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Mx Female Broodmother / Lair Queen / Birthing facility (Hyperpreg, hyper breasts, multiple vaginas, wombs and breasts, body morph, BDSM, deep romance)


Feb 3, 2022
Slovakia, Europe
Hello there,

this roleplay can take place in a fantasy, science-fiction, alternative universe or dystopian setting (the choice is completely up to you) where you will be playing a base-line human or near human female that will be slowly but systematically transformed into the ultimate and ideal brood mother / lair queen with many breasts, vaginas, wombs and limbs, constantly pregnant, birthing and re-impregnated. Bases on this RP is ideal for women with no or next to no limits, a very long kink list and a high amount of creativity and imagination. Your are highly encouraged to bring to the RP as much of your deepest, most secret and unsatisfied desires, fetishes and passions as possible as I want to please them all and overload you with pleasure.

Limits a few but there are no exceptions to them: underage, calling me “daddy“ and violence against any woman that was not specifically requested. You HAVE TO be a biological, non-transitioned female above the age of 25.

If you like this idea please do not be shy and reach out at your leisure. All who fit into the requirements listed above will be served. I play both in 1st or 3rd person singular, in all tenses. We can take it to discord if you like. Looking forward to hearing from you soon. Cheers.
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