I'm up for discussing my plots/cravings, don't bother asking if I'm interested in something that's not on my list. Even if it's on one of my previous threads. If it's not on this thread, I'm not interested.

3. I readily admit I like smutty RPs. I'm fine with plot heavier stuff if anybody wants that but even then, I wants me lots of humping.

4. I don't like canon x canon pairings. If one isn't listed with a request, do not ask for it.

5. I have a life and I like to keep it private. As such, if we're in the middle of RPing and I gotta leave for a few hours or for the day and I don't let you know before hand, do not get all clingy and PM me shit like " Are you ok?" Or "I missed you."
Pulling that will end the RP right then and there. That may be harsh or bitchy to some but I really don't like partners who can't go 5 minutes with out a post before pestering me or acting weird or assuming the RP is dead.

If I'm gone for multiple days without a word, then feel free to shoot me a message. Sometimes, I get busy or just forgetful. RPing is just a fun little past time for me, not an all consuming passion. If you're going to take an RP super mega ultra seriously and get weird and clingy with it, then look elsewhere.



This one is a long time favorite of mine. Now, there’s two routes we could go for this one.

1. We take an established series with a male main character and do a smutty AU type of thing where we play out a plot in a universe where said main character is female instead. Like a super sezzy female Naked Snake goes about the sneaking missions from the og MGS 3, but with lots more naughty jungle shenanigans tossed in. Or a take on FF 7 where Cloud is moody and emo as ever, but is also now a fine ass lady that gives Tifa a run for her money, and has a casual regard for sex.

I’ve got plenty of ideas for series we could use. So we can most definitely discuss it and pick something we both know and are titillated by.

2. We do an entirely original idea where the central character starts out as a male, but gets turned into a crazy hot lady through some sort of magical or scientific shenanigans and now has to deal with everyone/thing trying to get in her pants.

With both possibilities, they’ll lean more towards the smutty side of things. There’ll be enough plot to keep things going so it’s not just a series of loosely connected series of sex scenes but even then, there’ll be lots of sezzy fun times to be had.

Jessica Nigri

If you don't know who she is, do yourself a massive favor and Google her. You can thank me later.^_^

The plot I have in mind is based on her cosplaying where we use her as a character in a fictional universe. For example, she has a great series of photos of her doing a sexy Ghostbusters cosplay. If we base the RP on that, we'd do a plot where Jessica is a character in that universe and an actual ghostbuster. She's got lots of Uber sexy cosplaying to pick from. So, lots of options here.

I do also have ideas for variations on it. Such as her being herself, but she gets transported to a fictional universe or she’s at a con when some magical shenanigans happen and everyone but her becomes the character they’re dressed as with an uncontrollable urge to hump her.

Evil Dead

This one is based on the series Ash vs The Evil Dead. Like the show itself, the plot I have in mind will be a mix of horror and humor with a healthy dose of smutty fun tossed in.

The plot will focus on the always sezzy as hell Kelly post series. With Ash believed dead and the Deadites seemingly vanquished, Kelly and Pablo have gone their separate ways. Kelly decides to spend her days in a skimpy bikini with a gold drink on some beach somewhere, FARRRRR away from all the crazy shit of the past. Lo and behold, the deadites rise again, specifically targeting Kelly for some nefarious reason and she has to try and save the whole damn planet.

When it comes to all the fun naughty times, whilst they’ll be quite prevalent, with Kelly getting boinked in all manner of scenarios, it won’t be pure smut. Her getting fucked often by all manner of undead freakyness and horny humans ties directly into the plot and the plans the big bad has for her.

Now, with the mind screwy nature of the villains in this franchise, the sexy encounters Kelly finds herself in will sometimes be quite……unique. If you’re interested, I’ll be glad to go into more detail with some ideas I have, but do note some do involve stuff that not everyone is into like family stuff or non human lustyness, such as undead monstrosities or inanimate object coming to life with the sole intent to fuck Kelly’s brains out.


This is not one specific craving. It’s a handful of ideas that don’t have long, drawn out plots attached to them. Some are smutty short termers and others are one and done sexy fun times. I’m not going to go into the plot/quick set up for every one here. Instead, I’ll just list the girl I’ll be playing and the work of fiction she’s from. Should any tickle your pickle, let me know and I’ll explain what I have in mind.

Though, should we get ideas for future naughtiness, I’d be fine transitioning these into full length RPs, for lack of a better term.

Millie Bobby Brown from Godzilla vs Kong. Too lazy and forgetful to look up the characters name.
Leia’s hot mom from the Obi-wan series.
Cara Dune from The Mandalorian.
Ruby, Meg or Anna from Supernatural.

Celebrity Apocalypse

This is kind of a weird one. It’s an original idea where I’d play a real world celebrity in a post apocalypse scenario. It’d be more light hearted, humorous and sexy than dark and serious. Think This is The End with a dash of Fallout.

