Mx Female 1x1 M4F [PM Only] - Original Plots/Fandoms - Medieval, Modern, Future Fantasy - Ask if there's something you don't see!


Sep 8, 2010
Hey, all y'all. So my one request thread for a dominant female isn't bearing much fruit. I had one taker and she seems to have vanished into the ether maybe,, nuts to it. Figure I got some stuff in mind that might possibly attract other people.

Anyway, here's some general information:

  • I've been roleplaying for years. Decades, even, since the days of early internet. Remember BeSeen chatrooms, GeoCities, and when you actually had to pay for AOL? Yeah, that long.
  • I always do third-person. I roleplay, yes, but I am not my character.
  • How literate am I, you ask? My answer: more than enough for you. Though seriously, I usually average around 200 to 300 words per post, sometimes more, sometime less.
  • I DO NOT, AND WILL NOT, ADHERE TO ANY POST LENGTHS MINIMUM OR OTHERWISE!! I will give as much detail to a situation as I feel there needs to be, and no further. I despise being overly descriptive when I feel the situation does not warrant it. My intros tend to be pretty lengthy, however! Usually around 600-1300 words to help set the scene up.
  • I do prefer communication, but honestly, I've been ghosted before. Can't say I'm not guilty of doing the same -- after all, shit happens. Sometimes thing drop in your lap unexpectedly. That having been said I usually do like to keep in touch if something's going on or things are not working out.
  • I generally DO NOT DO faceclaims. You have an imagination; please use it.
  • If I absolutely must, I CAN search for a DRAWN image I can use however I will NOT utilize real life photos of people under any circumstances! I truly apologize if this is a deal-breaker to you, but this is a 100% hard-line stance that I will neither compromise nor negotiate on. I have very personal reasons for being averse to using them, and if you don't like it, then I suggest you look elsewhere.
  • I don't play canon characters anymore when it comes to any fandom. Please do not ask me to do so.

Either way, I may not respond to you right away, because I do work night shift and generally sleep during the day -- but rest assured I will get around to replying back to you at some point!

That having been said, let's get into pairings and ideas. If you're looking for a list of my kinks, you'll find them here!

Bold means I NORMALLY play this role
Italics mean I CAN play this role

In no particular order of preference:

-Trainer X Trainer
-Trainer X Pokemorph
-Pokemorph x Pokemorph
-Pokemon x Pokemon
--Master/Slave can be applied to any of the aforementioned.

-Dragon Alien Species x Human
-Dragon Alien Species x Furry Alien Species
-Bounty Hunter x Galactic Police Officer
-Bounty Hunter x Criminal
--Master/Slave can be applied to any of the above!

-Crown Prince x Princess
-Crown Prince x Commoner
-Crown Prince x Servant
-Crown Prince x Assassin
-Bodyguard x Princess
-Servant x Princess
-Dragon/Half-Dragon x Human
-Dragon/Half-Dragon x Elf
-Dragon/Half-Dragon x Furry Anthro
-Master/Slave can apply to any of these
-- Arranged Marriage
-- Masquerade/Costume Ball
-- Invasion/War
-- Harem

(Just please keep in mind: if I say No, then I mean NO.)
*If you play a female dominant role willing to accept male subs for plotlines then you'll virtually be automatically accepted on my end!*

(Barring some exceptional circumstances, anyway.)

So anyway, with the pairings out of the way -- let's get into PLOTS.

Pokèmon - Plot 1

Basically, the roleplay takes place in a brand new region known as the Vohkan Region. It is far, far directly to the west from Kanto and Johto....about as far as Hoenn would probably be south. Much like Hoenn, it is practically a sub-tropical region. Vokhan is large and expansive, being about the same size that Kanto and Johto together. Thing of the matter is, our general protagonist, Tekno Lajik (yes, another stupid punny name), is not predominantly a Pokemon trainer. He's an inventor, and a technological freak--he can't resist machines, which are his one, true passion. Despite this, however, he is a rather competent battler. However, wishing for a change of pace of his current life, he decides to adopt one....and quickly heads out to travel. The main reason for this is basically to advertise his works around the region, and eventually the world. And collect badges along the way (even though he's not interested in joining the League). Things aren't all that simple, however, as what seems to be a general Pokémon quest quickly deteriorates into yet another adventure involving friends old and new, betrayal, deep secrets....and a legend thought to never have existed.

Future Fantasy Plot

My typical RP for Future Fantasy really isn't all that great, character, Lumin Escintz, is a sort of a cross-combo between a galactic police officer, bounty hunter, and mercenary. Essentially, he works freelance but offers his services as a criminal hunter to various groups and agencies.

The idea is that long ago, the twisted Professor Savage was arrested, tried, and found guilty long ago for building bioweapons and generally violating the terms of the Intergalactic Terran Peace Treaty of 25XX. The professor, deemed a madman due to his twisted and vile experiments on lifeforms both plant and animals based, was beginning to conduct research on live beings when the IBI (Interstellar Bureau of Investigation) bust in to catch him red-handed.