I have a few sezzy female celebs I’m interested in playing. While we can discuss which one I’ll play, they are the only ones I’m interested in. My partner can make their own character, but I’ll admit I would especially enjoy you playing something weird and unique. Like a mutant dog that talks and has a British accent or an intelligent zombie with a nigh unending sex drive or a sentient inanimate object of some sort. The crazier, the better.

I’m fine if we stick primarily to human on human humping, but I’d also really like my female celeb falling prey to lusty non humans of various sorts or even shagging them willingly for a variety of reasons.

Haunted House of Forbidden Secrets

This one is an original idea that will center around a young woman coming back to her families home after her fathers death. She hadn’t seen in him years. When she was fresh into college, 18 or 19, her mother got sick and ended up passing away a few months later. Feeling guilty about not being there and wanting to be closer to her father in this sad time, she moves back home and decides to take time off from school.

She and her father were always close when she was growing up and with her mothers passing, they begin to bond over their shared grief but it leads to them becoming TOO close and they begin a secret sexual relationship. This goes on for a couple months, at which point she starts to move past her grief and realize what she's been doing with her father is wrong. At which point, she basically bolts, going back to college and a new life away from her father and their shameful secret, cutting off any and all contact with him.

A few years later, she finds out he's passed away. Filled with plenty of conflicting emotions, she heads back home to deal with the old family house and all the stuff her father left that's now hers. This'll take a while. So, she decides to stay at the house while she sorts everything out.

During that time is when the spooky and often sexual stuff starts. From simple stuff, like objects being knocked over or having the feeling of being watched whilst showering/changing/etc…. to more complex stuff that begins to fuck with her head. Such as hardcore hallucinations of stuff from the past, dreams that may be real, people seemingly being possessed by this horny spirit, which is of course the ghost of her father, so on and so forth.

So, the story would center around her dealing with these supernatural happenings whilst also dealing with her emotions and dark little secrets of her own that she tries to deny.

Fear The Walking Dead

I didn’t get quiet as into this show as the original series, but I quite enjoyed it. At least, the first few seasons where they showed the early stages of the apocalypse. But, then they killed off most the original cast and the new characters and story lines they brought in were so obnoxiously over the top, it became a shitty live action cartoon.

Though, the one good thing that lasted through the later stuff is that Madison and Alicia are freaking hot.

The plot I have in mind involves them both and retcons a lot of the more recent shit. Such as Alicia in the RP being healthy with two normal arms. Alicia will be on her own and will reunite with Madison, who she’s thought was long dead.

Now, this is where things get tricky. A combination of a variety of emotions and unsatisfied urges leads the two to hooking up whilst taking shelter somewhere that night.

Obviously, not everyone is into incest or yuri in their RPs. But, this aspect is a deal breaker as I absolutely want it in. I’d be fine adding in male characters that the ladies hook up with during the course of the RP, but it won’t ultimately amount to anything as the girls will basically just be using them to try and deny their growing desires for another and will have further mother/daughter hook ups as well.

Mass Effect

Alrighty, for this one, I've got two cravings in mind. A smutty intergalactic adventure with sexy fem-Shep and a fiery love/hate romance between Jack and Miranda.

For the Shepard plot, I'm looking for something based around 2 and possibly 3 should the RP progress to that point. I'm leaving out 1 because alas…..I still have no played. Yea, I know, boo hiss whatever. Anywhosits, I'm not looking to do a shot for shot remake. Instead, I want to take the general plot and alter/sexy it up. Like, instead of Harbinger trying to kill Shepard, it sends its freaky minions to fuck her in an attempt to impregnate her to create some kind of crazy reaper/human hybrid.

Now, it won't just be Husks and what not tapping Shepards fine ass on a regular basis. In her quest to hunt down the Collectors, she'll also get frisky with normal aliens and humans. Like using her body in exchange for info she needs or getting jumped by a gang of pervy Batarians or having a drunken quickly with a Krogan during some R&R.

I'm not interested in pairing her with any canon characters like Gareth or Wrex. Originals only. Also, personality wise, I'll be putting my own twist on fem-Shepard. She'll still be a badass soldier, but also quite the wise ass and a bit of a perv. You can bet she'll be making a few comments on Miranda and dat ass for example.^_^

As for JackxMiranda, we could implement it in the above plot as a side story that eventually pops up. Or if you want to just do it, we could do something that takes place between 2 and 3 where the two are forced to work together for some reason, with another big argument turning into some hot angry sex between the two and the rather……unique relationship that results between the two.

Witcher 4

Obviously, this isn't really based on the recently announced game. What I'm wanting to do is a RP with Ciri post 3. That way, sezzy Ciri is free to go on her own naughty adventures without the threat of the wild hunt.

Got all kinds of ideas for this. Like new lusty monsters and such. We could even use her powers a bit and have her end up in other fictional universes, where she proceeds to have many erotic escapades.
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