Long story short, Professor Savage's research was forcibly destroyed by the government and the Professor himself was exiled to a barren wasteland of a planet, filled with little food or water for him to spend the rest of his days on without access to a laboratory or any basic essentials.

At least, that was the plan. Ten years later since his exile, and the Interstellar Federation (ISF) has received some strange signals coming from the planet that Savage had been exiled to. Knowing that no signal ever existed from the planet beforehand, the ISF is more than a little concerned about this strange activity and dispatched a couple of investigators to check into the situation. Contact was lost with them a day after they arrived on planet and no word had been heard from them since, but they were able to send word that--somehow, inexplicably, the once barren and deathly wasteland has been partially terraformed into an equally deadly jungle environment just before word was lost.

Three weeks since the disappearance of the two investigators, the ISF has decided that Prof. Savage is behind it as well as the strange activity coming from the planet. To that end, they are sending an entire strike commando to descend down to the planet to locate, capture, and bring Prof. Savage to them so he can answer for these enigmas...and answer to justice if need be. At the same time however, Lumin was sent by his agency with a similar agenda in mind. Only, instead his orders are to eliminate Savage, rather than capture him.

Medieval Fantasy Plot - Version A

My character, Drakengarde Nightwing is a full anthropomorphic humanoid dragon and the prince of Draconia. Essentially, the first plot is just a basic Arranged/Forced Royal Marriage w/ Optional Masquerade Ball, being arranged and forced against his will to marry a princess or other high noble of some country. Drake, being the rebellious guy he is (he hates his father, the King Tyrnas), doesn't want to at first....he sort of warms up to the lady....although eventually he is forced to runaway because he no longer stand his father's domineering ways.

Medieval Fantasy Plot - Version B-1

This idea would take place after Plot A, where Drake has already ran away and has set up his new home in a cave near a human village. Your character (which could be anybody else, or even royalty if you still want to, doesn't matter to me) meets Drake through...whatever process....and from there a friend of Drake's comes up to tell him that their nearby kingdom is being overrun by this demon sorceress. Drake is one of the only real person that they can turn to, because their own forces are ineffective. Plot B-1 can be an extension of Plot A, but they can also be stand alone plots in their own right. This is basically just a standard action/adventure "We're Gallivanting Off to Save the World (Again)" sort of idea.

Medieval Fantasy Plot - Version B-2

Alternatively, this could work as Drake simply exploring the world unrelated to the previous plot at all, and gets involved in a misunderstanding involving a dragon slayer. Perhaps they think he's the aforementioned demon sorcerer trying to overrun the nearby kingdom.

Medieval Fantasy Plot - Version C

This involves an invasion...and two (or more) countries at war. There are also elements of a Arranged/Forced Marriage, which is not just due to the parents of either party arranging them against their will, but the Prince of Draconia is actually invading the country of the princess/female noble with the intention of building his empire further, kidnapping her and holding her under house arrest to perhaps force her to marry him. Regardless, however, while my character might initially treat his newlywed wife rather badly, he does come to truly care for and love her...and she him.

General Fantasy Plot (Medieval/Future Fantasy/Pokemon)

This could work in either a Medieval, Future, or even Pokemon setting, but the idea at its core is basically my character owns a brothel of sorts, and is involved in trading and trafficking of his....wares. His wares of course being the girls he provides to serve his clientele.

His brothel could be covered by a front organization -- a casino, or gentleman's social club, but the idea is he would be living a double life masquerading as a legitimate business by day and a master training his ladies by night.

Exotic Tribes Plot (Modern / Medieval / Future Fantasy) - Version A

Your character is a college student interning on an expedition in this jungle environment looking through these ancient ruins, and either gets separated from her team or said team encounters a problem where their riverboat crashes and becomes damaged, and they're forced to rely on a native tribe for some assistance. ...Or said natives feel that the ruins, where are a central point to their culture and/or religion, are being desecrated so they attack the human archaeologists, managing to capture your character. My guy, in this instance, would either be one of the tribesmen or the tribe's leader.

Exotic Tribes Plot (Modern / Medieval / Future Fantasy) - Version B

Your character is a member of a rival tribe who is abducted by members of my character's tribe looking for brides, or just women in general to help grow and populate their numbers. MC just happens to become very attached and attracted to yours, culminating in the use of pet names and so on. Pregnancy/breeding would be a central kink to this RP, but it's not strictly required.

Exotic Tribes Plot (Modern / Medieval / Future Fantasy) - Version C

MC is some eccentric rich mogul who happens to be vacationing down in an exotic country. One day while on a safari or other such solo outing a native girl of a local tribe tries to approach him for whatever reason...probably to steal from him, probably some other reason. He easily manages to seize her, however, and takes her into custody under his roof. Amused by her antics and finding her attractive, he decides to keep her as his own, bringing her back to his country and keeping her as a sort of personal pet.

If you like to ask more information about a particular plotline, don't hesitate to do so!
Alternatively, we don't have to do ANY of these plots. If you have any ideas of your own, I would love to hear them! We could even mix and combine elements of both of our ideas if we'd like.
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